Student NameGrade
Please circle the term that indicates the degree of your concern regarding each skill area.
PhonologicalAwareness Skills
This student has:
Difficulty recognizing or reproducingrhyming words / Rarely / OftenDifficulty isolating sounds in beginning, final, and/ormedial position / Rarely / Often
Difficultysegmentingindividual sounds in words / Rarely / Often
This student has:
Difficulty learning or recallingnames of letters / Rarely / OftenDifficulty learning or recallingsounds of letters / Rarely / Often
Decoding and Word Recognition
This student has:
Difficultysounding out unfamiliarwords / Rarely / OftenDifficulty reading words in isolation / Rarely / Often
This student has:
Difficulty reading accuratelyin context / Rarely / OftenDifficulty reading grade level material at expected rate / Rarely / Often
This student has:
Difficultymemorizing words for spelling tests / Rarely / OftenDifficultyspelling in context / Rarely / Often
This student has difficulty with readingcomprehensionRarelyOften
Written Expression
This student has:
Difficultyconstructing sentences / Rarely / OftenDifficultyorganizinggradeappropriatewrittencompositions / Rarely / Often
Difficultyproducingsufficientwritten output / Rarely / Often
This student appearsto haveintellectualability equal to or above grade level peers. / No / YesThis student has grade levelmath calculation skills. / No / Yes
This student has grade levelmathreasoning skills / No / Yes
This student has reading difficultiesthat are unexpectedcompared to other abilities. / No / Yes
Oral Language
When listening,this student has:
Difficultyunderstanding verbal directions / Rarely / Oftenifficultyunderstandingstories readto him/her / Rarely / Often
When speaking,this student has:
Difficulty acquiring new oral vocabulary / Rarely / OftenDifficulty finding the right word / Rarely / Often
Difficultyspeaking in grammaticallycorrect sentences / Rarely / Often
Difficultyexplainingideas or elaborating onthoughts / Rarely / Often
This student:
Displays difficultyorganizing time and materials / Rarely / OftenIs easily distracted by sights or sounds / Rarely / Often
Does many things too quickly / Rarely / Often
Is often overactive or fidgety / Rarely / Often
Is inconsistent with production of classwork and homeworkassignments / Rarely / Often
This student:
Is slow withhandwritingand copying tasksRarelyOftenDisplays overall poor quality/illegiblehandwriting on writtenassignmentsRarely Often
Student’s Academic Development
English isasecond language for this student.NoYesThis student was retained in grade.
Thisstudenthasbeeninspecialprograms.(SpecialEducation,ReadingRecovery,etc.)NoYesPlease identify these:
Suggested work samples to include:
1.The student’smostrecentspelling test
2.A sample of the student’sunedited writing (journal entry,creative story, etc.)
3.The student’s mostrecentprogress report or report card
4.A copy of the most recent TPRI/early reading assessmentresults
This TeacherObservationQuestionnaire for Dyslexiamay be duplicatedandutilized in educationalsettings as a toolfor documenting parent concernsand observations. If it is edited or adapted, pleasecredit the source byincluding thestatement:“Adapted from the TeacherObservationQuestionnaire for Dyslexia,Texas ScottishRite Hospital forChildren.”