Todd Beasley Memorial Scholarship

Todd Beasley (1975-2003) graduated from Louisburg High School in 1993. He was an above-average student, though by his own admission, he could have done better! He was active in various sports, plays, and school-related activities, which by his own admission, took far more of his time than did his academic endeavors! During his four high school years, Todd enjoyed every aspect of his LHS experience. He made the most of opportunities and enjoyed his life to the fullest.

During high school, Todd worked for Ed Arnett Construction where he decided his goal in life would be in the field of construction. He received the Kenny Arnett scholarship to help further his education in that field. After graduation from LHS, Todd attended Kansas State where he was active in the Sigma Nu Fraternity and other campus activities. He graduated with a degree in Construction Science in 1999. After graduation, he went to work for Pulte Homes of Greater Kansas City. He loved his job with Pulte and was named Superintendent of the Year for the greater KC area in 2000. He was married to Julie in 1999, and they became parents of Tate Alan in 2001. Todd’s battle with cancer began in 1999. He fought with determination and without complaint, but victory was not to be.

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a deserving young man or woman who graduates from Louisburg High School and who will be attending Kansas State University. Preference will be given to a student who plans to major in Construction Science, but it will not be the only consideration. Consideration will be on a well-rounded student, in good academic standing. Financial need will be considered, but will not be the main factor.

Applications must be received by the selection committee through the LHS Guidance Office by April 1st. The selection committee will be made up of 2 LHS teachers and the guidance office. Applicants shall include, with the completed application form, the required essay, an official LHS transcript, and a personal resume. An award of up to $1000.00 will be dispersed to the recipient upon proof of K-State University enrollment. Two alternates will be selected. If the winner of the scholarship does not meet the requirements, the money will go to the 1st alternate, then, if necessary, to the 2nd alternate.

Todd Beasley Memorial Scholarship Application

Name:____________________________________ Date:__________________


Age:____________ Social Security Number: ____________________________

Number of siblings living at home (names & ages):________________________


Number of siblings in college (names & ages): ___________________________


Father’s Name:_________________________ Occupation: ________________


Mother’s Name:________________________ Occupation:_________________


What Honors or Awards have you received at LHS?_______________________




What extra-curricular activities have you participated in?____________________




List any community involvement activities you have participated in (church, food drives, etc.): ______________________________________________________


Todd Beasley Memorial Scholarship Application

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Please indicate the amount of any accepted scholarships or grants you have received:_________________________________________________________


ACT/SAT Score: ___________________ Grade Point Average: _____________

Class Rank: _______________ Number in Class: ________________________

Work History:

How many months have you been employed during the last 12 months? _______

List those jobs:____________________________________________________



How many hours (on the average) have you worked per week?______________

Describe any other work activities, such as family farm, helping at home, family business, non-profit activities, etc.:_____________________________________



Financial need:

Using last year’s actual tax return, please indicate the income bracket that reflects the adjusted gross income level of your family.

_______ Under 25, 000 _______ 25,000 – 40,000

_______ 41,000 – 55,000 _______ 56,000 – 70,000

_______ 71,000 – 85,000 _______ 86,000 – 100,000

_______ Over 100,000

Please describe in 100 words or less why you want to further your education how this scholarship might help you do that. Please include any unusual circumstances that might affect the committee’s decision. Use a separate sheet of paper for this essay.