Timber industry complex of the region

Timber industry complex of the region is represented by 180 organizations actually engaged in productive activities. Industry can be divided into several sub-sectors - harvesting of hardwood, hardwood processing and wood - сhemical . Over the period 2008 - the first half of 2009 the development of allotment does not exceed 20% of the annual allowable cut.

Wood chemical subsectors represented by a single company Closed Joint Stock Company «Ametis», producing a larch stump winter harvesting oils, resins, dietary supplements and other bioflavonoids.

The lowest part of the enterprises located in the provincial and district centers, working on the purchase raw materials, can be attributed only to the timber sub-sector.

Most enterprises have the right and leads and logging and timber operations.

The volume of logging activities:

The main enterprises, to harvest more than 85% of wood in the region, and processing it, are as follows:

1 / Open Joint Stock Company LPK "Tyndales" / 676080, с.Tynda, Profsoyuznaya str, 7,
tel. / fax 8 (41656) 474-73, 429-00, e-mail: / timber, lumber
2 / Open Joint Stock Company "Zeya LPK" / 676200, c.Zeya, Zapadny lane, 9, tel. / fax
8 (41658) 244-72, e-mail: / timber, lumber
3 / Open Joint Stock Company “ Taldansky LPH" / 676090, Skovorodinsky distriсt, settlement Taldan, Lisina str/, 65, tel. / fax 8 (41654) 243-17, 243-15
e-mail: / timber, lumber, firewood, wooden sleeper
4 / Closed Joint Stock Company "Turanles" / 676282, с.Tynda, Mohortova str., 10, of.420,
tel / fax 8 (41656) 405-29
www.turanles.ru / timber, lumber, moldings, laminated lumber
5 / Closed Joint Stock Company "Ametis" / 675020, Blagoveshchensk, Naberejnaya River Zeya str. 68,
tel. / fax 8 (4162) 531-560, 531-073, 522-653
e-mail: ,
www.ametis.ru. / Dihydroquercetin, arabinogalactan, oil larch, dietary supplements, plant growth stimulator, gum, etc.
6 / Closed Joint Stock Company "East-Cyprus"
Limited Liability "Visa" / 675029, c. Blagoveshchensk, Zaburhanovskaya str., 96, tel. / fax 8 (4162) 352-284
e-mail: / timber, lumber
7 / Limited Liability
“Hsin-Chun " / 675000, c. Blagoveshchensk, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 123, of.16, 8 (4162) 518-612 / timber, lumber, furniture
8 / Limited Liability "Construction company" Vostokstroyinvest " / 675000, c. Blagoveshchensk, Severnaya str. 96 / 1,
tel. / fax 8 (4162) 522-991, 52-29-97
e-mail: / timber, lumber
9 / Limited Liability
“Amur timber industry complex " / 675000, c.Blagoveshchensk, Gorkogo str. 9
tel. / fax 8 (4162) 513-257,
e-mail: / timber, veneer, sawn timber
10 / Limited Liability
“Luck-Forest” / 675000,c Blagoveshchensk, .Muhina str., 31,
tel. / fax 8 (4162) 522-165,
e-mail: / timber, lumber
11 / Limited Liability "Rhododendron"
Limited Liability “Oasis” / 676300, Shimanovskij district, s.Muhino, Kirova str , 1,
tel. / fax 8 (41651) 223-20, 219-98
e-mail: / timber, lumber, sleepers
12 / Limited Liability "Belvud" / 676800, c.Belogorsk, Stroitelny lane, 1a
tel.89145-38-30-40 / timber, lumber, logs round
13 / Limited Liability “Mostootryad-T " / 676850, c.Belogorsk, Kirova str., 279B,
tel. / fax 8 (41641) 227-58,
e-mail: / timber, lumber, moldings, details of housing, production houses
14 / Limited Liability «AmurForest» / 675000, Blagoveshchensk, Kalinina Str, 116/3A, tel. / fax 8 (4162) 35-61-81,
e-mail: / timber, lumber
15 / Limited Liability "TAC" Sinani” / 675000, Blagoveshchensk, Chaykovsky Str, 7, of.304, tel. / fax 8 (4162) 53-51-90,
e-mail: / timber, lumber
16 / Limited Liability "AmurStroyKom" / 675000, c. Blagoveshchensk, Gorky str 136, office 1, tel / fax 8 (4162) 515-946, 515-947
www.amurstroykom.ru / manufacture and installation of wooden houses made of logs, timber and brick
17 / Limited Liability
"Amur company DIA" / 675029,c. Blagoveshchensk, Zavodskaya str., 154,
tel. / fax 8 (4162) 352-074, 351-542,
e-mail: . / manufacture and installation of wooden houses made of logs, conventional and profiled bar
18 / Limited Liability "Electro-Service" / 677000, , settlement Novobureysky, Sovetskaya str., 35
tel. / fax: 8 (41634) 22-012 / timber, lumber
19 / Limited Liability “Delo Kucherova " / 687000, Mazanovsky district, s.Krasnoyarovo, Stolyarnaya str, 1, tel. / fax: 8 (41644) 271-48,
e-mail: / timber, joinery, wooden houses and structures
20 / Peasants farm «Alexandra»" / 676620, s.Romny, Stroitelnaya str. 13 / 1,
tel. / fax 8 (41645) 916-41, 917-03,
e-mail: / timber, lumber
21 / Individual proprietor VF Vasiliev
Wood manufacturing base "Cedar" / 675000, Blagoveshchensk, Pionerskaya str. 204 / 2, tel. / fax 8 (4162) 425-791, 422-005 / lumber, moldings, laminated lumber
22 / Individual proprietor Golovko, KA / 676570, Fevralsk, tel. / fax 8 (4162) 593-419 / timber, lumber, logs Round
23 / Individual proprietor Peresypkin V.F.
Individual proprietor
Burd E.G. / 676091, Erofey Pavlovich, tel. / fax 8 (41654) 293-64 / timber, lumber, moldings

Some forestry enterprises of the investment projects. Projects Ltd. "IC" Vostokstroyinvest ", LLC" AmurForest "identified as priorities at the regional level. Projects Ltd. Mostootryad-T "and CJSC" Turanles "included in the list of priority investment projects in the field of forest development at the federal level.