To: All Attorneys, Paralegals and Secretaries

FROM: Executive Committee


RE: Updated Docketing Policy and Procedures


In order to reduce the risk of malpractice claims, it is the policy of [NAME OF FIRM] to utilize CompuLaw Vision SQL as the firm wide docketing program, which is a rules-based legal calendar software. In a three-year study published by the American Bar Association, court calendar-related errors was identified as the leading cause of legal malpractice claims.

Vision is a rules-based legal calendar software. All [NAME OF FIRM] offices share one Vision database which is managed by a docketing specialist. By utilizing this centralized database, all docketing is done electronically through the intranet. This allows attorneys in different offices to be assigned to a shared case.

It is therefore mandatory that all matters that have court related deadlines are to be submitted to docketing utilizing the online docket request form. Documents, as well as changes in existing calendar items, are to be submitted to docketing in a timely fashion (i.e., no later than 48 hours from date of receipt).

Procedures -- Submitting the Docket Request Form:

To implement the docketing policy, it is required that the online docket request form for your office be completed for each matter which requires docketing. This form is on the [NAME OF FIRM] Intranet under Firm Tools. A link to detailed instructions is contained in that form. (Docket request forms are sent to a mail box for each office, e.g., riverside.docketing@[NAME OF FIRM]

In addition, all documents that require docketing are to be promptly scanned, whether received by mail, fax, hand delivery or generated by our office. (Please note, up to 10 scanned documents can be attached to a docket request form. When docketing multiple documents for a case, e.g., multiple discovery requests, they should be attached to one docket request, rather than separate requests.)

In most cases the first page and proof of service is sufficient. However, if it is easier to scan the entire document, that is acceptable. If it is a detailed trial scheduling order, the entire document must be submitted.

Always attach the underlying document when available. In order to insure the deadlines are calculated correctly, the docketer needs to review the document. Docket requests may be returned to the submitter if they do not include the underlying document. If the information to be docketed is coming from a source that does not have an underlying document, use the "Additional Information" field at the bottom of the docket request form. Please be clear where the information came from. For example, "CMC continued to 7/25/07 per.XXX". This will provide backup to anyone questioning the entry.

Documents to be returned to submitter:

Once the item has been docketed, a report will be generated and attached to the docket request form which will be returned by e-mail to the secretary who submitted the form.

The docketing department will strive to complete the docket requests within 24 hours of receipt. If that cannot be accomplished, the secretary or office manager will be notified.

For rush docket requests, please complete the docket request form as usual and call the docketing department at [Tel Number] to advise them of your rush request.


Every Friday weekly docket reports will be generated for attorneys and paralegals. These reports will be sent by e-mail. The secretary assigned to the attorney will be copied on the report. It is the obligation of each attorney to promptly review his or her docketing report.

Custom reports can be created at the request of a practice group, office or individual. A two week appearance report is generated for the Eminent Domain group, as well as a trial report for the San Diego office.

Docket requests submitted after 5:00 pm on Thursday evening, may not be completed in time to be included on the weekly docket report for the following week. If a specific item needs to be included on the report for the following week, please call the docketing department to request that item be processed on a rush basis.

Opening New Matters/Attorney Assignments:

When submitting a docket request for a new matter, use the "Additional Information" field to note the matter type (e.g., CEQA, eminent domain, breach of contract, bankruptcy, etc.) so the correct court rules can be applied.

Notify docketing when new attorneys are assigned to matters or when they should be removed. Closing files:

Notify the docketing department as soon as a case closes. A closing report will be generated and returned to the secretary. In accordance with our records retention policy, this report is required to be kept with the file prior to going to storage. The matter will then be made inactive and all events will be removed from the weekly docket reports.

Updated Docketing Policy and Procedure – Law Firm 5