Bill # / Subject / Summary / Who IntroducedSB 1506 / Military compact / Enacts Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children / S Veterans
SB 1509 / Mascots / Permits district school board to enter into written agreement with federally recognized Native American Tribe in Oregon to identify acceptable name, symbol, or image of mascot that represents or is associated with Native American Tribe, to identify behavior expectations at athletic events and to identify required training on cultural diversity / Sen. Kruse
SB 1511 / Radon / Requires schools/child care facilities to test for radon / S Environment & Nat’l Resources
SB 1524 / CC tuition / Examines viability of allowing students who graduated from high school in state to attend community college for specified period without paying tuition and fees at community college. / S Ed
SB 1525 / HECC / HECC interstate agreements; clarifies relationship between HECC & OEIB; revises SBHE membership; prevents HECC staff members from participating in collective bargaining discussions; clarifies how references to SBHE are interpreted; extends ESD TF / S Ed
SB 1528 / LTCT / Alters method by which moneys are distributed to school districts for purpose of paying for costs of education of students in eligible day treatment programs and eligible residential treatment programs. / Sen Monroe
SB 1538 / Charter Schools / PPS re-write. Allows school board to limit proposals for charter schools if % of students are already enrolled in a charter school. / David Williams
SB 1554 / Ed Funding / Authorizes county to adopt ed funding protection ordinance for up to 10 years if at least 50% by area of county is subject to property tax exemption / Sen Ferrioli .
SB 1574 / Dual Credit / Modifies duties of Accelerated Learning Committee / Sen Close
SB 1576 / K-12 scholarship / Establishes Oregon Empowerment Scholarship Program for purpose of providing options in education to students. Establishes Dept of Education Empowerment Account; continuously appropriates moneys in account for purpose of paying expenses of department related to program. Establishes Oregon Empowerment Account within State School Fund; continuously appropriates moneys in account for purpose of paying expenses of department related to program / Sen Knopp
HB 4007 / Transfers / Prohibits district school board from imposing time limitation on consent given to resident student to attend schools of another school district. Requires district school board to give consent to enable student whose legal resident changes to different school district during school year to complete school year in school district. Allows district school board that administers lottery selection process to give priority for 2014-15 school year to nonresident students who received consent from board for 2013-14 school year. / Rep Gelser for OSBA
HB 4008 / YCEP/JDEP / Allows YCEP/JDEP programs to use extended ADMw in calculations / House Ed Com
HB 4009 / LTCT / Makes ODE responsible for the provision of educational services to students in long term care facilities and for payment of costs. (Providence fix) / House Ed Com
HB 4062 / Student records / Modifies standards that State Board of Education must adopt related to student education records. Directs ODE to provide technical expertise to assist educational institutions in complying with standards. Directs department to issue privacy risk assessment of any data system, program or contract involving student education records. Requires public body that conducts tests using student information to budget for costs of compliance with standards. / Rep Frederick
HB 4069 / CTE / Establishes Oregon Task Force on Career and Technical Education Teaching for purpose of increasing availability and quality of teachers. / Reardon
HB 4077 / OEIB / Add a local school board member to OEIB membership / Rep Johnson/OSBA
HB 4087 / Safety / Establishes Task Force on School Safety. Requires school blueprints to be on file at local law enforcement / H Judiciary
HB 4090 / Meals / Allows ODE to award grants to enable participation in summer meals programs and include grants in afterschool snack program / Rep Keny-Guyer
HB 4134 / YDD / Directs YDC to fund community-based prevention and intervention programs and services based on indicators of need for youth ages 6-20. / Governor
HB 4150 / Proficiency / Revises assessment and grading system standards for school districts and establishes standards for proficiency education / OEA/Buckley
HB 4117 / Add’l $1 m / Directs ODE to award grants for summer school, before and after-school programs to Other Title 1 schools (18) / Rep Fagan
HB 4127 / OEIB / Requires that majority of OEIB be public educational professionals who work, or have worked on regular basis in public educational setting. Requires that four or more members of board represent interests of K-12 public education. / Rep Kotek
HB 4130 / Collaboration Grants / Imposes restrictions on number of times for design and number of years for implementation that school district is eligible for grant under School District Collaboration Grant Program. / Rep Komp
HB 4136 / Mascots / Permits district school board to enter into written agreement with federally recognized Native American Tribe in Oregon to identify acceptable name, symbol, or image of mascot that represents or is associated with Native American Tribe, to identify behavior expectations at athletic events and to identify required training on cultural diversity / Rep Sprenger
HB 4150 / Proficiency / Revises assessment and grading system standards for school districts; establishes standards for proficiency education. (HB 2220 re-write) / Buckley/OEA
SIPs / Gives school districts say in whether Strategic Investment Programs are initiated by Oregon Business Development Commission / Rep Unger