May-june 2017
Central Virginia Chapter 28 - Celebrating 41 Years
The Mended Hearts, Inc. Editor, PatBrown-Glover
Our mission: “Inspiring hope and improving the quality of life for heart patients and their families through ongoing peer-to-peer support
By Tommy Broughton
It is hard to believe, but we are almost through the first quarter of this year. It has started to warm up and things are getting nice and green. The only problem is the pollen and the problems it causes for a lot of people. Thank goodness in a few weeks it will be over.
Our March and April meetings have been good ones with great speakers. Our speaker at the March meeting was Dr. Jayanthi N. Koneru. He spoke on "Pacing and Afib". He talked about a new pacemaker "Micra" that is now being used for some patients. It is the smallest pacemaker in the world and is about the size of a capsule and weighs about the same as a penny. It is implanted in the heart, not outside, so there is no cutting of the chest and no bump or scarring. Also, there are no wires or "leads". An electrode on the tip of the device sends electrical impulses to pace the heart. Once implanted tissue will grow over it and it will stay there. This device is placed into the heart via a catheter through the femoral artery. Dr. Koneru also spoke about a device called "Watchman" that is placed into the heart via a catheter. It opens similar to a parachute andtissue grows over it. After a period of time patients are able to come off of blood thinners such as Warfarin.
At our April meeting our speaker was Dr. Chiwon Hahn who spoke on Aortic Valve Disease and TAVR - the latest treatment option. TAVR is an artificial valve which was developed by Edwards Lifesciences. Again this valve is placed into the heart via a catheter into the femoral artery. There is no open heart surgery and it is placed right inside the defective heart valve and begins working right away. Also present for this meeting was Carla Asta from Edwards Lifesciences in California along with Barry and Tom who are local representatives for Edwards. I'm sorry but I didn't get their last names. There was also a patient, Joyce, present who has had the TAVR valve installed
And she said "it has given me my life back". This was a great testimony for this new device.
To me, the information presented at these two meetings is simply amazing. The progress that is being made in heart health and treatment along with this latest technology is something we should all be so happy to see. These new devices are not for everyone but these are giant steps. Heart disease is still the number one killer but with the strides and advances being made maybe one day this will change. Let’s all hope and pray for that day.
In closing, I would like to recognize the winner of our $1,000.00 pharmacy scholarship for this year. The winner is Ms Arzo Hamidi who joined us at our March meeting. She is a very nice young lady who is a senior in the VCU School of Pharmacy and is very deserving of this honor. We congratulate her and wish her the very best in the future. You will see her photo elsewhere in this newsletter.
Enjoy the spring,
Chapter 28 meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm, alternating between Chippenham Hospital (Krause Auditorium, 2nd floor), and Henrico Doctor’s Hospital at Forest & Skipwith. We look forward to seeing everyone at our meetings! Come out and enjoy our excellent speakers.
We try to feature a speaker at each meeting. Please see schedule below.
Mended Hearts Chapter 28 welcomes all heart patients, their families, and any individuals interested in our program. Please contact Joe Shocket for further information.
- Email: Phone: 804-873-7889
Upcoming Meetings
May 2017-Dr. Sanford
June 2017-Ms. Michelle Gossip, BSN, RN
Dr. Koneru at the March 2017 Meeting…Dr. Koneru talked about “Pacing and Afib”.
Dr. Hahn at the April 2017 Meeting…Dr. Hahn presented information on the TAVR!
The year. It has been a year we can all be proud of. We have had some wonderful
Speakers. We have recruited new members, some of which have become accredited
Visitors. We are now visiting at Southside Regional Hospital. The visitation program at
McGuire Veterans Hospital is doing great and it looks like we will soon be visiting again
At Memorial Regional Hospital. Visits continue to go well at St. Mary's, Henrico Doctors
And Chippenham Hospitals. The thing that means the most to me by belonging to
Mended Hearts is visiting with these heart patients. When you are able to go into a room
And that patient is not feeling good, down in the dumps so to speak, you can cheer them
Up and show them they will be alright. They get a smile on their face and you feel better
So it is a win, win situation. We help them and they in turn help us.
I was not able to attend the September meeting and John Hagadorn filled in for me. I got
Several great comments on the job he did and I thank him. Our speaker, Dr. Koneru
Could not be there that night. He had an emergency surgery come up and he apologized.
He will speak to us early next year. In October Dr. Ellenbogen spoke to us about a
Healthy heart and a healthy brain. I have tried to maintain a healthy heart and never given
Any thought to the idea that by doing so we are also maintaining a healthy brain along
with all of our other organs. Lets all take our meds, exercise, eat healthy and control our
Weight. We were given a second chance so let’s take advantage of it.
As you know we give a $1,000.00 scholarship to a pharmacy student and a nursing
Student each year. The two students selected this year are ones we can be very proud to
have helped. The pharmacy student was with us several months ago and the nursing
student was at our meeting in October. You will find her letter of thanks elsewhere in this
newsletter. Be proud that we are able to do this and help these people who are going into
the medical field. I want to thank Estelle Grossman for the work she does in this
We took part in the Heart Walk again this year. Jerry Grossman has participated in this
and raised a tremendous amount of money over the years. For some reason six years ago
when I started walking in it he wanted me to carry a flag up front with him. This has
been quite an honor for me. This year Jerry and I were joined by Brooks McCormick up
front and Joe and Mae were not far behind us. More about this is in this issue as well.
Please come out and join us for November meeting at Chippenham Hospital, November
1st. We must vote on the officers for the new year. Our current slate of officers have all
agreed to stay on for another year. Also join us for our Holiday Celebration, December
6th, 6pm at Maggiano's Italian Restaurant in Short Pump. Let Carolyn Payne know if
you plan to attend. Her phone number is 804-739-1745. I hope you have a wonderful
Holiday and that the New Year will be a good one.
By Tommy Broughton
It is really hard to believe that the year is almost over. This will be the last newsletter of
the year. It has been a year we can all be proud of. We have had some wonderful
speakers. We have recruited new members, some of which have become accredited
visitors. We are now visiting at Southside Regional Hospital. The visitation program at
McGuire Veterans Hospital is doing great and it looks like we will soon be visiting again
at Memorial Regional Hospital. Visits continue to go well at St. Mary's, Henrico Doctors
and Chippenham Hospitals. The thing that means the most to me by belonging to
Mended Hearts is visiting with these heart patients. When you are able to go into a room
and that patient is not feeling good, down in the dumps so to speak, you can cheer them
up and show them they will be alright. They get a smile on their face and you feel better
so it is a win, win situation. We help them and they in turn help us.
I was not able to attend the September meeting and John Hagadorn filled in for me. I got
several great comments on the job he did and I thank him. Our speaker, Dr. Koneru
could not be there that night. He had an emergency surgery come up and he apologized.
He will speak to us early next year. In October Dr. Ellenbogen spoke to us about a
healthy heart and a healthy brain. I have tried to maintain a healthy heart and never given
any thought to the idea that by doing so we are also maintaining a healthy brain along
with all of our other organs. Lets all take our meds, exercise, eat healthy and control our
weight. We were given a second chance so lets take advantage of it.
As you know we give a $1,000.00 scholarship to a pharmacy student and a nursing
student each year. The two students selected this year are ones we can be very proud to
have helped. The pharmacy student was with us several months ago and the nursing
student was at our meeting in October. You will find her letter of thanks elsewhere in this
newsletter. Be proud that we are able to do this and help these people who are going into
The medical field. I want to thank Estelle Grossman for the work she does in this
We took part in the Heart Walk again this year. Jerry Grossman has participated in this
and raised a tremendous amount of money over the years. For some reason six years ago
when I started walking in it he wanted me to carry a flag up front with him. This has
been quite an honor for me. This year Jerry and I were joined by Brooks McCormick up
front and Joe and Mae were not far behind us. More about this is in this issue as well.
Please come out and join us for November meeting at Chippenham Hospital, November
1st. We must vote on the officers for the new year. Our current slate of officers have all
agreed to stay on for another year. Also join us for our Holiday Celebration, December
6th., 6pm at Maggiano's Italian Restaurant in Short Pump. Let Carolyn Payne know if
you plan to attend. Her phone number is 804-739-1745. I hope you have a wonderful
Holiday and that the New Year will be a good one.
HOSPITALITY-By George Kirchmier
If you are scheduled to bring refreshments and cannot make the meeting, please call either Tommy Broughton or George Kirchmier to make other arrangements.
If you have not signed up for the refreshment list, please do so soon. George will have the sign up list available at the next meeting for year 2017.
ByCarolyn Payne
Caring for each other is what we are about. Please call Sunshine Chairman Carolyn Payne (804-739-1745) if you know anyone who is sick or has experienced a loss, so that we may let them know the thoughts of their Mended Hearts friendsare with them. Hopefully everyone will stay well and healthy.
Hank Atkinson (Former Past President) is ill. Let’s keep him in our thoughts and prayers while he is in Johns Hopkins for treatment. Get well soon!
Brooks McCormick had a cath which led to a Psuedoaneurysm at the site of entry. He is now doing well!
Well wishes to the Tredway’s, Rick and Fran who have been dealing with bronchitis and the flu recently. We hope the remainder of 2017 is healthy for them!
“Hearty Times” is written for the education and information of our members and others concerned with heart health. It is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of your own physician. Contact your doctor or health professional about your symptoms and concerns.
They say…..Laugher is good for the Heart and Soul!
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from
the motor of a Harleywhen he spotted a well-known
heart surgeon in his shop. The surgeon was there,
waiting for the service manager to come and take a
look at his bike.
The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc,
can I ask you a question?"
The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the
mechanic working on the motorcycle.
The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a
rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its
heart, take valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and
when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get
such a small salary and you get the really big bucks,
when you and I are doing basically the same work?"
The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and
whispered to the mechanic...
"Try doing it with the engine running...."
Submitted by: Tommy Broughton
We see YOU!
The winner of this year’s Pharmacy Scholarship is Ms. Arzo Hamidi! Arzo was selected by the Awards Committee at VCU in recognition of academic performance, outstanding leadership, and involvement in community activities. She spoke at the March 7, 2017 Meeting. Congratulations!
Congratulations to our chapter members, Shushila Amin and Gerald Grossman for their participation in the Monument Avenue 10K! Shushila finished 59th in the women’s 65-69 age group with a time of 1:26:03 and Gerald finished in the men’s age group of 75-79 with a time of 1:37:44. Way to go! We are proud of YOU!
Our very own, Ethel Nelmes was recognized by the Modern Woodmen for her volunteer service in the community and they gave her a check for $100.00 made out to the organization of her choice. She chose our local Mended Hearts Chapter 28! She presented the check to our President, Tommy Broughton at the April 2017 Meeting.
And YOU!
The Health Fair at the VA Hospital with: (left to right) Leonard Amendola, Dr. Katlaps, Surgeon Greg Labenz (Administrator Thoracic and Transplant), Crystal (Nurse) and John Hagadorn.
Nice display with Leonard Amendola, John Hagadorn, and Randy Trombley!
Mended Little Hearts Annual Bowling Party in February with Morgan Perkins and Jerry Grossman. Jerry collected items for the Mended Little Heart Care Bags and presented them to Morgan. Remember to bring items and recyclable ink cartridges to our meetings to help Mended Little Hearts! Good Job Jerry!
The Kroger Family of stores is committed to bringing hope and help to local communities. They do this through a variety of activities, including charitable giving, sponsorships and the unique Community Rewards Program of Kroger. They are also committed to carefully protecting ourcustomers' personal information. In order to meet their expectation of privacy, they have adopted a simple policy to never share a customer's personal information. Our privacy policy applies to Community Rewards participation as well. As your neighborhood food retailer, they deeplyvalue their ability to support local organizations like ours.
Please sign up on the Kroger web site and see how these donations can really benefit Chapter 28. Chapter 28 members and all other individuals, please consider linking your Kroger Plus Shoppers Card(membership number) to the Kroger Community Rewards program. It helps Chapter 28 raise funds to support our programs of heart education and visiting heart patients and their families in area hospitals. .
Please visit the Kroger website and follow their prompts. If you need assistance please contact Treasurer Joe Shocket 804-748-3681. Thank You.
DONATIONS to Chapter 28
By Joe Shocket
Mended Hearts)-$250.00
(for hosting the TAVR Presentation on 4/4/17)
Sterling L Johnson
Ethel Nelmes
If you have any additions or corrections, please call Tommy Broughton at
(804) 598-4893
Patricia Brown-Glover-May 2007
John Myers-May 2014
Chris Snidow-May 2005
Ralph Ward-May 2008
Thomas Crowder-June 2008
Patsy Logan-June 2002
Bernard Lublin-June 1993
David Schneider-June 2016
Robert Soffee-June 1992
Catherine Jo Spence-June 1992
Leslie Updike-June 2000
PresidentTommy Broughton598-4893
John Hagadorn 1st Vice President379-7683
George Kirchmier 2nd Vice President739-1062
Keith EllisSecretary740-2570
Joe ShocketTreasurer748-3681
Joe Shocket Visiting Chair 748-3681
Joe Shocket AHA Liaison748-3681
Michelle McLees AHA Consultant 965-6589
Jerry and Estelle Grossman Scholarships741-0285
Joe Shocket and748-3681
Sharon FeldmanPublicity585-261-7196
Joe Shocket Statistician748-3681
Carolyn PayneSunshine Chair739-1745
Pat Brown-GloverNewsletter Editor894-2400
George KirchmierHospitality Chair739-1062
Joe ShocketWays and Means748-3681
Jodi LemacksMended Little Hearts419-7028
The Mended Hearts, Inc. 888-432-7899
All “804” area code unless otherwise stated