ECEN 2612Introductory Session (10 points)Lab #0
Your Name
- Show detailed work and write the “node equations” for the circuit shown here. You should getthree equations in the threephasor unknowns V1, V2, and I. They will include: (3.0 points)
- one standard KCL node equation at node V2,
- one “auxiliary” equation at node V1, and
- an Ohm’s law equation for I in terms of the node voltages.
- No calculators allowed for this step! Put your calculator away, and solve the equations longhand for V1. Put the answer in rectangular and polar forms. (Hint: The angles in a 3-4-5 triangle are 375390 degrees.) Use your answer for V1 to find the value of I, and put the result in rectangular form. Show your work and describe it carefully. (2.0 points)
- Next, fill in the following table, circling a yes or no: (1.0 point)
Your calculator make and model:
Can itsolve complex equations directly? (circle your answer) / yes / no
Can your calculator handle complex matrices? / yes / no
Can your calculator do complex arithmetic? / yes / no
If you circled any yes, do you know how to dothose operations? / yes / no
- Nextuse your calculator and do either part (A), (B), or (C)below to solve for the values of all three unknowns, V1, V2, and I. Show and/or describe the details of all the steps you use to generate the solution. Give the answers inboth rectangular and polar complex number forms. (2.0 points)
A)If your calculator can handle complex equations or complex matrices, solve the equations using matrix operations or use a “solve routine” in your calculator. Compare the answers with your longhand(step-2) results.
B)If your calculator does not handle complex equations or complex matric operations but will do complex arithmetic, reduce your three equations to one complex equation in the one complex unknown V2. Then use your calculator to solve the equation and to calculate the values of the other two unknowns. Compare with your step-2 results.
C)If you and your calculator do not do complex arithmetic, proceed as in part (B), using the real functions on your calculator (e.g., square, square root, arctan, sin, cos) to help with the arithmetic.
- Complex equations can be handled using real arithmetic. First eliminate V2 from the equations in order to have two equations in V1 and I. Next re-write thesetwo complex equations,which havethe two complex unknowns, as four real equations in four real unknowns. Then use your calculator to solve for the four unknowns. Again, compare your answers to previous ones. (2.0 points)
Recall: V = Vreal + j*Vimaginary where V = complex unknown, and Vreal , Vimaginary = real unknowns.
REPORT: Keep a complete record of all data, results, observations, and answers to questions, written neatly and legibly on the unlined side of standard engineering paper. Attach this lab sheet as a cover.
Today’s workis due by the end of today’s lab period! Do the best you can and turn in what you have!
P.Munro 24-May-2017 03:11 PM (save date) Page 1 of 1