Detailed instructions for obtaining approval for moonlighting opportunities are now available to your trainees on MedHub (Moonlighting Information folder in the Resources/Documents section on the right hand column of the MedHub home page).
After the Program Director and GME approvals are obtained, departments may proceed with the necessary EDB action to pay the trainee. Please refer to the instruction document, also posted in the Resources/Documents section, for details about this process. If you are not the administrator responsible for EDB in your department, please share these instructions with the appropriate administrator. Miranda Tse in DGSOM Human Resources is the point of contact for questions about stipends available for trainees involved in internal moonlighting (; x4-3339).
1. Resident completes form (open, save as PDF, fill in requested information, including “signature” acknowledgement”), saves form.
2. Resident selects “Moonlighting Requests” and enters the information on MedHub – minimal (location, brief description, inclusive dates and max hours/week they anticipate moonlighting), uploads completed form. NOTE: REQUEST DATES MUST BE WITHIN CURRENT ACADEMIC YEAR.
3. Request with attachment then goes to Program Director who will see a “New Moonlighting Request” in the URGENT TASKS BOX. The PD selects the link to view the request – open and review the form to verify completion, accuracy, eligibility, etc.
4. PD approval prompts GME Director to review, then approve or reject. GME checkpoints include max hours/feasibility, complete form, etc. GME cannot view the request prior to Program Director approval.
NOTE: Hours worked in moonlighting activities must be logged as duty hours in the Resident Duty Hours timesheet. Trainees do this by selecting “Moonlighting” in the grey hours drop down box:
Instructions for Housestaff
All trainees who wish to moonlight must be in good standing and request written permission via the following process:
1. Download the “UCLA Moonlighting Request & Approval” document (available on the MedHub home page, or GME website) and fill in completely. “Save as” another name so you can maintain a copy of your request form.
NOTE: Internal moonlighting requests require the input and signature of the faculty member requesting your participation (must not be your program director).
2. For all moonlighting requests:
a. Log in to in MedHub and select Moonlighting Request Forms from the Request Forms section on the left-hand side of your home page.
b. Select Submit New Moonlighting Request and complete the dynamic form, including the inclusive dates of your moonlighting activity (dates must be within the current academic year only).
c. Select Choose File to upload the saved version of the “UCLA Moonlighting Request & Approval” document.
d. Select Submit
MedHub will forward your request to your Program Director for approval, then to the GME Director or DIO for approval. You will receive notification upon final approval of your request.
NOTE: Hours worked in moonlighting activities must be logged as duty hours on your Resident Duty Hours timesheet. Do this by selecting “Moonlighting” in the grey hours drop down box: