Anatomy and Physiology, Semester 2
UWHS (Bio 118)
Ms. Fisher
Welcome to second semester Anatomy and Physiology. The course will follow basically the same structure and format of first semester with one exception. This semester contains a systems project that you will prepare to present to two distinctly different audiences—your colleagues, and primary school students. The description, guidelines, and rubrics will be provided to you during class. Every student is required to actively contribute to meet the requirements of this course. Those of you who already registered for UW Bio 118 will complete the course by completing this semester. Your final UW grades will be submitted at the end of the school year.
The following unitswill be explored during the second semester:
- Support and Transport
- Integration and Coordination
- Absorption and Excretion
- Human Life Cycle
CLASS MATERIALS:Please bring the following to class every day!
- Textbook: Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Notebook:(composition notebook, one per semesterspiral notebooks MAY NOT BE USED). All work will be completed in your science notebookunless otherwise specified.
- Additional Materials Needed:
- Three-Ring Binder
- Calculator
- Pens and Pencils
- Gloves
- Colored Pencils(25)
- Glue Sticks
CLASS PROCEDURES: (ALL CHS rules and procedures apply)
- Attendance: Regular attendance in class is vital. Due to the nature of the class, make-up of labs/lectures/assessments is difficult. It is expected that you make up missed work the date you return to school. Some labs involve materials that are perishable, thereby making alternative lab days impossible. Late assignments will not be accepted. All unexcused absence assignments are automatically zeros.
- Tardy: Be IN the room, IN your seat and ready to learn BEFORE the tardy bell rings. (See student handbook tardy policy).
- Courtesy: Be respectful. You are not the only one in the room. You don't have the right to disrupt others from learning or me from teaching.
- Bathroom: Students are encouraged to use the bathroom before and afterclass. Permission to use the bathroom will be both limited and monitored.
- Laboratory Rules: Safety rules and procedures are essential. Failure to comply will result in expulsion from the lab and loss of lab points. There will be no food or drinkconsumed in the lab area. See separate lab safety agreement for details.
- Laboratory Fee: There is a required $25.00 lab fee due one time per year. Labs are based on dissection and are a required, significant component of the class.
- Seating- Seats will be assigned with reassignments made periodically. When the period ends, please wait quietly in your seat to be dismissed.
- Cheating: Is unacceptable and will count as a zero. Two strikes and you may be dropped from the class. Please see your CHS student handbook. The following are examples of cheating:
- Being in possession of another student’s science notebook or paper,
- Allowing a student access to your science notebook or paper or providing another student with your science notebook or paper,
- Working in a group and copying answers from your lab group members.
- Assessments: At the end of each chapter and/or unit an assessment will be given. Quizzes may be given at any time without warning. Projects will have firm deadlines. This means that the project is due on the due date and will not be accepted late for any reason. A systems project and presentation will be required for the semester—the format will be discussed in class.
- Labs: Lab study is required in this course. Any preparation associated with labs must be completed on time in order to perform the lab. The format for lab reports will be discussed in class.
- Homework: Assigned daily. Students must keep up with the reading and preparation in order to succeed in class.
- Grades: Will be frequently updated. Progress should be monitored via the UPSD Skyward site. Access codes are available through the main office. Grades will be weighted using the following percentages:
- Tests = 50%
- Quizzes = 15 %
- Lab work = 25 %
- Science Notebook = 10%
A = 93 & above, A- = 90 up to 93, B+ = 87 up to 89, B = 83 up to 86, B- = 80 up to 82, C+ = 77 upto 79, C = 72 up to 76, C- = 70 up to 72, D+ = 67 up to 69, and D = 60 up to 66
- CommunicationThe best way to get in touch with me and keep track of your young adult’s progress is by email. My email is keep track of daily assignments, in-class work, projects, and class notes you can access my web page. The web page can be accessed by going to the selecting Curtis High School Teacher Pages Gretchen Fisher.
TENTATIVE Syllabus—Spring 2017—items may be added, subtracted, or modified at Ms. Fisher’s discretion.
Semester Two / DateDUE / Title / Reading Assignment pages
02/02/17 / Chapter 8: Muscular System / 168-201
02/03/17 / Lab: Muscle Function Analysis
02/07/17 / Lab: EMG and muscle fatigue
02/10/17 / Chapter 8 Exam
02/14/17 / Chapter 9: Nervous System / 202-247
02/15/17 / Lab: Computer simulation: action potential
02/17/17 / Lab: Neuromuscular reflexes (14A)
03/03/17 / Lab: Sheep brain dissection
03/10/17 / Chapter 9 Exam
03/13/17 / Chapter 10: Somatic and Special Senses / 248-275
03/14/17 / Lab: Ear and hearing
03/15/17 / Lab: Eye structure with dissection
03/23/17 / Lab: Eye Model
03/24/17 / Chapter 10 Exam
03/30/17 / Chapter 11: Endocrine System / 276-301
03/31/17 / Chapter 11 Exam
04/04/17 / Chapter 15: Digestion and Nutrition / 385-427
04/07/17 / Chapter 15 Exam
04/28/17 / Lab: Pig dissection
04/28/17 / Pig Lab Practical
05/02/17 / Chapter 16: Respiratory System / 428-452
05/05/17 / Chapter 16 Exam
05/10/17 / Chapter 17: Urinary System / 453-473
05/12/17 / Chapter 17 Exam
06/02/17 / Lab: Cat dissection
06/02/17 / Lab: Cat Lab Practical
06/05/17 / Chapter 19: Reproductive System / 490-519
06/12/17 / Chapter 20: Human Life Cycle / 520-547
06/16/17 / Chapters 19 and 20 Exam
06/19-20/17 / Final Exams
Anatomy and Physiology, 2016-2017Student/Parent Contract, Semester 2
Student Name______
(please print)
Class Period______
TeacherMs. Fisher
Wehave read and agree to abide by each of the following handouts:
- Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus—update for semester 2
- The Lab Safety Contract—from semester 1
Student Signaturedate
Parent or Guardian Signaturedate
Parent / Guardian E - mail______
Parent/ Guardian Phone # ______
home work
Vikings show Perseverance RespectIntegrityDeterminationExcellence