University of Craiova - Faculty of Physics
AΦC – Graduate Physicists Association at the University of Craiova
Craiova’s branch of the Romanian Physics Society
The County School Inspectorate of Dolj
January Presentation session of the event
date: 21.01.2005, place: Liric Theatre Craiova
contact person: prof. Radu Constantinescu, Ph.D
e-mail:, tel+40744345462
February Students excelling in physics: passion, effort, confirmations
date: 25.02.2005, place: ISJ Dolj
contact person: insp. Liviu Cotfasă, e-mail: , tel: +40724 487784
March Session “AΦC - Graduate Physics Association at the University of Craiova”
date : 12-13.03.2005, place: Rm.Vâlcea
contact person: prof. Gh. Colţan, “Lahovari” College Rm.-Vâlcea
April Physics Festival(contests on physics themes, book openings, exhibition“The History of Physics”)
date:16-24.04.2005, place: Craiova and Oltenian area
contact person: prof..Marcela Ursache, Ph.D
email: , tel. +40 251 415077
prof.Liviu Ionescu, e-mail:, tel: +40 745077183
May The contest “Liviu Tătaru” for performant high school students
date: 5-6.05.2005, Place: Craiova
Contact pers.: prof. Florea Uliu,Ph.D,
e-mail: , tel: +40 251 415077
May The days of the Physics Faculty from Craiova
date: 12-15. 05.2005,place: University of Craiova
contact person: prof. Ecaterina Marinescu, Ph.D.
e-mail: , tel. +40 251 415077
May Simposyon “Physics at an anniversary time”
date: 14-15.05.2005, place: ISJ Dolj
contact person :insp Liviu Cotfasă,
e-mail:, tel: +40724 487784
June Generation exchange - Homage to the physics teachers of Dolj”
date: 17 06.2005, place: University of Craiova
contact person: prof. Radu Constantinescu, Ph.D
e-mail:, tel+40 744345462
prof. Liviu Cotfasă, e-mail: , tel: +40 724 487784
July – August Conferences on physics themes
in partenership with Radio Oltenia, Craiova
September – Octomber Contest “Excellence in Physics”
date: 14-16.10.2005, place: Craiova
contact person: prof. Stelian Ursu,
head of The Area Excellence Center of Oltenia, tel: +40 744588391
November “ Inventica “– Ideas and original achievements contest for students and Alumni
date: 12.11.2005,place: Craiova
contact person: prof. Stelian Ursu,
head of the Area Excellence Center of Oltenia, tel: +40 744588391