PARISH COUNCIL / Chairman: David Mason
Waybrook, Marsh Green, Devon EX5 2EX
Telephone: (01404) 822136
Clerk: Mrs Judy Morris
3 Meadow Lane, Cullompton EX15 1LL
Telephone: 01884 33869
Web: www.rockbeareparishcouncil.co.uk


NOTE: Prior to the start of the meeting representatives from Trand (UK) Ltd explained proposals for a new development of affordable homes in Rockbeare.

PRESENT: Cllr David Mason (in the chair) and Cllrs: Jonathan Allen, Naomi Allen, David Miller

Colin Please and Jeremy Wollen

Also in attendance: Cllr P Bowden (DCC)* and 3 members of the public.

Mrs J Morris: Clerk

*in attendance for part only of the meeting

The meeting opened at 7.45pm

1.  APOLOGIES: Cllr O Pearson (personal)

2.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr D Mason declared a personal interest in respect of planning application no. 14/0233/FUL as he lives close to the application site.

3.  MINUTES: The Minutes of the previous meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 22nd January 2014 were approved and signed as a correct record of that meeting.


4.1 Police Report: PC Dave Smith had sent a written report stating that there had been no recorded crimes for the period between the last meeting and this meeting.

4.2 County/District Councillor Reports: Cllr P Bowden’s report included:

·  Lots of discussion re the Cranbrook Governance review and the footprint for the proposed Cranbrook parish. It was suggested that the land to the rear of the Jack in the Green, proposed for housing development, should remain in Rockbeare parish as the ingress/egress will be from the old A30 and not from the Cranbrook development.

·  It has been agreed that TAP Funding totaling approximately £40k not claimed in 2012.13 will be used to help provide equipment for the Younghayes Community Centre at Cranbrook.

·  Devon County Council is putting forward a budget increase of 1.9%.

·  Devon County Council will be cutting its youth provision and concentrating its efforts on young people in need aged between 11-18.

·  Looking at rationalisation of day care centres for the elderly.

RESOLVED: That Rockbeare Parish Council has no objections to unclaimed 2012.13 TAP Fund monies being

used to help equip the Younghayes Centre at Cranbrook.

In response to a question Cllr Bowden agreed to find out what is happening with flood prevention scheme

for Rockbeare village.

Cllr Bowden left the meeting



5.2 To consider and make comment on any planning applications received since the date of the agenda

14/0151/RES / Mr J Cox / Demolition of workshop and construction of bungalow (approval of details reserved by outline planning permission 12/2453/OUT) at West Holme, London Road / No objections
14/0233/FUL / Mr & Mrs Tierney / Construction of detached dwelling, raising and reducing levels together with associated earthworks including widening stream at Holly Brook, Marsh Green / Recommend refusal as the application is contrary to planning policy – Chairman to draft a response


14/0015/FUL / Mr D Taylor / Removal of grass bank at 4 Rookswood Lane, Rockbeare / Approved with conditions

5.4 Villages Development Plan Document: The Plan proposes allocation of land for ten new dwellings on land South East of Hazel Grove, Rockbeare. It was agreed to that, whilst noting that the Council is generally opposed to any further development in Rockbeare village given Cranbrook, that the proposal in the plan was the best site if any additional residential development was proven to be necessary.

5.5. Meeting with Waddeton Park Ltd: The Chairman and Clerk reported on an exploratory meeting with representatives from Waddeton Park Ltd who had approached the Council and who are interested in developing land for housing along the south side of the old A30. The Council agreed to stand firm on its wish to retain the green wedge and had concerns about the pressure being placed on the parish for new development outside the Cranbrook designated building area.

5.6 Local Plan Inquiry: The Chairman reported that he had been attending the inquiry and is scheduled to speak on behalf of Rockbeare again in early March.


6.1 To receive financial statement for January 2014

RESOLVED: That the Financial Statement for January 2014 is approved.

6.2 To approve payments for February 2014

RESOLVED: That payments totalling £480.07 for February 2014 are approved as follows:

400275 / Mrs J Morris (salary) / 352.07
400276 / Rockbeare Village Hall (room hire) / 110.00
400277 / Mrs J Morris (expenses) / 18.00
TOTAL / 480.07

NOTE: Cllr Wollen declared a personal interest in respect of the following two items as 2 grandchildren of his attending Rockbeare Primary School.

6.3 Rockbeare Primary School: Several letters received from pupils asking if the Council will contribute towards the cost of a guided reading scheme. The total cost of the scheme £2,500 and the school will be doing some fund raising themselves.

RESOLVED: That the Council makes a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of a Guided Reading Scheme for Rockbeare Primary School. Proposed Cllr Please, seconded Cllr Wollen.

6.4 TAP Fund: Clerk reported that she had approached Broadclyst Parish Council and the YMCA re suggestions for how the TAP Fund could be used to assist young people but no ideas had been forthcoming.

RESOLVED: That, if a partner parish can be found, the Council submits a TAP Fund application on behalf of Rockbeare Primary School to assist with the cost of purchasing guided reading scheme books.

6.5 Rockbeare Telephone kiosk: BT has confirmed that no calls have been made from the kiosk in the past year. Three months’ notice is required to cancel the contract. BT has suggested that, if the Council wants to cancel its sponsorship contract, it considers, instead, adopting the kiosk for £1.

RESOLVED: That, as no telephone calls have been made from the telephone kiosk over the last 12 months, the council gives three months’ notice to cancel its sponsorship of the kiosk.

NOTE: It was thought that the Council had adopted the kiosk some time ago. Clerk to contact BT about this.

7. BOUNDARY REVIEW: A response to the review had been drafted by the Chairman and circulated prior to the meeting.

RESOLVED: That the draft response to the Cranbrook Governance Review is approved as the Council’s formal response to the consultation and forwarded to East Devon District Council.

8. HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS: To accept items to report:

(i) Ditches etc: Ask DCC to ensure that the ditch in Gribble Lane is kept clear of leaves.

(ii) Drainage pipe at Manor entrance: Contact the Manor agents to ask if the pipe which runs under the access road to the Lawns Cottages to connect the drainage ditch is repaired (underneath the American mailbox).

(iii) Potholes at Brickyard Lane, Quarter Mile Lane and Rockbeare Hill junction to be reported.

(iv) Gribble Lane: continually running with water as drains fill-up and need attention.

(v) Flytipping: Parsons Lane, bottles. It was suggested that the next issue of Rockbeare Roots should include details of how to report flytipping.


9.1 Health and Safety: To accept items for action: None

9.2 Youth Club provision: Nothing to report


(a) East Devon District Council: Invitation to Parliamentary Outreach Service on 13 March: noted

The meeting closed at 9.25pm

SIGNED ______Date: ______