AugustaCounty, Virginia / SCIENCE CURRICULUM
2008 Revision Team
Jenny Groh
Central Office
Meranda Graves
StuartsDraftHigh School
Mark Metcalfe
FortDefianceHigh School
David Moody
RiverheadsHigh School
Joseph Morris
WilsonMemorialHigh School

Mission Statement:

The Chemistry standards are designed to provide students with a detailed understanding of the interaction of matter and energy. This interaction is investigated through the use of laboratory techniques, manipulation of chemical quantities, and problem-solving applications. Scientific methodology is employed in experimental and analytical investigations, and concepts are illustrated with practical applications.

Students will understand and use safety precautions with chemicals and equipment. The standards emphasize qualitative and quantitative study of substances and the changes that occur in them. In meeting the chemistry standards, students will be encouraged to share their ideas, use the language of chemistry, discuss problem-solving techniques, and communicate effectively. Technology is employed where feasible to assist in this process.

The Chemistry standards continue to focus on student growth in understanding the nature of science. This scientific view defines the idea that explanations of nature are developed and tested using observation, experimentation, models, evidence, and systematic processes. The nature of science includes the concepts that scientific explanations are based on logical thinking; are subject to rules of evidence; are consistent with observational, inferential, and experimental evidence; are open to rational critique; and are subject to refinement and change with the addition of new scientific evidence. The nature of science includes the concept that science can provide explanations about nature, can predict potential consequences of actions, but cannot be used to answer all questions.

Material Resources:

The textbook used and referenced in this curriculum guide is Holt Chemistry (Myers, R., Oldham, K., & Tocci, S. (2006). Holt chemistry. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.) and all its supplemental materials.

Each section also has related web sites that can be used in conjunction with the textbook.
Suggested Pacing Guide:

Topic / Holt Chemistry Textbook Correlation / SOL Correlation / Suggested Days to Complete
The Science of Chemistry
Matter and Energy / Chapter 1
Chapter 2 / 1a-i,2h / 7 days
Atoms and Moles / Chapter 3 / 2a-c,g,i,3c,e / 7 days
The Periodic Table / Chapter 4 / 2d-f / 6 days
Ions and Ionic Compounds
Covalent Compounds
Nomenclature / Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 5 & 6 / 3a,c,d / 9 days
The Mole and Chemical Composition / Chapter 7 / 1g / 5 days
Chemical Equations and Reactions
Stoichiometry / Chapter 8
Chapter 9 / 1g,3b,c,e,4b,e / 6 days
Causes of Change / Chapter 10 / 5d-f / 6 days
States of Matter and Intermolecular Forces
Solutions / Chapter 11
Chapter 13 / 4e, 5c / 6 days
Gases and the Kinetic Molecular Theory / Chapter 12 / 4a,c,d,5a-c / 8 days
Chemical Equilibrium
Reaction Rates / Chapter 14
Chapter 16 / 3f,4f / 7 days
Acids and Bases / Chapter 15 / 4g / 6 days
Oxidation, Reduction, and Electrochemistry / Chapter 17 / 3e / 6 days
SOL Review and Test / 7 days
Final Exam / 4 days

Topic: The Science of Chemistry and Matter and Energy

/ VDOE Scope and Sequence Organizing Topic: Introduction to Chemistry
VDOE Standard of Learning Correlation:
CH.1 The student will investigate and understand that experiments in which variables are measured,analyzed, and evaluated produce observations and verifiable data. Key concepts include
a) designated laboratory techniques;
b) safe use of chemicals and equipment;
c) proper response to emergency situations;
d) manipulation of multiple variables, using repeated trials;
e) accurate recording, organization, and analysis of data through repeated trials;
f) mathematical and procedural error analysis;
g) mathematical manipulations (SI units, scientific notation, linear equations, graphing, ratio andproportion, significant digits, dimensional analysis);
h) use of appropriate technology including computers, graphing calculators, and probeware, forgathering data and communicating results; and
i) construction and defense of a scientific viewpoint (the nature of science).
CH.2 The student will investigate and understand that the placement of elements on the periodic table is a function of their atomic structure. The periodic table is a tool used for the investigations of
h) chemical and physical properties.

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes

In order to meet this standard, the student will use hands-on investigations, problem solving activities, scientific communication, and scientific reasoning to
  • apply experimental design used in scientific investigation:
° Perform and design experiments to test predictions;
° Predict outcomes when a variable is changed;
  • use graphs to show the relationships of the data:
° Dependent variable (vertical axis)
° Independent variable (horizontal axis)
° Scale and units of graph
° Regression lines
  • demonstrate precision in measurement;
  • identify and properly use the following basic lab equipment: beaker, flask, graduated cylinder, test tube, test tube rack, test tube holder, ring stand, wire gauze, clay triangle, crucible with lid, evaporation dish, watch glass, wash bottle, and dropping pipette;
  • identify, locate, and properly utilize MSDS and laboratorysafety equipment, including aprons, goggles, gloves, fire extinguishers, fire blanket, safety shower, eye wash, broken glass container, and fume hood;
  • express measurements in SI units and know the SI prefixes ofmilli-, centi-, deci-, and kilo-;
  • read instruments, considering significant figures, and performmathematical operations using significant figures;
  • use appropriate technology, such as graphing calculator and probeware interfaced to a graphing calculator or computer, to collect and analyze data;
  • make the following measurements, using the specified equipment:
° Volume: graduated cylinder and pipette;
° Mass: electronic balance;
° Pressure: barometer or pressure probe;
° Temperature: thermometer or temperature probe.
  • understand that matter is classified by its chemical and physical properties;
  • demonstrate the following basic lab techniques: filtering, decanting, using chromatography, lighting a gas burner;
  • differentiate between physical and chemical properties, using common examples.

Web Resources

Density Lab
Graphing, observations, atoms, matter – worksheets and labs
Chemical Skills (significant figures, metric system, dimensional analysis, percent error) – worksheets and labs
Measurements Animations and Tutorial
Lab Encyclopedia with descriptions and how to use instruments
Matter – worksheets

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Topic: Atoms and Moles

/ VDOE Scope and Sequence Organizing Topic: Atomic Structure
VDOE Standard of Learning Correlation:
CH.2 The student will investigate and understand that the placement of elements on the periodic table isa function of their atomic structure. The periodic table is a tool used for the investigations of
a) average atomic mass, mass number, and atomic number;
b) isotopes, half lives, and radioactive decay;
c) mass and charge characteristics of subatomic particles;
g) electron configurations, valence electrons, and oxidation numbers;
i) historical and quantum models.
CH.3 The student will investigate and understand how conservation of energy and matter is expressedin chemical formulas and balanced equations. Key concepts include
c) writing chemical formulas (molecular, structural, and empirical; and Lewis diagrams);
e) reaction types (synthesis, decomposition, single and double replacement, oxidation-reduction,neutralization, exothermic, and endothermic).

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes

The student will use hands-on investigations, problem solving activities, scientific communication, and scientific reasoning to
  • review location, charge, and relative size of subatomic particles — electron, proton, and neutron;
  • examine the periodic table in regard to the following:
° The atomic number of an element is the same as the number of protons;
° In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons;
° The average mass for each element is the weighted average of that element’s naturally occurring isotopes;
  • calculate relative atomic mass;
  • explain that an isotope is an atom that has a different number of neutrons than is found in other atoms of the same element and that while some isotopes are radioactive, many are not;
  • determine the half life of a radioactive substance;
  • describe alpha, beta, and gamma radiation with respect to penetrating power, shielding, and composition;
  • recognize that discoveries and insights have changed the model of the atom over time;
  • explain the emergence of modern theories based on historical development;
  • relate the following major insights regarding the atomic model to the principal scientists listed below:
° Particles: Democritus
° First atomic theory of matter: John Dalton
° Discovery of the electron: J. J. Thomson
° Discovery of the nucleus: Ernest Rutherford
° Discovery of charge of electron: Robert Millikan
° Planetary model of atom: Niels Bohr
° Quantum of energy: Max Planck
° Uncertainty principle: Werner Heisenberg
° Wave theory: Louis de Broglie
  • understand that
 electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom, based on their energy level;
 atoms can gain or lose electrons within the outer energy level;
  • apply the following principles of electron configuration:
 Aufbau Principle; Pauli Exclusion Principle; Hund’s Rule;
 Energy levels are designated 1–7. Orbitals are designated s, p, d, and f according to their shapes. These orbitals relate to regions of the periodic table.
 Loss of electrons from neutral atoms results in the formation of an ion with a positive charge (cation).
 Gain of electrons by a neutral atom results in the formation of an ion with a negative charge (anion).

Web Resources

Half-life and Radioactive Decay
Atoms, Isotopes, Matter – worksheets
Moles, Molar Mass, and Mole conversion - worksheets and labs
History of Atoms -Lab

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Topic: The Periodic Table

/ VDOE Scope and Sequence Organizing Topic: Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table
VDOE Standard of Learning Correlation:
CH.2 The student will investigate and understand that the placement of elements on the periodic table is
d) families or groups;
e) series and periods;
f) trends including atomic radii, electronegativity, shielding effect, and ionization energy.

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes

The student will use hands-on investigations, problem solving activities, scientific communication, and scientific reasoning to
  • use, for any neutral atom of a particular element, the periodic table to determine atomic number, atomic mass, the number of protons, the number of electrons, and the number of neutrons;
  • point out that
the Periodic Law states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, theirphysical and chemical properties show a periodic pattern, which is periodicity;
the periodic table is arranged by increasing atomic numbers;
periods and groups are named by numbering column and rows;
  • understand that
electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom, based on their energy level;
atoms can gain or lose electrons within the outer energy level;
  • use an element’s electron configuration to determine the number of valence electrons and possible oxidation numbers;
  • apply the following principles of electron configuration:
Aufbau Principle;Pauli Exclusion Principle;Hund’s Rule;
Energy levels are designated 1–7. Orbitals are designated s, p, d, and f according to their shapes. Theseorbitals relate to regions of the periodic table.
Loss of electrons from neutral atoms results in the formation of an ion with a positive charge (cation).
Gain of electrons by a neutral atom results in the formation of an ion with a negative charge (anion).
  • identify the location of the following on the periodic table: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, halogens, noble gases, and metalloids;
  • determine that
vertical columns, called “groups,” have similar properties because of similar valence electron configurations;
horizontal rows, called “periods,” have somewhat predictable properties based on an increasing number of outer orbital electrons;
  • graph data to determine relationships and trends;
  • identify the following trends in the periodic table:
Shielding effect is constant across the period and increases within given groups from top to bottom.
Atomic radius decreases from left to right and increases from top to bottom within given groups.
Ionization energies generally increase from left to right and decrease from top to bottom of a given group.
Electronegativity increases from left to right and decreases from top to bottom.
  • relate the following major insights regarding the atomic model to the principal scientists listed below:
Periodic table: Dmitry Mendeleev, Henry Moseley.

Web Resources

Atoms, orbital diagrams, electron configurations – worksheets and labs
Periodic Table and Trends – worksheets and labs

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Topic: Ions, Ionic Compounds, Covalent Compounds, and Nomenclature

/ VDOE Scope and Sequence Organizing Topic: Bonding, Nomenclature, and Formula Writing
VDOE Standard of Learning Correlation:
CH.3 The student will investigate and understand how conservation of energy and matter is expressed in chemical formulas and balanced equations. Key concepts include
a) nomenclature;
c) writing chemical formulas (molecular, structural, and empirical; and Lewis diagrams);
d) bonding types (ionic and covalent).

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes

The student will use hands-on investigations, problem solving activities, scientific communication, and scientific reasoning to
  • recognize that bonds form to achieve stability;
  • explain the Law of Multiple Proportions and the Law of Definite Composition;
  • differentiate between empirical, molecular, and structural formulas;
  • identify and use:
chemical formulas;
coefficients, chemical symbols, and subscripts;
  • illustrate how negative and positive ions are formed and how to represent them;
  • summarize the following concepts about ionic bonding:
Ionic bonds involve the transfer of electrons.
Ionization energy is the amount of energy needed toremove an electron from an atom in the gas phase.
Elements with low ionization energy form ions easily.
  • recognize that transition metals can have multiple oxidation states;
  • summarize the following concepts about covalent bonding:
Covalent bonds involve sharing of electrons.
Polar molecules result when a molecule behaves as if one end were positive and the other negative.
Electronegativity is the measure of attraction of an atom for electrons in a covalent bond.
  • name and write formulas for certain elements that naturally occur as diatomic molecules, including oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen;
  • name binary and ionic compounds, using the roman numeral system where appropriate;
  • name compounds, using the IUPAC system;
  • recognize the formulas and names of the polyatomic ions carbonate, sulfate, nitrate, hydroxide, phosphate, and ammonium;
  • know chemical formulas for certain common substances, including water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon tetrafluoride;
  • draw Lewis dot diagrams to show covalent bonding;
  • predict, draw, and name linear, bent, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, and trigonal pyramidal molecular shapes;
  • recognize polar and nonpolar molecules;
  • calculate percent composition.

Web Resources

VSEPR Theory:
Bonding, Lewis Dot Structures, and VSEPR – worksheets and labs
Nomenclature- worksheets and labs

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Topic: The Mole and Chemical Composition

/ VDOE Scope and Sequence Organizing Topic: Stoichiometry
VDOE Standard of Learning Correlation:
CH.1 The student will investigate and understand that experiments in which variables are measured, analyzed, and evaluated produce observations and verifiable data. Key concepts include
g) mathematical manipulations (SI units, scientific notation, linear equations, graphing, ratio andproportion, significant digits, dimensional analysis).

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes

The student will use hands-on investigations, problem solving activities, scientific communication, and scientific reasoning to
  • understand that elements and compounds react in different ways;
  • summarize the following basic concepts of stoichiometry:
 Atoms and molecules are too small to count by usual means.
° A mole is a way of counting any type of particle, such as atoms, molecules, and formula units.
  • know and use the following:
° Avogadro’s number;
° Molar volume;
° Molar mass;
  • illustrate that
° scientific notation is used to write very small and very large numbers;
° ratios and proportions are used in calculations;
° the last digit of any valid measurement must be estimated and is therefore uncertain;
° dimensional analysis is a way of translating ameasurement from one unit to another unit.

Web Resources

Mole conversions - worksheets and labs

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Topic: Chemical Equations, Chemical Reactions, and Stoichiometry

/ VDOE Scope and Sequence Organizing Topics:
Chemical Reactions and Equations and Stoichiometry
VDOE Standard of Learning Correlation:
CH.1 The student will investigate and understand that experiments in which variables are measured, analyzed, and evaluated produce observations and verifiable data. Key concepts include
g) mathematical manipulations (SI units, scientific notation, linear equations, graphing, ratio andproportion, significant digits, dimensional analysis).
CH.3 The student will investigate and understand how conservation of energy and matter is expressed in chemical formulas and balanced equations. Key concepts include
b) balancing chemical equations;
c) writing chemical formulas (molecular, structural, and empirical; and Lewis diagrams);
e) reaction types (synthesis, decomposition, single and double replacement, oxidation-reduction,neutralization, exothermic, and endothermic).
CH.4 The student will investigate and understand that quantities in a chemical reaction are based on molar relationships. Key concepts include
b) stoichiometric relationships;
e) solution concentrations.

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes