Wednesday, 11 – Thursday, 12April 2018
Escuela Judicial CGPJ, Ctra. De Vallvidrera 43-45, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
With financial support from the Justice
Programme of the European Union
The added value of the two day-long training consist of delivering in-depth insights on highly specialized topics pertaining to diversified aspects of Cross-border Insolvency.
Cross-border insolvency is more concerned with the insolvency of companies which operate in more than one country rather than the bankruptcy of individuals. Like traditional conflict of laws rules, cross-border insolvency focuses upon three areas: choice of law rules, jurisdiction rules and enforcement of judgment rules.However, in relation to insolvency, the principal focus tends to be the recognition of foreign insolvency officials and their powers.
The training will be carried out by leading academics and practitioners, expert speakers will be called to expand upon such aspects as jurisdiction, applicable law, EU instruments, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to the subjects of the seminar.
This training will combine theoretical lectures with practical workshops based on specialised case-studies and will serve as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and best practices between judges from across the EU.
WEDNESDAY, 11APRIL 2018 – moderator:Arantxa Alameda López, Head of External and Institutional Relations9.30 / Arrival and Registration of Participants
10.00-10.30 / Opening of the seminar, Welcome Words & Presentation of the European Judicial TrainingNetwork (EJTN)
Pre-Training Knowledge Assessment (Turning Technologies) / Ms. Sara SIPOS, Project Manager, European Judicial Training Network (EJTN)
10.30-11.30 / The Council Regulation 2015/ 848 on insolvency proceedings: an overview. Scope of application / Ms. Rute Lopes, Judge of the commercial court of Sintra, Portugal
11.30-12.00 / Coffee break
12.00-13.00 / International jurisdiction / Mr. Ignacio Sancho, Judge at the Supreme Court of Spain
13.00-14.00 / Lunch Break (training venue)
15.00-16.30 / Applicable law
Introduction to the workshop and division into groups
Workshop on practical cases / Mr. Fernando Cerdá,Professor of Commercial Law, University PompeuFabra of Barcelona, Spain
Workshop moderator & rapporteur
15.45-16.00 / Coffee Break during workshops
16.30-17.15 / Plenary session: discussion / solution of case studies
17.30 / End of Day 1 – bus departure to hotel
19.30 / Dinner Downtown Barcelona
THURSDAY, 12APRIL2018 – moderator: Arantxa Alameda López, Head of External and Institutional Relations
9.30 / Arrival and Registration of Participants
9.30-10.30 / Enforcement (recognition of insolvency proceedings in other Member States): the effects of the judgments openinginsolvency proceedings and other decisions deriving directly from the insolvency proceedings and which are closely linked with them / Mr. Heinz Vallender, former Judge at the Cologne Bankruptcy Court, Cologne and Director of the Institute on International and European Insolvency law at the University of Cologne, Germany
10.30-11.30 / Opening secondary proceedings. The right to give an undertaking in order to avoid secondary insolvency proceedings / Ms. Andrea Csöke, Judge at the Supreme Court of Hungary
11.30-12.00 / Coffee Break
12.00-13.00 / The cooperation between courts, between insolvency practitionersand courts and between insolvency practitioners in the case ofinsolvency proceedingsrelated to two or more members of a group of companies / Ms. Marie Jose Gerardts, Judge at the Court of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
13.00-14.00 / Lunch break
14.00-15.00 / Workshop on practical cases / Workshop moderator & rapporteur
15.00-15.45 / Plenary session: discussion / solution of case studies
15.45-16.00 / Assessment of Knowledge Acquired (Turning Technologies) / Ms. Sara SIPOS, Project Manager, European Judicial Training Network (EJTN)
16.15 / Closing remarks & end of conference
16.30 / Bus departure to hotel
Rute Lopes
Judge of the commercial court of Sintra, Portugal
Ignacio Sancho
Judge at the Supreme Court of Spain
Fernando Cerdá
Professor of Commercial Law, University PompeuFabra of Barcelona, Spain
Heinz Vallender
former Judge at the Cologne Bankruptcy Court, Cologne and Director of the Institute on International and European Insolvency law at the University of Cologne, Germany
Andrea Csöke
Judge at the Supreme Court of Hungary
Marie Jose Gerardts
Judge at the Court of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
European Judicial Training Network
123, rue du Commerce
B-1000 Bruxelles
Phone +32 2 280 22 42
Fax +32 2 280 22 36