Task: As a preceptor/supervisor, select the top 2 items in each category (below & reverse) that fail to meet your expectations for professional behaviors. Transfer your responses to the flipcharts on the walls using the stickers provided.
A. Scholarship & Commitment to Excellence
1. Demonstrates poor work ethic; not conscientious.
2. Expresses lack of enthusiasm about the rotation and/or his/her assignments.
3. Is slow to respond to requests for information and/or submit assignments on time.
4. Produces work that is incomplete or contains errors of fact, misspelled words, or grammatical errors, and must be redone.
5. Wastes time or other resources in relation to specific assignments.
B. Accountability & Initiative
6. Lacks initiative.
7. Refuses to perform a rotation activity.
8. Is absent/tardy too much
9. Does not complete assignments by deadlines.
10. Blames others for own errors.
11. Fails to inform appropriate staff of problems.
C. Self-Growth & Self-Care
12. Declines opportunities to learn something new.
13. Fails to plan ahead.
14. Does not learn from past error and tends to repeat mistakes.
15. Dresses inappropriately.
16. Falls asleep at the practice site.
D. Responsibility & Sense of Duty
17. Neglects or fails to take assignments and duties seriously.
18. Places personal interests (e.g. job) ahead of the rotation’s assignments, patients, practice site, and/or preceptor.
19. Tries to handle problems alone or does not include appropriate others in problem resolution.
20. Inappropriately uses pharmacy or personal computers or phones during rotation hours for personal interests (e.g. texting, email, games, shopping, social media).
21. Violates ethical standards.
22. Demonstrates an inflated sense of knowledge, skills, and judgment.
E. Compassion & Respect for Others
23. Engages in gossip or spreads rumors.
24. Fails to appreciate the valuable role and contributions of technicians.
25. Exhibits an insensitive attitude toward cultural differences.
26. Engages in sexual or other unlawful harassment.
27. Damages personal property of others or uses it without permission.
F. Integrity & Trustworthiness
28. Lies, deceives, miscommunicates, causing confusion and/or lack of trust.
29. Requires constant oversight by the preceptor/supervisor due to poor behaviors and/or judgments.
30. Steals controlled substances or other property of the practice site.
31. Appears to be under the influence of alcohol or illicit substances.
32. Violates HIPAA or site’s confidentiality agreements.
G. Teamwork & Professional Demeanor
33. Does not actively participate in group activities.
34. Is in conflict with colleagues.
35. Loses temper.
36. Is defensive when receiving constructive feedback.
37. Posts disparaging comments about rotation/preceptor/site/personnel on social media sites.
38. Tends to talk too loudly or uses slang or abusive language.
Concern for the Welfare of Patients
39. Places personal needs and wants above patient needs.
40. Inattentive/prone to errors related to patient safety.
41. Is insensitive or indifferent to patients’ needs.
42. Condescending toward patient’s concerns.
43. Is disrespectful of patient privacy, values, and belief systems.
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