Botvin LifeSkills Training

Barnardo’s is currently piloting Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) across the UK. This is a highly effective evidence based substance abuse and violence prevention programme. LST concentrates on a preventative approach which aims to provide young people with the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to make healthy choices.

Studies testing its effectiveness have found that LST can reduce the prevalence of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs by up to 75% and the effects can last up to 6 years.

The programme was developed by Dr Gilbert J Botvin, professor of Public Health and Psychiatry at Cornell University’s Weill Medical College and director of Cornell’s Institute for Prevention Research.

LifeSkills Training is different from other prevention programmes in several important ways:

1.  It is based on scientific evidence of what causes substance abuse.

2.  It doesn’t just focus on one aspect. It teaches a combination of health information, general life skills and drug resistance skills.

3.  It is facilitated in a manner which incorporates proven skills training methods.

4.  Its effectiveness is documented by over 20 years rigorous research.

The LST programme is designed for young people aged 11-14. This programme consists of 30 sessions which are designed to be taught in sequence over a three year period. The first year of the programme consists of 15 sessions, the second year consists10 sessions and the third year consists of 5 sessions.

The sessions delivered will cover a range of issues including:

·  Self-image

·  Making decisions

·  Myths and realities of smoking, alcohol and cannabis

·  Advertising

·  Coping with anxiety

·  Communication skills

·  Social skills

·  Resisting peer pressure

·  Assertiveness.

With additional optional sessions based on violence and the media, coping with anger and resolving conflicts.

If you are interested in finding out a little more please contact:

Heidi ClarknSenior PractitionernLifeSkills Training n ntel :0151 228 4455 n 109 Eaton Road Liverpool L12 1LU


Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605

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