April 8, 2015
The regular meeting was duly posted. Mayor Ryan Patterson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m. in the City of St. Johns Council Chambers at the City Hall.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Ryan Patterson, Vice Mayor Spence Udall, Councilman Michael Cirivello, Councilwoman Kay Hauser, Councilman John Richardson, and Councilman Pete Hancock.
ABSENT: Councilman Tony Raykovitz
STAFF PRESENT: Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey, Financial Director/Clerk Timothy Hinton, Deputy City Clerk Cindy Lee, Police Chief Daniel Brown, City Attorney Bryce Patterson, Assistant EMS Chief Jean Kirk, Assistant Fire Chief Jason Kirk, Compliance Officer Ramon Morales, Public Works Robert Vallejos, Public Works Jeff Carpenter, and Reserve Officer Ty Bond.
OTHERS PRESENT: Ken Isaacson, Jerry Campeau, Mrs. Campeau, Malena Bazurto, Linda Richardson, Nathan Kellogg, Alta Hernandez, Warren Toombs, Kirsten Udall, Matt Montoya, Savanah Carpenter.
PLEDGE: Public Works Robert Vallejos
INVOCATION: Police Chief Daniel Brown
- No public wished to speak.
- Consider approval of March 12, 2015 City Council Minutes.
- Request approval for payment of bills from March 1-31, 2015. Special details of bills can be requested at City Hall.
Motion was made by Councilman Michael Cirivello to approve the consent agenda as stated. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Spence Udall.
Motion passed 6-0
- Discuss potential transfer of property from Health Care District to North Country HealthCare or sale property to North Country HealthCare.
Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey introduced Ken Isaacson and Jerry Campeau from the White Mountain Health Care District. Ken Isaacson stated that the North Country HealthCare would like to buy the building from White Mountain Health Care District. The City owns the property and has a lease agreement with White Mountain Health Care District, which the North Country HealthCare would like to purchase the building and the land. It was stated that North Country HealthCare is a 501-C3.(501-C3 charitable corporation exempt from federal income tax.)
A question was asked by council if the City could sale the land if it is connected to the airport?
Staff was directed to look into the legality if the City can sale the property.
- Consider approval of variance on minimum dwelling size for Nathan Kellogg 1250 W. 33rd S.
Financial Director/Clerk Timothy Hinton commented that Nathan Kellogg applied for a building permit for a home in Mountain View area. The house that he would like to build does not meet zoning A-1 with the minimum size of 1100 square feet. The house that he wants to build is under 1100 square feet. Every neighbor that is within 300 feet from the property has been sent a letter on this issue and has been published in the new paper. No one has contacted the City on the issue. According to the code, we cannot issue Mr. Kellogg a building permit without a variance. There is no board of adjustments at this time. Therefore defaults to the City Council.
Mr. Kellogg commented that he would like to see growth in the Mountain View area. He would like to try to build the small house and add on to it eventually being a 1500 square foot house, but starting out with a 500 square foot house.
Council recommended that Mr. Kellogg present the full plans of the house that it might be built in a Master Plan Phase. (Building the house in phases.) With that the house would have to have the shell built first. Then a certificate of occupancy would be given. The other option is to build with a variance with a conditional use permit. But that may not work with a variance with a conditional use permit. Council recommended that the City staff work on this issue.
Motion was made by Councilman Pete Hancock to table this item till the next City Council meeting on May 13, 2015. Motion was seconded by Councilman Michael Cirivello.
Motion passed 6-0
- Consider approval of the CDBG Fair Housing Resolution and Proclamation.
Malena Bazurto presented the Fair Housing Resolution and Proclamation to City Council. April is Fair Housing month. Part of the funding for the CDBG Waterline is complying with the Fair Housing discrimination. We will have to put the information out to the public that we are not discriminating against housing with race, sex, age or to the protected classes.
Motion was made by Councilman Michael Cirivello to except the Resolution and Proclamation for Fair Housing. Motion was seconded by Councilman John Richardson.
Motion passed 6-0
- Discuss fund balance on the waterline loan.
Financial Director/Clerk Timothy Hinton commented that he was asked to go over the Mountain View Surcharges and the Capital Rate. The Mountain View surcharges total collected by the City of St. Johns is $133,300.63 sense fiscal year 2004. That is being used to pay the loan on that waterline. We have paid on the debt service payment for the waterline a total of $95,338.52 leaving a $37,962.11 in excess revenue. If we did put the $37,962.11 towards the loan it would cut the loan by about six years. The loan is schedule to be paid off in 2042. Council would have to direct to pay that money towards the loan. If we decide to pay this one off sooner than scheduled, there should not be any penalty.
The well in Concho/Capital Rate we have collected to date $1,991,018. We have paid $1,626,807 on the loans, with an excess of $364,210. That money is paid in to debt service and repair/replacement reserve requirements, July payment and estimated April, May and June collections, with a short fall of $34,486. There are 3 loans on the capital rate. The WIFA #1 loan will be paid off in 2021, the WIFA #2 loan will be paid off in 2030, and the USDA loan will be paid off in 2026.
- Discuss the utilization of the back half of City Hall.
Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey asked, “What is the desire of the council with the back half of the City Hall to be used for?” Council discussed the ideas of a community exercise room, Girls & Boys Club, large conference room, shelter for Red Cross, and a place to have community events, such as the Christmas light parade, also having Santa and the hot chocolate here in that room. Maybe advertise for open office space. Or create events that are in the downtown area and utilize the back of the building. We should not take business away from businesses.
- National Bank of Arizona
On behalf of the City, Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey would like to thank all those who have gone out and talked with the business and the community. It was well worth the time. We will have National Bank of Arizona coming to our community. They will be going live with the county on Aug 1, 2015.
- City Hall – park/parking lot update
Council was given a map of the park/parking lot that will be at the City Hall. We will have a 3-D map made up in a couple of weeks and present that to council. Mayor commented that we need to keep up with the weed control at the park and that it would be nice to have the park completed by June, in time for the Fiestas.
The parking lot will have to have a lot of material moved out and you can see the forms that are in place for the sidewalks.
- Solar meeting – Nautilus
He met with Nautilus along with Springerville and Eagar. Nautilus is interested in schools and municipalities. They will come in and put solar panels on your buildings, free of charge and sale the power back to you. They will come in and give us an analysis of what the power will cost us. When they return the analysis, we will bring it back to council, they may be interested.
Council commented that they may want to contact the county with this.
- Meeting with the Fair Commission
He met with Milton Ollerton and they discussed the numbers that the fair brings in. The state gives $40,000, the rides give a percentage, the booths are rented and there is advertising that is purchased. This is how the fair generates their money.
We need to look at funding activities at the community center and this give us some ideas of how to do this.
- Spring Clean-up Saturday, May 2nd
The Spring Clean-up on May 2ndwill be the reduction of fees out at the Blue Hills Environment. We are looking into setting a few dumpsters at local sits.
- Travel Shared Revenue Plan
This does not require matching used funds
- Media Day March 19th
This was held in Show Low. Thank you to Councilman Richardson for coming and helping with this event. Every year this event will continue to grow in the White Mountain area.
- ACCENT – Mini Grant
This mini grant was $750 that was for training for our part time detective. There is not a forensic interviewer at any law enforcement in Apache County other than us.
- Partnership
We are partnering with the Apache County Youth Council. They are trying to bring in Rachel’s Challenge. It is a powerful program for the youth. They asked us if we would sponsor the program. This is a shared revenue grant that has to be used through law enforcement. If they do get the grant the program will be shared throughout Apache County.
- Domestic Violence Program
This program is in formation stage. All agencies in Apache County will be involved.
- Volunteers In Police Service (V.I.P.S.)
We have sent 7 persons to the Volunteer Academy starting on April 7th. These are adults that volunteering their time to the community. They will help with events that take place in the community. Graduation will be April 30, 2015 at the NPC campus in Taylor at 6p.m.
- Officers in Training
We gave 2 officers that are doing very well in training. They will be solo status the seconded week in May.
- Reserve Officer
Ty Bond is a Reserve Officer. He works 20 hours in a month at minimum. This is free of charge to the City. We are grateful for his service.
- Campaign to have the people/businesses of St. Johns to support the Bank, National Bank of Arizona.
- Status on the lights along 7th, from the Middle School to the High School.
- Status on the sidewalk by the Hinkson Assistive Living.
- Cemetery – Can we have the inmates work on the cemetery?
- Pool signage
- Town of Friendly Neighbors. How do we know we are the Town of Friendly Neighbors? Discussion of how we know.
Motion was made by Vice Mayor Spence Udall to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman John Richardson.
Motion passed 6-0
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Ryan Patterson, Mayor
Cindy Lee, Deputy City Clerk
I hereby certify that the forgoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the St. Johns City Council held April 8, 2015. I certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present.
Cindy Lee, Deputy City Clerk
*Please note: Approved minutes are not verbatim record of what happened at the City Council Meeting, they capture a summary of the meeting as well as all action taken. A recording of the entire meeting is available upon request at the City Clerk’s office for three months following each meeting.
City Council Regular Meeting
April 8, 2015
“The City of St. Johns is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.”