Kirby Hill C of E Primary School

Fairtrade Committee -what do we do?

As members of the Kirby Hill Fairtrade Committee we work hard to promote Fairtrade in school and in the local community.

There are 8 members in the Kirby Hill Fairtrade Committee.

  • Andrew Garner (Y6) – Chairman
  • Franky Snowdon (Y6) – Assistant chairman
  • Alys Arnold (Y5) – Treasurer
  • Tom Williams (Y6) – Assistant treasurer
  • Emma Wilkinson (Y6) – Secretary
  • Toby Hussell (Y5) – Assistant secretary
  • Meghan Williamson (Y6) and Alicia Bailey (Y5) – Provide extra support to all roles

We swap roles each term to ensure everyone has a fair chance.

What do we do?

Every Friday after school we hold a stall on the school playground. We have set up a rota for this and take turns fairly. Since September 09 we have also held a stall at Newby Hall Farm Shop and at the local church. We had a stall at the Christmas Fair and at the PTA table top afternoon. Last month Franky and Emma stood up in our local church and spoke about what the Fairtrade Committee does and what it means to be a member. Following this the Worship Group visited our school and delivered an assembly on Fairtrade. Mr Welsby (our school chair of governors) taught us a Fairtrade song he had made up by himself. We all sung along!

Fairtrade Fortnight

At the start of Fairtrade Fortnight we delivered an assembly to the whole school. We talked about why Fairtrade is important and what we do in school. We told the children about how much a farmer gets and carried out a role-play which showed an unfair situation. During Fairtrade Fortnight we baked cakes to sell and this was a real success! The whole-school loved it!

We invited YorkSt JohnUniversity in for the day to lead some Fairtrade workshops and we all learnt a lot.

KS2 enjoyed taking part in the ‘Snack Attack’ Challenge and as a school we put up a big display in the entrance to show the work each class had been doing – Nursery to Year 6.

Our stall

Our best selling product is white divine bars. We have to place orders each month to keep up to date with our stock. We sell bags of sweets, dubble bars, geo bars, cereal, coffee, tea, chocolate spread, cookies, biscuits and seasonal products. We have found that dried fruit doesn’t sell very well or dark chocolate divine bars. The treasurer makes sure the money is counted regularly and that our orders are paid for.

We enjoy being members of the Kirby Hill Fairtrade Committee. We enjoy holding stalls and telling people about why Fairtrade is important. We think that every school should have a Fairtrade Committee too!

If you would like to talk to us about what we do, please let us know,

Best wishes to you all,

Kirby Hill CE Primary School Fairtrade Committee