ML01 / Market Hub
ML02 / Market Location
ML03 / Market Location District


ENUMERATOR: Interview all shops starting with the largest shop (by ag-input sales) and work down. Ask to interview the store owner or manager. Seek the respondent’s consent by reading the informed consent paragraph.

C01. Name of Retail shop ______

C02. Has this shop sold any of these agricultural inputs: maize seed, herbicide, pesticide, fertilizer in the past 12 months? ______YES…1 NO…2. If ‘NO’, end survey.

1-Respondent Details

ENUMERATOR: Ask these questions of the individual you encounter in the shop. If this person is not the primary decision maker (owner/manager) please write down this person’s information, as well as the name and contact information of the primary decision maker. Then, contact the primary decision maker and attempt to set a time to interview that person to fill out the remainder of the questionnaire.

Question / Code / Response
C03. What is your name?
C04. What is your position in this shop? / SHOP POSITION CODE
if C04 is not 1 or 2 then skip to C07. If C04 is 2, skip to C08.
C05. What is the owner/manager’s name?
C06. What is the phone number of the owner/manager?
C07. What is your phone number?

2-Shop Details

ENUMERATOR: Ask these questions of the most knowledgeable person on these topics. Usually that is the manager or the owner.

Question / Code / Response
C08. Position of respondent / SHOP POSITION CODE
C09. In what year did you become the manager? / (year)
C10. How many employees work in this shop including yourself?
C11. Is this shop officially registered to sell agricultural inputs? / Yes…1

3-Structure of shop

Question / Code / Response
C13. Does this shop have electricity? / Yes…1
No…..2 > C15
C14. How many power outages did this shop experience in a typical month over the last 12 months?
C15. What is the primary building material of this shop? / BUILDING MATERIAL CODE
C16. What is the total selling area of this shop (in square meters)?

4-Products and Sales

C17. In what year did this shop first start selling agricultural inputs?
C18. Have you ever carried products with a scratch-off label so that the customer can check product quality? / Yes…1
No…..2 > C21.
C19. In what year did you carry products with a scratch-off label?
C20. Do you currently carry any products with a scratch-off label?
C21. Are your sales of agricultural inputs / Permanent-year round……………………..……..1
Temporary (some months, not consistent)…..…2
Seasonal (some months, consistent annually)...3
C22. What share of this shop’s total sales are made up of sales of agricultural inputs?

5-Decision-Maker Details.

ENUMERATOR: Ask these questions of the individual who is the primary decision maker (possibly owner/manager) of this shop, in terms of deciding what products to stock and how to manage the store.

Question / Code / Response
C23. What is your name?
C24. What is your position in this shop? / POSITION CODE
C25. In what year did you become the manager?
C26. What is your phone number?
C27. Enumerator: Were you able to interview the decision maker for the shop? / Yes…1
C28. Can you read or write in any language? / Yes…1
C27. What is your level of education? / EDUCATION CODE
C28. What is your age (in years)?
C29. What is your gender / Female ….1
Male ……..2
C30. What is your marital status? / MARITAL STATUS CODE
C31. How many members are there in your household?
Enumerator: For this survey, a household is defined as a group of people who live and eat together, share resources and form a common decision-making unit. / Yes…1

6-Banking and Credit

Question / Code / Response
C32. Position of the respondent / POSITION CODE
C33. Does this shop currently have any outstanding loans? / Yes…1
C34. Does this shop purchase products on credit? / Yes…1
C35. Does this shop have a bank account? / Yes…1
No…..2 > C37.
C36. Is the bank account the same as that of the owner’s? / Yes…1
C37. How do you keep track of your inventory? / INVENTORY CODE
C44. Does the shop own this building? / Yes…1
C45. Does the shop own this land? / Yes…1

Enumerator: Ask these questions of the most knowledgeable person on these topics. Usually that is the manager or the owner.


C46. Position of Respondent…………….. POSITION CODE _____

Products / Did this shop stock this product anytime in second season 2013?
No…2 / Did this shop stock this product anytime in first season 2014?
No…2 / How many different brands/varieties have you carried anytime in first season 2014? / What proportion of your sales of fertilizer is this product? / Product details
2nd season 2013 / 1st season 2014 / 2nd season 2014
What month did sales start for [Product]? / What was the peak month of sales for [Product]? / What month did sales start for [Product]? / What was the peak month of sales for [Product]? / What month will sales start for [Product]? / What will be the peak month of sales for [Product]?
C47. / C48. / C49. / C50. / C51a. / C51b. / C51c. / C51d. / C51e. / C51f.
1 / Maize seed
2 / Glyphosate herbicide
3 / Insecticide
4 / NPK fertilizer
5 / Urea fertilizer

8- Product Varieties - MAIZE

List all the varieties of [Product] you have in stock or have sold in the past year for this product. / Other
(enable if C48a = 997) / Do you know if this variety is an Open Pollenated Variety (OPV)/local variety, or if it is a hybrid / improved variety? / Do you sell this variety by weight from openedbulk containers in this shop? / What was the market share of [product] for this variety? / Container size(s) / Source(s)
What container size(s) did you have in stock for this variety in the past year? (list all sizes for each variety that are sold in a sealed package or container) / What is the price for each size?
Please use the current or most recent price / How many units did you sell of this size for this variety in 1st season 2014? / Name of source(s) where you purchased this product for this season (list all sources for this variety): / What kind of source is this? / What is the location of this source?
Don’t know 3 / Yes…1
No…..2 / (Percent) / UNIT CODE / Quantity / (UGX) / Retail shop……1
Another farmer..3
Other…………..5 / (name of town/city)
C52a – m / C52b - m / C53 – m / C54 – m / C55 – m / C56a – m / C56b – m / C56c – m / C56d – m / C57a – m / C57b – m / C57c – m
1 / 1
2 / 1
3 / 1
4 / 1
5 / 1


8- Product Brands - HERBICIDE

List all the varieties/brands of [Product] you have in stock or have sold in the past year for this product. / Other
(enable if C48a = 997) / Do you sell this product by weight from openedbulk containers in this shop? / What was the market share of [product] for this brand? / Container size(s) / Source(s)
What container size(s) did you have in stock for this variety in the past year? (list all sizes for each brand that are sold in a sealed package or container) / What is the price for each size?
Please use the current or most recent price / How many units did you sell of this size for this /brand in 1st season 2014? / Name of source(s) where you purchased this product for this season (list all sources for this brand): / What kind of source is this? / What is the location of this source?
No…..2 / (Percent) / UNIT CODE / Quantity / (UGX) / Retail shop……1
Another farmer..3
Other…………..5 / (name of town/city)
C52a – h / C52b – h / C54 – h / C55 – h / C56a – h / C56b – h / C56c – h / C56d – h / C57a – h / C57b – h / C57c – h
1 / 1
2 / 1
3 / 1
4 / 1
5 / 1

8- Product Brands – FERTILIZER

List all the brands of [Product] you have in stock or have sold in the past year for this product. / Other
(enable if C48a = 997) / Do you sell this product by weight from openedbulk containers in this shop? / What was the market share of [product] for this brand? / Container size(s) / Source(s)
What container size(s) did you have in stock for this variety in the past year? (list all sizes for each /brand that are sold in a sealed package or container) / What is the price for each size?
Please use the current or most recent price / How many units did you sell of this size for this brand in 1st season 2014? / Name of source(s) where you purchased this product for this season (list all sources for this brand): / What kind of source is this? / What is the location of this source?
No…..2 / (Percent) / UNIT CODE / Quantity / (UGX) / Retail shop……1
Another farmer..3
Other…………..5 / (name of town/city)
C52a / C52b / C54 / C55 / C56a / C56b / C56c / C56d / C57a / C57b / C57c
1 / 1
2 / 1
3 / 1
4 / 1
5 / 1

9- Farmer/Market Perceptions

Question / Code / Response
C58. Position of Respondent / POSITION CODE
C59. What do you think are the three greatest problems faced by farmers in adopting agricultural inputs such as hybrid maize seeds, herbicides, and fertilizers? / PROBLEM CODE / a.First ______
b.Second ______
C60. Do you provide advice to farmers about which products to purchase? / Yes…1
C61. Do you provide advice to farmers about what brands of products to purchase? / Yes…1
C62. How do you decide which products to recommend? (Do not read responses. Check all that apply). /
  1. Products that are effective
  2. Products that are affordable to that customer
  3. Products that are new
  4. Products that are overstocked
  5. Other (please specify)
C63a. Which hybrid maize seed variety do you recommend most often? / MAIZE VARIETIE CODE
C63b. Other
C64a. Which brand of glyphosate herbicide do you recommend most often? / GLYPHOSATE BRAND CODE
C64b. Other
C65a. Which brand of fertilizer do you recommend most often? / FERTILIZER BRAND CODE
C65b. Other
C66. How do you decide which products to stock? (Do not read responses. Check all that apply) /
  1. Products that customers ask for
  2. Products we stocked last year
  3. Products that sold well last year
  4. Try to stock new products
  5. Price
  6. Profitability
  7. Other (please specify)
C67. How do you decide who to purchase your products from? (Do not read responses. Check all that apply) /
  1. Best price
  2. Convenience of acquiring products
  3. Established relationship/trust
  4. Other (please specify)
C68. How knowledgeable do you think farmers are about agricultural inputs and practices? / Not at all knowledgeable……..1
Not too knowledgeable…...... 2
Somewhat knowledgeable…3
Very knowledgeable………...5
C69. Do you give farmers advice on how to properly use agricultural inputs? / Yes…1



DH04 / 1 / Longe 6H / 19 / Agro-sate 360 SL / 1 / Sweep W.S / 19 / Agroleaf/Agrloblen / 1
DH06 / 2 / Longe 7H / 20 / Coopersate 36%SL / 2 / Touchdown / 20 / Algifol TM / 2
DK8031 / 3 / Longe 8H / 21 / Glycel 41% SL / 3 / Touchdown 48%SL / 21 / Bio Zinc / 3
FH500S / 4 / Longe 9H / 22 / Glyphosate / 4 / Twiga Glyphosate / 22 / Bio-Forge / 4
FH6150 / 5 / MM3 / 23 / Glyphotox / 5 / Weed End / 23 / Bio-Potash / 5
H10H / 6 / PAN 67 / 24 / Glyweed / 6 / Weed Up / 24 / Biophos / 6
H614 / 7 / PAN67 / 25 / Green Fire / 7 / Weed-Up 48% SL / 25 / Megacal / 7
H614 / 8 / Ssalongo / 26 / Helosate (Twigasate) / 8 / WeedFire / 26 / New Suryamin / 8
H628 / 9 / UH 5053 / 27 / Kalach Extra 70 SG / 9 / Weedall / 27 / Sett Enhanced / 9
H629 / 10 / UH 6063 / 28 / Kalachi 360 SL / 10 / Weedmaster 50%SL / 28 / Sugar Mover / 10
H6H / 11 / UH5051 / 29 / LB-Glyphosate / 11 / Willosate 36% / 29 / Vegimax / 11
H7H / 12 / UH5052 / 30 / Liphosate / 12 / Other / 997 / Other / 997
KH500-43A / 13 / UH6303 / 31 / Mamba / 13
KH600-15A / 14 / YARA 41 / 32 / Pin-Up 48% SL / 14
Longe 10H / 15 / YARA 42 / 33 / Round UP 36% SL / 15
Longe 11H / 16 / YARA41 / 34 / Round Up Turbo / 16
Longe 4 / 17 / YARA42 / 35 / Roundfam / 17
Longe 5 / 18 / Other / 997 / Super Weeder / 18



Household Identification / Name / Code
ComID. Computer Number
A01. Market hub / Prefilled
A02. Market location code / Prefilled
A03a. District / Prefilled
A03b. Subcounty / Prefilled
A04. LC1 / Prefilled
EnumID. Enumerator / Prefilled
A05. Household Number / Prefilled


Question / Name / Code
A06a. Enter the correct name of the LC1 if it is incorrect in the list above
A06b. Enter the correct name of the subcounty if it is incorrect or missing in the list above
A07a. GPS – Latitude (N/S) / 1=N, 2=S
A07a_1. GPS – Latitude degrees
A07a_2. GPS – Latitude minutes (mm.mmm’)
A07b_1. GPS – Longitude (E) degrees
A07b_2. GPS – Longitude (E) minutes (mm.mmm’)
A07c. Accuracy (meters)
A07d. Elevation (meters)
A07e. Were you able to interview this household?? / 1..Yes>A08 2..No
A07f. Why not? / Codes
A08. What is the name of household head (Surname, First name)?
A09. What is the common household name in the village? / >End of Survey if A07e=2
A10. Name of the Primary Respondent (Surname, First name)
(Try to interview the household member who is the primary decision maker on agricultural activities for the household)

Informed Consent

We are conducting a short survey to learn about the activities of households in this community regarding farming and other activities. I would like to ask you some questions about your household. Your participation in this short interview is completely voluntary. Do you agree to take part in this survey?
A15. Consent given / Yes…1
A16a. Date/time stamp


First, I would like to ask you some information about your household. For this survey, a household is defined as a group of people who live and eat together, share resources and form a common decision-making unit. A household member is anyone who met these criteria more than half of the time during the past 3 months. The household head is the individual who plays a leading role in household decision-making, particularly household economic activity and expenditures.

B01. How many people currently live in this household?
B03. Of the current household members, how many are less than 3 years old?
B04. What is the respondent’s relationship to the household head?
B05. Who is the person in this household who mainly makes decisions about agriculture, including purchasing inputs?
B06. Relationship of [B05 Name] to the household head?
B07. Sex
2=F / B08.
Age / B09. Marital status / B10. Can [Name] read and write in any language?
2=No>B10B / B10A. What is [Name]’s primary written language? >B11 (Codes) / B10B. What is [Name]’s primary spoken language? (Codes) / B11. Education level
(Highest grade completed) / B12. During the last 12 months, what was [NAME]’s main economic activity
Household head
Decision maker (B05)
[disable if B06 =1]


Question / Response option / Response
C01 / During the past two cropping seasons (Season 1 2014 and Season 2 2013), did any member of your household cultivate any crops for household consumption or sale? / Yes….1 > C03
C02 / Why did your household not cultivate any crops in the past two cropping seasons? >NEXT SECTION / No access to land...... 1
Other economic activities.....2
Bad weather...... 3
Illness in family...... 4
Other economic shock...... 5
C03 / When was the last season that your household cultivated any crops? / Season 1, 2014…....1
Season 2, 2013…………… 2
C04 / What is the total land area that your household cultivated during [the last season that your household cultivated any crops (C03)]? / (acres)
C05 / During the past two cropping seasons, did your household cultivate any maize? / Yes1
C06 / What are the three most important crops that your household cultivated in [the last season that your household cultivated any crops (C03)], in terms of total area cultivated?
(List crops in order of most area cultivated, second most area cultivated, third most area cultivated. If less than 3 crops are cultivated, select “None”) / a)______

Enumerator: These questions should be asked of the person who makes the decisions regarding agriculture and agricultural input purchases (person named in B05) if possible.


PRODUCT / Did your household purchase any [PRODUCT] in the past two cropping seasons (Season 1 2014 or Season 2 2013)?
Yes...1 > C10a
Don’t know...9 / If no, why not?
Too expensive...... 1
Not available in nearby markets..2
Don’t trust the quality...... 3
Don’t need to use this product....4
Don’t know how to use...... 5
No money...... 6
Believe that product will harm soil fertility...... 7
Other...... 8 / Was the maize seed that you purchased conventional/local, hybrid or some of each type?
(check all that apply)
Hybrid...... 2
Don’t know...... 9 / What type of inroganic fertilizer did your household purchase?
(check all that apply)
Other...4 / Where was this product most frequently purchased for use in the past two cropping seasons (Season 1 2014 and Season 2 2013)?
Retail shop……..1
Another farmer....3
Informal ag inputs dealer……………4
Other…………….6 / What is the location of this source?
This village……………………………1
Another village in this district………..2
The market location trading center…3
The nearest trading center…………..4
The district trading center……………5
Another district center……………..…6
Other………………………….………..8 / Were you usually satisfied with the quality of the [PRODUCT] you purchased from this source?
No…2 / If no, why not?
Did not germinate……1 (Maize only)
Yield lower than expected………………2
Quality not what was expected……….……...3
Too expensive………..4
Vulnerable to pests...... 5 (Maize only)
Vulnerable to drought…6 (Maize only)
C08 / C09 / C10 / C11 / C12 / C13 / C14 / C15
1 / Maize seed
2 / Glyphosate herbicide
3 / Inorganic fertilizer


Enumerator: These questions should be asked of the person who mainly makes decisions about agriculture, including agricultural input purchases (person named in B05) if possible.

Question / Response options / Response
D01 / Does [Name in B05] have his/her own mobile phone? / Yes…1
No…2 >D02b
D02a / Does [Name in B05] have access to any other working mobile phone? / Yes…1 >D03
D02b / Does [Name in B05] have access to a working mobile phone? / Yes…1
No…2 >D04
D03 / How many working mobile phone does [Name in B05] own or have access to? / Number
D04 / Does anyone else in this household have access to any other working mobile phones? / Yes…1

Now I would like to ask you some questions about phones that [Name in B05] owns or has access to.

(disable if D01 = 2 and D02b==2)).

ID / PHONE NUMBER / D05. Pleaselist the phone numbers that he/she uses most frequently, in order of frequency of use (up to 3)
Enumerator: Enter 999999999 if the respondent cannot recall the phone number or does not know it.
(0) / D05a. If the respondent refused to provide the phone number, list the reason.
Does not want unsolicited calls/SMS..2
Phone owner not in this household………...... 3
Phone not working…..4
Cannot find phone number……………….5 / D06. Phone number verification
Enumerator (test call or own number test): Please validate the phone number by flashing the phone or verifying the number on the phone directly using the codes at the bottom of the table. Document the verification used
Flash: heard the phone ring or saw the missed call………1
Verified number on the phone by entering * or # code…..2
Phone not currently working…3
Saw the phone, but unable to verify…4
Phone was not present….5
Network not available….6
Other….7 / D07. Who owns this phone?
[Name in B05]………1
Another member in this household….…..2
A neighbor……….....3
A family member in the village………...…4
A friend in the village……………….5
Another person outside the village…6 / D08. How often does he/she use this number?
Every day…………1
At least 4 times/week……….2
At least 1 time/week but less than 4 times/week……….3
At least 1 time/month……….4
Less than 1 time per month……………..5
Never------6 / D09a. Does he/she ever use this number to send SMS messages?
Don’t know…9 / D09b. Does he/she ever use this number to receive SMS messages?
Don’t know…9 / D11. Would he/she be willing to receive promotional messages on this phone line for new agricultural products available in nearby shops?
1 / Primary phone number
2 / Secondary phone number