GREEK DERIVATIVES use your dictionary, laptop or other device to find words which contain these Greek and Latin derivatives, then construct a sentence using each word properly. You may also combine them to more efficiently execute the sentences. Week 1/25/16: First 25 Week 2/1/16 Second group 1-30 Week 1/8/16 Last group 1-30. Submit to website portal, or turn in hard-copy.

1) PHIL (PHILO): “loving,” “fond of”

2) PHILE at the end on the word means “one who loves or supports”

3) MIS: “hate” (the opposite of PHIL)

4) DYS: “bad,” “ill,” “difficult”

5) EU: “good,” “well,” “advantageous”

6) MACRO: “large,” “long”

7) MICRO: “small”

8) A (AN): “not,” “without”

9) MONO (MON): “one,” “single,” “alone”

10) POLY: “many”

11) LOGY: “”science, study,” “account of”

12) BIO: “life”

13) TOMY (TOM): “cutting,” “operation of incision”

14) POD: “foot”

15) HOMO: “one and the same,” “like”

16) HETERO: “different”

17) HYPER: “above,” “beyond the ordinary”

18) HYPO: “under,” “beneath,” “less than the ordinary”

19) ENDO: “within”

20) EXO: “out of,” “outside”

21) ARCHY: “rule”

22) GEO: “earth,” “ground”

23) PATH (PATHO, PATHY): 1. “feeling,” “suffering”; 2. “Disease”

24) MORPH: “form”

25) PERI: “around,” “about,” “near,” “enclosing”


  1. a, ab: away, from
  2. ad: to
  3. ante: before
  4. bi: two
  5. circum: around
  6. con (col, com, cor): together, with
  7. contra: against
  8. de: from, down
  9. dis: apart, away
  10. e, ex: out
  11. extra: beyond
  12. in (il, im, ir): not
  13. in (il, im, ir): in, into, on
  14. inter: between
  15. intra: within
  16. ob: against
  17. per: through thoroughly
  18. post: after
  19. pre: before
  20. preter: beyond
  21. pro: forward
  22. re: again, back
  23. retro: backward
  24. se: apart
  25. semi: half
  26. sub: under
  27. super: above
  28. trans: across, through
  29. ultra: beyond, exceedingly
  30. vice: in place of


  1. RUPT: “break,” “burst”
  2. CIDE: “killing,” “killer”
  3. STRING (STRICT): “bind,” “draw tight”
  4. VOR: “eat greedily”
  5. VIV: “live,” “alive”
  6. TORT (TORS): “twist”
  7. VICT (VINC): “conquer,” “show conclusively”
  8. FRACT (FRAG): “break”
  9. OMNI: “all,” “every,” “everywhere”
  10. FLECT (FLEX): “bend”
  11. TEN (TIN, TENT): “hold,” “keep”
  12. MON (MONIT): “warn”
  13. MAND (MANDAT): “order,” “command,” “commit”
  14. CRED (CREDIT): “believe”
  15. FID: “faith,” “trust”
  16. GRAT: “pleasant,” “thank,” “favor”
  17. MOR (MORT): “death”
  18. CORP: “body”
  19. DUC (DUCT): “lead,” “conduct,” “draw”
  20. SECUT (SEQU): “follow”
  21. CUR (CURR< CURS): “run”
  22. GRESS (GRAD): “step,” “walk,” “go”
  23. PED: “foot”
  24. TACT (TANG): “touch”
  25. PREHEND (PREHENS): “seize,” “grasp”
  26. JECT: “throw”
  27. VERT: “turn”
  28. MIS (MISS, MIT, MITT): send
  29. LOCUT (LOQU): “speak,” “talk”
  30. FER (FEROUS): “bearing,” “producing,” “yielding”