YOUNG, PATRICK curriculum vita Page 8 of 8
Department: History August 2006
College: Arts and Sciences
Rank: Assistant Professor Field: Modern Europe
A. Education and Academic Qualifications
1. Education
2000 Ph.D. Columbia University, New York NY
Department of History
Dissertation: The Consumer as National Subject: Bourgeois Tourism in the French Third Republic, 1880-1914.
Dissertation Sponsors: Robert O. Paxton, Victoria de Grazia
1992 M.Phil. Columbia University, New York, NY
Department of History
Major Field: Modern France, 1750-present
Minor Fields: Modern Germany, 1815-present
Modern Britain, 1688-present
Topics in Modern and Postmodern Cultural Theory
*received highest honors in major and minor fields
1990 M.A. Columbia University, New York, NY
Department of History, 1990.
M.A. Thesis: "Political Iconography and The Working Class in the Struggle for Reform: Lancashire, 1815-1832."
1987 B.A. Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
concentration in Comparative Literature, with departmental honors, minor in History.
1985-6 Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK
First and Second Class Merits
2. Academic Awards and Honors
2003-2005 Mellon Foundation Faculty Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities
2000-2001 American Historical Association Bernadotte E. Schmitt Research Grant
1999-2000 Society for French Historical Studies Travel Award
2000 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, Harvard University
1999-2000 Mellon Seminar Doctoral Fellowship, Columbia University
1993-1994 Government of France Bourse Chateaubriand Research Fellowship
1993-1994 Council for European Studies Fellowship, Columbia University (declined)
1990-1992 President's Fellowship, Columbia University
1987 Phi Beta Kappa
1987 Senior Comparative Literature Prize
1984-1985 Curran Prize Scholarship for Academic Excellence
1983-1987 Phi Sigma Iota Language Honor Society
1983-1984 Vrooman Prize Scholarship for the Study of Classical Languages
1986-1987 Dean’s List every semester
3. Academic Experience
2006-present University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Assistant Professor
2005-2006 University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Visiting Assistant Professor
2003-2005 Amherst College, Mellon Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor
2001-2003 Boston University, Instructor of Humanities
2000-2001 City University of New York, Brooklyn College, Visiting 1998-1999 Assistant Professor and Lecturer
2000 Fordham University, Visiting Assistant Professor
1999 Drew University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
1997-1999 Long Island University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
1994-1997 The Dalton School, History Teacher
1994-1995 Mannes College, The New School of Social Research,
Lecturer in History
B. Professional Activities
1. Professional Association Memberships
American Historical Association
Society for French Historical Studies
Western Society for French History
Society for Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies
Colloquium for French Studies
Urban History Association
World History Association
2. Professional Conferences
2006 Presenter: “Opening up Her Secrets: Gender and Authenticity in Tourist Brittany”, to be presented in panel “Rural Life and Authenticity in Metropolitan and Overseas France” at the Western Society for French History Conference, University of California, Long Beach, October 19-21, 2006.
2006 Presenter: (title to be announced) UML Faculty Salon, October 2006.
2005 Presenter: “Of Pardons, Loss and Longing: Tourism and Cultural Value in the Finistère, Five College History Seminar, Amherst College, March 10, 2005.
2004 Presenter: “A Place Beyond Politics? Tourism in Brittany, 1900-1930”, in panel “The Politics and Poetics of Terroir”, French Historical Studies Conference, Paris, June 17-21, 2004
2000 Presenter: “The Historical Picturesque: Tourism’s Production of the Past in French North Africa, 1900-1930”, in panel, “At Home Abroad in ‘Greater France’”, Western Society for French History Annual Conference, UCLA, November 8-11, 2000.
2000 Chair: “Mapping the Nation”, Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, Yale University, April 6-8, 2000.
2000 Presenter: “North African Tourism in the Fin-de-Siècle”, in panel, “Frenchness outside the Hexagon”, Colloquium on Twentieth Century French Studies, University of Pennsylvania, March 30- April 2, 2000.
2000 Presenter: “Representing Genocide: Prospects and Perils in the European, American and Rwandan Cases”, Conference on “Rwanda and the Politics of History”, sponsored by the Sawyer Seminar, Columbia University, March 4, 2000.
1999 Presenter: "Assembling a Consumable France: Tourism, Preservation and National Identity, 1890-1914", French Historical Studies Conference, March 19-20, 1999.
1998 Presenter: "The Body Rested, A Class Revived: Tourism, Consumer Culture and Bourgeois Embodiment, 1890-1914", Western Society for French History, November 4-7, 1998.
3. Invited Lectures and Presentations
2005 “Riots in France: Historical and Political Dimensions”, public lecture with Aart Holtslag, Political Science Department, November 17, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
2005 Radio interview on riots in France, WUML, Lowell, Massachusetts, November 12
4. Other Professional Activities
2001-Present Consultant, Educational Testing Service; read and evaluated AP World History examinations, participated in discussion and formulation of examinations and curricular materials.
2003 Curricular Consultant, Boston University; generated curricular materials and teaching plans for the University’s Core Curriculum, in collaboration with Core teaching colleagues and administrators
C. Research
1. Books
Looking for the Last Bretons: Tourism, Preservation and Loss, 1890-1930, book manuscript to be proposed to publishers, 2006-7.
2. Journal Articles and Edited Collections
“Of Pardons, Loss and Longing: Tourism and Cultural Value in Brittany, 1900- 1930 ”, French Historical Studies, Spring 2007.
“Gender and Authenticity in Tourist Brittany”, article to be submitted to the Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, Fall 2006.
“The Grand Tour”, “Seaside Resorts” and “Kleptomania” in Encyclopedia of World History, Alfred Andrea, ed., 2006.
"La Vieille France as Object of Bourgeois Desire: Tourist Consumption of the French Regions, 1890-1918", in Rudy Koshar, ed., Histories of Leisure, Berg 2002.
3. Reviews
Review of the film “Terrorists in Retirement” (“Des terroristes à la retraite”), H- France, March 28, 2001.
"Labor History at the American Historical Association Conference", International Labor and Working Class History Review, no. 40, Fall 1991.
Review of The Holocaust and Modernity by Zygmunt Bauman, in Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review, no. 59, Spring 1992, pp. 53-58.
D. Instruction
1. Teaching
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Europe in the Twentieth Century (200-level elective)
The World of Things: Consumer Cultures in the Modern West (300-level elective)
French Revolution and Napoleon (200-level elective)
Modern World History Since 1750 (100-level survey)
Western Civilization to 1715 (100-level survey)
Amherst College
The World of Things: Consumer Cultures in the Modern West (300-level elective)
Fascism and the Extreme Right in Twentieth Century Europe (Senior Research Seminar for History Majors)
France since 1815 (200-level elective)
Boston University
Core Humanities I (interdisciplinary 100-level Gen Ed elective)
Core Humanities II (interdisciplinary 100-level Gen Ed elective)
City University of New York-Brooklyn College
Graduate Colloquium: France Since 1815 (Graduate Seminar)
The City in the Modern West: Topics in Urban History, 1800-present (200-level elective)
Core Studies: The Shaping of the Modern World from the Enlightenment
Through the Present (100-level Gen Ed)
Fordham University
The West since the Enlightenment, 1750-present (100-level Gen Ed)
Drew University
Topics in Twentieth Century French History (200-level elective)
The Dalton School
World Civilizations I: From the Ancient World through the Renaissance (100-level Gen Ed)
World Civilizations II: 1600-Present (100-level Gen Ed)
The City and the Crisis of Modernity: Topics in Urban History, 1800-Present (Senior Seminar)
Fascism and the Extreme Right in Twentieth Century Europe (Senior Seminar)
Long Island University
The History of World Civilizations from 1650 to the Present (100-level Gen Ed)
Mannes College, The New School of Social Research
History of Western Civilization: Origins through Middle Ages (100-level Gen Ed)
History of Western Civilization: Middle Ages through French Revolution (100- level Gen Ed)
History of Western Civilization: French Revolution through Present (100-level Gen Ed)
2. Professional Development
2006 Faculty Training Workshop, “WebCT and Web-Enhanced Teaching”, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
2006 Faculty Institute, Winter: “Interdisciplinary Assignments”, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
2006 Faculty Insitute, Summer: “Interdisciplinary Teaching”, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
2000 National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar, Harvard University: “War and Memory: Postwar Representations of the Occupation in French Literature, History and Film.” Interdisciplinary seminar led by Susan R. Suleiman, Professor of Romance Languages, Harvard University, June 26-August 4, 2000.
1999-2000 Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar, 1999-2000, Columbia University: “The Production of the Past, History in the Making.” Attended as Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Seminar, bringing together international scholars and graduate students from various disciplines to explore the politics of producing the past in specific world-historical contexts. Directed by Nicholas Dirks, Departments of History and Anthropology, Columbia University.
E. Service Activities
1. Departmental Service
2006-present Member, UML Academic Hardware/Software Committee
2006-present Academic Advising
2. College of Arts and Sciences
3. University Service
4. Community Service
2005-present Faculty Co-Advisor, UML-STAN, human rights organization focusing on the genocide in Darfur
20006-present Volunteer at the Lowell Wish Project, an organization which collects and distributes clothing, furniture and household supplies to needy Lowell and area residents