Ten Free On-Line Resources that Every Teacher Should Know (Version 2009)

Drs. Neal Topp, Bob Goeman, & Paul Clark -- University of Nebraska at Omaha

1. Tools & Techniques Toolbox

Here, you will find very brief introduction to various tools and techniques for use in face-to-face education and synchronous/asynchronous distance education. Click on a link to view information on each tool or technique including: What the tool or technique is, educational uses and benefits.

2. PhET Interactive Simulations

Fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena from the PhET project at the University of Colorado. Includes an extensive suite of simulations to improve the way that physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math are taught and learned. The simulations are interactive tools that enable students to make connections between real life phenomena and the underlying science that explains such phenomena.

3. Edutopia.org

The George Lucas Educational Foundation with success stories about what works in public education. Also provides in-depth and interactive resources, which offer practical, hands-on advice, real-world examples, lively contributions from practitioners, and invaluable tips and tools.

4. Animoto

Animoto produces TV-quality music videos using your photos in just minutes and is very easy to use.

5. WetPaint

Wetpaint lets you build a rich, online community around the whatever-it-is that you’re really into. Utilizing the best features of wikis, blogs, forums and social networks, Wetpaint mixes everything you need so you can create, collect, and organize content on your own social website.

6. Wordle

Wordle is a tool for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.

7. Bubbl.us

This is a great on-line brainstorming tool. It is easy to use, prints well, and has the usual Web2.0 collaboration features.

8. Google Forms

Forms in Google Docs allow you to make surveys and the data is directly imported into Google Sheets.

9, Twitter

Twitter is a free social software and micro-blogging service that allows users to send text-based messages with a maximum of 140 characters via cell phone, text messaging or e-mail to the Twitter website. Included will be examples of how educators can use this tool.

10. Augmented Reality

Cutting (maybe bleeding) edge online tool. Wow, where are we headed in the near future!?!?

Neal W. Topp, Ph.D. June 2009