Explore Africa:

A Web Quest for 7th grade World Geography


A local TV station wants to create a new series about the best countries in the world to visit. It is your job to investigate Africa. You will be assigned a country and region or physical feature in Africa to explore. You will need to research and organize a presentation highlighting the country and the region or physical features that you are investigating.

The Task

Your task is to organize information into a presentation that will be shown on the local news (meaning you will present to other students in your classroom). You may use PowerPoint or Prezi to put together your presentation. If you would like to use some other media type, please see your teacher for approval PRIOR to starting. It is your job to sell your country/region making it as interesting and inviting as possible. You will research the geography, physical features, environmental issues, climate and places of interests.

Process - First you will be assigned a country and region/physical feature:

Group / Country / Region/Physical Features
(Sights to See)
1 / Egypt / Sarah Desert & Atlas Mountains
2 / Nigeria / Tropical Rain Forest & Niger River
3 / Kenya & Democratic Republic of the Congo / Savanna & lake Victoria
4 / Sudan / Sahel & Nile River
5 / South Africa / Kalahari Desert, Victoria Falls & Lake Tanganyika

Your presentation should include the following elements:

1.  Title – name of country and sights to see (Region/Physical Features)

2.  Geography – Map of country and capital city, include geographic features (land and water forms) ALSO include a map of the region/physical features you are investigating.

3.  Country information including population, Flag, and other interesting facts

4.  Region/physical feature information including population, importance, and/or other interesting facts.

5.  Climate – average temperature, rainfall, etc.

6.  Environmental issues that impact your county/region

7.  Endangered Species – explain and animals in your country or region that are endangered.

8.  Places of Interests – landmarks, tourist attractions, monuments, etc.

9.  3 interesting facts – anything that may be unique about your country and/or region.

10.Resources Used - You must have AT LEAST THREE sources cited using MLA format.

READ THE RUBRIC to receive full credit, which is a rating of exemplary, you must

·  Add additional information to enhance the project!

·  You must have a minimum of 10 slides.

·  Group participation is part of your grade. Members will fill out a response sheet noting how well members participated.

·  Please divide the information requirements equitably among group members.

You may use notes from class and the Internet for your research. The following are possible internet sites:

Internet resources

Think Quest


This site includes information about the people, land, wildlife, and national parks of Africa.

Country Reports


At this site you can search a country alphabetically. Each country includes a general profile, background notes, history, flags, national anthem and lyrics, maps, and related links.

Mr. Dowling’s Electronic Passport


This site developed by Mr. Dowling, a middle school teacher, is a resource for learning more about other countries and cultures of the world. It includes information on the history, geography, religions, culture, and conflicts of the Middle East.

Geographic.org – Countries of the World


At this site, varied information can be found about different countries in the world.

CIA World Fact Book


This site includes information on every major country including its people, government, geography, economy, transportation, and much more.

There are several additional sites that can be used that are listed on our class website.

Easy Bib


This site can be used to produce bibliography citations in MLA format.

Names: ______, ______, ______, ______


Exemplary / Proficient / Developing / Needs improvement
(20 pts.) / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is explained. Additional information is added to enhance project / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is fully explained. / 1 – 2 required pieces of Information are missing or required elements are not fully explained. / 3 – 4 required pieces of Information are missing and information is not fully explained. .
Media Element
(20 pts.) / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing.
Additional information is added to enhance project / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing. / Media element is either NOT complete OR does not make presentation interesting and meaningful. / Media element is NOT complete and does not make the presentation more interesting and meaningful,
(20 pts.) / Student:
- makes eye contact
with the audience
- speaks slowly and
- has prepared the
presentation ahead of
time. / Student does all but 1 of the following:
- makes eye contact
with the audience
- speaks slowly and
- has prepared the
presentation ahead of
time. / Student does all but 2 - 3 of the following:
- makes eye
- speaks slowly
- has prepared
ahead of time. / Student does NOT:
- make eye contact with
the audience
- speak slowly
and clearly
- show enthusiasm
- show preparation
(20 pts.) / Presentation is well organized. There is a strong organizing theme, with clear main ideas and transitions to other presenters. / Presentation is organized but lacks either a strong organizing theme OR transitions to other presenters. / Presentation is NOT organized and lacks either a strong organizing theme OR transitions to other presenters / Presentation shows little organization, transitions between presenters are poor, presenters ramble or seem to recite a list of facts.
(10 pts.) / Three or more sources cited. Used proper format in bibliography. / Two sources cited. Used proper format in bibliography. / Only one source cited or improper format. / No sources cited.
(10 pts.) / Each member participates fully in gathering information and creating the presentation; the members work together as a supportive, cooperative team. / Each member participates fully in gathering information and creating the presentation. / The members do not share equally in gathering information and creating the presentation. / The members do not share equally in gathering information and creating presentation and one or more members exhibit an argumentative, uncooperative attitude.

Group Members: ______

This is your chance to grade your peers. How did they do?

Group 1 / Egypt
Sarah Desert & Atlas Mountains / GRADE OUT OF 3 POINTS:
Research / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is explained,
Media Element / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing.
Presentation / Students makes eye contact with the audience, speak slowly and
Clearly, presentation has been prepared ahead of time.
Group 2 / Nigeria
Tropical Rain Forest & Niger River / GRADE OUT OF 3 POINTS:
Research / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is explained,
Media Element / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing.
Presentation / Students makes eye contact with the audience, speak slowly and
Clearly, presentation has been prepared ahead of time.
Group 3 / Kenya & Democratic Republic of the Congo
Savanna & lake Victoria / GRADE OUT OF 3 POINTS:
Research / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is explained,
Media Element / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing.
Presentation / Students makes eye contact with the audience, speak slowly and
Clearly, presentation has been prepared ahead of time.
Group 4 / Sudan
Sahel & Nile River / GRADE OUT OF 3 POINTS:
Research / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is explained,
Media Element / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing.
Presentation / Students makes eye contact with the audience, speak slowly and
Clearly, presentation has been prepared ahead of time.
Group 5 / South Africa
Kalahari Desert, Victoria Falls & Lake Tanganyika / GRADE OUT OF 3 POINTS:
Research / Information is complete and accurate. All of the required information is explained,
Media Element / Media element is complete and makes the presentation more interesting. Slides include appropriate graphics and are visually appealing.
Presentation / Students makes eye contact with the audience, speak slowly and
Clearly, presentation has been prepared ahead of time.