24th November 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians
Year 7 English Trip to Harry Potter Studio, 23rd March 2018
I am very excited to be able to offer you an excellent opportunity to enhance your son’s experience of English. This term, the boys have been studying the theme of school and how this is presented in a variety of different texts; both written and multi-media. Throughout the year, they will also be learning how to write descriptively. To complement these skills, we have arranged a trip to the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio, where the boys will gain a wider understanding of the production, design and distribution of film. During the tour, the boys will experience the settings and locations of the eight Harry Potter films, as well as a number of exciting and interactive exhibits. More information about this tour can be found on their website,
The trip will depart school at 8.30am, and we will hope to return by 3.30-4pm (approx.). We will travel to and from the Tour by coach, and boys will be taken around the exhibits by teachers at all times. At lunchtime, the boys will eat together as a group and will need to bring a packed lunch with them, with drinks to last the day, no fizzy drinks. During the day, there will be opportunities to purchase guide books, food, drink and souvenirs, so I would suggest that the boys bring a small amount of spending money with them if they are interested in purchasing these things. Students do need to wear school uniform.
Currently, we have 30 places and the cost of this trip will be £42. If the trip is oversubscribed, we will take into consideration “Effort Grades” and if necessary draw names from a ballot to decide who takes part, should your son be unsuccessful your full deposit will be returned. For those who are in receipt of qualifying benefits, there may be some financial assistance towards the funding of this trip. Please contact Mrs Farley, Parent Support Officer,Tel: 01189781626. A deposit of £10.00, either cash or cheque will need to be returned to the Admin Office by Friday 8th December2017 along with a completed EV2 form and an end of trip arrangements form. The final balance of £32 will be due by Thursday 4th January 2018, this will available to pay online You will be notified in writing if your son has been chosen.
I must advise that if insufficient funds are raised we will be unable to run this trip.
Please contact me if you have any further queries on I hope your son will be able to join us on this exciting trip!
Yours faithfully
Mrs K Maunder-Hand
Joint Head of English (KS3)
Please complete all details in BLOCK CAPITALS and do not use staples.
TO: Admin Office
Due By: 8th December 2017
Re: Yr. 7 English Trip to Harry Potter Studio, 23rd March ‘18
Pupil’s Name: ______
Pupil’s Tutor Group/House: ______
Name of cheque signatory: ______
------Please complete all details in BLOCK CAPITALS and do not use staples.
TO: Admin Office
Due By: 4th January 2018
Re: Yr. 7 English Trip to Harry Potter Studio, 23rd March ‘18
Pupil’s Name: ______
Pupil’s Tutor Group/House: ______
Name of cheque signatory: ______