pearson longman Correlation of Expressways 1
The student is able to… / PEARSON LONGMANWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SKILLS / Expressways 1
Key: SB= Student Book, TE= Teacher’s Edition, WB= Workbook, TP= Testing Program, RE= Realia
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to Obtain Employment.
18.01 Identify different kinds of jobs using simple help wanted ads. / SB (73-79): Skills and occupations. TP (28): Reading “HelpWanted” Ads. TE (155): Finding a Job. RE: Job Listings
18.02 Describe personal work experience and skills. / Job Skills: SB (78-79), WB (51), TP (27, 30-32), TE (153-156)
18.03 Demonstrate ability to fill out a simple job application without assistance. / RE: Provide blank job application forms to be filled
Individually and reviewed in groups. TP (31): Blank Form.
18.04 Produce required forms of identification for employment (photo I.D.). / Discussion: Valid forms of identification and how to get
them: Passports, Drivers’ Licenses, State ID Cards
18.05 Identify social security & income tax deductions. / RE. and Discussion: Information on a W-4, W-9 forms.
18.06 Demonstrate ability to respond to basic interview questions. / SB (73-79). TP (30 Expand on ex. F, G). Role Play: Relevant
Information. What to expect, how to prepare.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to Maintain Employment.
19.01 Demonstrate understanding of employment expectations, rules, regulations and safety. / TP (32 Expand on ex. J). Group activity: Chart likely rules,Expectations and restrictions for different jobs. Discuss.
19.02 Demonstrate understanding of basic instruction and ask for clarification on the job. / SB (82-83): Reflections, discuss. TE (163-164): Expansion
on Model Conversation. RE: Safety and Liability issues.
19.03 Demonstrate appropriate treatment of co-workers (politeness and respect). / SB (84-85): Cross talk. SB (88-89): Reflections. TP (47): Small
Talk. Discussion: Politeness and informality at work.
19.04 Identify parts of pay stub and deductions. / RE: Pay Stub: Analyze Gross Pay and Net Pay, Overtime
Pay, Taxes and Deductions.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary for Career Advancement.
20.01Explore educational opportunities for job advancement. / RE: Review (brochures, course descriptions) of programsLeading to professional development and certification.
20.02 Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills and positive attitude at work. / SB (84-86): Communicating at work. SB (88-89): Making
Small talk. Discussion: Work ethic and positive attitudes.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to access Applied Technology.
21.01Demonstrate knowledge of operating equipment necessary for home and work. / SB (20,22,40,44): Using the Phone, the Laundromat,Buses, Trains. RE: The Use of a Calculator, Basic
Computer Skills. Role Play: Managing the Cash Register.
STANDARD 22.0 Demonstrate English Skills necessary for effective Interpersonal Communication.
22.01Demonstrate ability to report personal information including gender and marital status.
/ SB (2-13), WB (3-7), TE (6-10), TP (4,10) Expansion andDiscussion: Blended families, maiden & married names.
22.02Demonstrate ability to make appropriate formal and informal introductions, greetings, and farewells. / SB (1-5, 10-15), WB (1-2, 8,11), TE (2-29), TP (3,6,8)
Role Play: Introductions, Greetings and Farewells
22.03Use and respond to polite expressions. / SB (132-152), WB (8,31,92), TE (81), TP (5,6)
22.04 Demonstrate appropriate non-verbal communication skills. / TP (9,53): Eye Contact and Gestures. Discussion: Body
Language and hand signals and their meaning in context.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary for effective Telephone Communication.
23.01 Demonstrate ability to request operator assistanceand use of 911. / SB(106-107), WB(12,73), TP(35), TE(18, 216-218)
Role Play: Reporting emergencies.
23.02Use appropriate telephone greetings leave an oral message and take a written message. / SB (18-22, 27-28, 30-31), WB (13-16,19-21), TP (13,35)Role Play: Leaving and Taking down messages.
23.03 Demonstrate understanding of basic parts of a telephone bill. / RE: Compare Land line and Cellular telephone bills.
Review Taxes, service areas, local and long distance.
23.04 Demonstrate ability to operate public and cellular telephones, pagers, and use of a telephone card. / SB (18-22, 27-28, 30-31), WB (12-16,19-21), TP (35), TE (30-43)
Discussion: Calling plans, Calling Cards.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to communicate effectively on Health and Nutrition Topics.
24.01Identify body parts. / SB (92,101), WB (62,69), TP (33-34), TE (184-186, 202-204)24.02Define health care vocabulary (emergency room, doctor, nurse, dentist, hospital, clinic, and health department). / SB (91-101), WB( 62-64), TP (33-34), TE (178-186)
Role Play: Emergency Room Admissions Desk.
Discussion: Medical Care System and Home Remedies
24.03Request doctor’s appointment, communicate symptoms and injuries and follow doctor’s instructions. / SB (94-105), WB (65-71), TP (34-36), TE (193-210).
Discussion: Insurance and Drug Prescription Plans,
Consulting the Family Doctor and Specialists
24.04Read and interpret information on medicine labels. / SB (104-105), WB (72), TP (36-38), TE (212-215)
24.05Identify basic foods and food groups, including nutritional information on food labels. / SB (64-71,102-103), WB (44-47), TP (23-26), TE (122-137)
Discussion: Obesity, Diets, Caloric Intake and Exercise.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to understand U.S. concepts of Time and Money and how to use these skills to function.
25.01Identify and use ordinal and cardinal numbers. / SB (46, 52, 118-119,166-167), WB (81), TP (18), TE (246)25.02Interpret clock time. / SB (96-97), WB (66), TP (17-18), TE (193-197)
25.03Demonstrate use of a calendar by identifying days of the week and months of the year. / SB (84-85), WB (55-57), TP (50-52,54), TE (167-170)
25.04Convert dates to numeric form. / TP (50-52), Exercise: Month, Day, Year sequence.
25.05Count and use U.S. coins and currency. / SB (120-122), WB (82-84), TP (25-26,43-46), TE (247-252)
25.06 Identify checking and savings accounts, write a check and record information in checkbook and savings register. / RE: A Checking Account Ledger: Identify type of entry.
A Blank Check: Fill in the blank spaces.
A Savings Book: Register interest and service fees.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to access Transportation and Travel.
26.01Identify transportation options. / SB (40-43), WB (26-28), TE (73-76)26.02 Identify transportation costs, schedules and practices (exact change, tips). / SB (42-43), WB (26-28), TP (17-18), TE (73-80)
Discussion: Public transportation etiquette.
26.03 Demonstrate ability to follow simple instructions related to geographical directions (N, S, E, W). / SB (44-51), WB (29-33), TP (16,19-20), TE (81-96)
26.04 Read and understand traffic signs. / RE: Traffic signs from Driver’s License Study Guide
26.05 Identify required documents related to transportation (drivers’ license, insurance card, registration, passport). / SB (40-43), RE: Driver’s Documentation: Review details.
Discussion: Insurance costs and regulations, fines,
Permits. How to obtain a Passport and a Driver’s License.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to understand Safety and Security Issues.
27.01 Demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures at home and work. / SB (106-107), WB (73), TP (35), TE (216-218)
Activity: Draw up a checklist of emergency items.
27.02Read product label directions, warning signs and symbols. / SB (104-105), WB (72), TP (32,37-38), TE (212-215)
RE: Read directions for over-the-counter medication
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to understand Consumer Education Issues.
28.01Identify food items, state costs and demonstrate use of coupons. / SB (64-70), WB (44-47), TP (23-26), TE (122-137)RE: Supermarket Coupons.
28.02Identify clothing, read clothing labels (sizes and laundry instructions). / SB (111-117), WB (76-80), TP (39-40, 45), TE (224-241)
RE: Garment care instructions, Clothing labels.
28.03Read sales ads and compare prices (clothing, cars, and food). / SB (64-70,120-123), WB (44-46, 80-83), TP (46, TE (133, 247-
253) RE: Review and compare Sales Flyers
28.04 Identify types of housing (apartment, house, mobile home, condo). / SB (55-72), WB (37-39), TP (21-22), TE (104-111) RE: Real
Estate Advertisements: Discussion: Housing Options
28.05 Identify basic utility companies (water, gas, electric, telephone and cable). / SB (60-61), WB (39-41), TE (114:Getting Ready 1,2) (115:
Expansion3-6) RE: Utilities Bills: Read and Explain.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to utilize Government and Community Resources.
29.01Identify places in the community and describe public services. / SB (33-52), WB (23-33), TP (15-20), TE (62-98), (66: Myneighborhood) RE: Brochures: Services and locations.
29.02 Demonstrate ability to purchase stamps and mail a package. / SB (126-130), WB (85,86), TP (17: Discussions: Postal
Service Choices), TE (259-267) RE: World Stamps
29.03Demonstrate understanding of holidays and social customs. / SB (132-150), WB (87-97), TP (47-50), TE (272-309) Holidays:
Discussion: MLK’s Day, Memorial Day and Thanksgiving
29.04 Identify the current U.S President, Vice President and Governor. / Homework: Names of current elected officials.
Discussion: Federal System of Government in the U.S.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to understand issues relative to Environment and the World.
30.01Describe various weather conditions and respond appropriately to weather emergencies. / SB (134-137), WB (89-91), TP (49), TE (278, ex 1: Fahrenheitand Centigrade) Discussion: Emergency Procedures.
30.02Locate the United States and Florida on a world map and locate county and city of residence on a state map. / SB (44-47), RE: World Map: Activity: Locate the United
States; National, State and City Maps: Activity: Find
geographical points of interest; explain weather patterns.
Demonstrate English Skills necessary for Family and Parenting.
31.01Identify family relationships. / SB (4-5, 16), WB (2,11), TP (7,9), TE (8-10): Families31.02 Locate neighborhood school or day care and follow enrollment procedures. / SB (33-52), WB (24-25), TP (15-16), TE (66). RE: Day care and School enrollment forms: Activity: Study and Discuss.
31.03 Demonstrate understanding parental responsibilities and acceptable discipline. / Discussion: Cultural values and child-rearing techniques in the U.S.: Rewards, punishments, and children’s rights.
31.04 Demonstrate importance of communication between home and school. / Discussion: Teacher’s notes; Report Cards; Role and scope of a PTA; Teacher-parent Conferences.
Academic Skills
Demonstrate English Skills necessary to Listen, Speak, Read and Write effectively.
Date: ______Instructor: ______
32.01Recognize, state, read and write statements and questions. / SB (35,51,77,88), WB (14, 33ex. D, 67), TP (6,18,22), TE (154,
32.02Listen to short conversations and answer questions orally and in writing. / SB (31, 61:Reflections, 78-79: Your Turn, 81; Your Turn),
WB (82-83, 88-89), TP (25 ex. F), TE (155: The Job Interview)
32.03Preview and make predictions prior to reading. / SB (123: Department Stores), TE (174:My Best Friend)
32.04Demonstrate ability to read and comprehend silently and aloud and answer questions. / SB (51: Nancy’s Neighborhood, 71: Jim’s New Apartment),
WB (40), TP (17, 24, 46), RE: Movie Reviews: Summarize
32.05 Read a paragraph. / SB (31,51,71,87,107,123,149)
32.06 Determine the main idea in a simple paragraph. / SB (107: Call 911), TP (50: National Holidays in the U.S.)
32.07 Demonstrate sequential ordering of events. / SB (46, 85, 149), WB (56, 81), TP (17-18), TE (195,275)
32.08 Demonstrate ability to read a simple table or chart. / SB (119,137), TP (17-18,24), TE (256), RE: TV Guide Page
32.09 Write a dictation based on life skill topics. / Dictation: Eating healthy and keeping fit.
32.10 Write a basic friendly letter and address an envelope including the return address. / Writing assignment: My life in the U.S.
TP (10 ex. P: Address the Envelope)
32.11Write legibly upper & lower case letters and demonstrate use of capitalization. / SB (6-7,18-19), WB (3), TP (14,30), TE (11-13). Capitalization
Usage: Proper nouns, Names of days, months. Etc.
32.12Write a basic friendly letter and address an envelope including the return address. / Writing assignment: What I am doing at the moment
TP (10 ex. P: Address the Envelope)
32.13 Demonstrate ability to use basic test taking strategies (circle, bubble in, dictation). / RE: Answer sheets: Activity: Practice
Discussion: Test taking strategies: What works for me.
DemonstrateEnglish Skills necessary to apply standard Grammar structures.
Date: ______Instructor: ______
33.01Use subject and object pronouns. / SB (21,157), WB (14-17), TP (12-13), TE (163, 302)33.02 Use common verbs (affirmative, negative, yes/no questions, short answer, “wh” questions)
-to be - future will, “going to”
-present continuous - simple past
-simple present tense - modals (present) / SB(158, 161, 164, 165, 168), WB(23,30), TE(50-51, 78,142)
Instructor will make use of everyday speech instances to
point out the usage of specific grammar structures.
33.03Use adjectives:
-descriptive -possessive -demonstrative / SB(80-81, 114-117, 124-125), WB(52,79, 87), TP(14, ex.F, 40, ex. B)
33.04Use prepositions. / SB(34-39, 94-95, 112-113, 118-119, 163), TE(69-71)
33.05Use definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) articles. / SB(64-65,68-69,160), WB(44), TP(19), TE(122-129)
33.06Use common and proper nouns (singular and plural, count and non-count) / SB(2-16, 111-130), WB(10 ex. E: The Fifth Wheel!), TE(79-
80). Activity: Review rules for capitalization.
33.07 Use information questions. / SB(10-11.18-19,40-41,146-147,163), WB(23, 25, 30, 38, 52)
33.08 Use adverbs of time (yesterday today and tomorrow) and adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes and never.) / SB(86-87, 161), WB(57-58, 94-99), TP(54), TE(143)
33.09 Use contractions / SB(64-65, 68-69, 160), WB(44, 46, 82), TP(11-14), TE(7-20)
Demonstrate English Skills necessary for Development of Pronunciation skills.
34.01Demonstrate ability to recognize and pronounce various beginning, middle, and ending sounds. / SB(6-9), WB(3-5), TE(11-13).
Activity: Dictation: List of words
34.02Articulate the sounds associated with consonants. / SB(6-9), WB(3-5), TE(11-13) Activity: Dictation: Sounds
34.03Articulate the sounds associated with vowels. / SB(6-9), WB(3-5), TE(11-13) Activity: Write down vowels
Page 1 Literacy Completion Point B Low Beginning JULY 2003