English III Honors

Spring Syllabus 2014

Unit 1: Literary Devices:
Essential Vocabulary: metaphor, simile, personification, irony, foreshadowing, tone, alliteration, onomatopoeia, setting, symbolism, imagery, theme, speaker, purpose, audience,
connotation, denotation, abstract, perspective, context, diction and syntax / Texts: “A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim”,
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, “I Hear America Singing”, “Fire and Ice”, “Road not Taken”, “I Heard a Fly Buzz”, “Because I could not Stop for Death”, “War is Kind”, “Annabel Lee”, “Story of an Hour”, “Time enough at Last”, “Death of Benny Paret”, “The Raven” / Weekly Skills and Work: Voice Lessons, weekly vocab., reading, annotating, discussions, Socratic Seminar, and Literature Circles 1st qtr.
Assessments: essay & quote-driven test
Unit 2: Diction, Tone, and Syntax
Essential Vocabulary: metaphor, simile, personification, irony, foreshadowing, tone, alliteration, onomatopoeia, setting, symbolism, imagery, theme, speaker, purpose, audience, diction, tone, connotation, denotation, abstract, perspective, context, and syntax / Texts: “Make that a Double”, “The Death of Benny Paret”, excerpt from Fight Club, “Wife Beater”, “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, and “Thanatopsis“, “Who Killed Benny Paret” / Weekly Skills and Work: Voice Lessons, weekly vocab., reading, annotating, discussions, Socratic Seminar, and Literature Circles
Assessments: essay & quote-driven test
Unit 3: Rhetoric
Essential Vocabulary: seminal text, modes of appeal, speaker, purpose, audience anaphora/repetition, allusion, rhetorical question, anecdote, understatement, style, sarcasm, synthesis, legal reasoning, advocacy, fallacy, claim, counterclaim, and satire / Texts: “Speech to the Virginia Convention”, “Declaration of Independence”, “Gettysburg Address”, “Emancipation Proclamation”, “The Lowest Animal”, “I Want a Wife”, “Threat of National ID”, “Take this Internship and Shove it”, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, JFK’s Inaugural Address, excerpts from Emerson and Thoreau / Weekly Skills and Work: Voice Lessons, weekly vocab., reading, annotating, discussions, and Socratic Seminar
Assessments: Research Paper & quote-driven test
Unit 4: Drama
Essential Vocabulary: dramatic structure, motivation, characterization, symbol, conflict ideology / Texts: A Raisin in the Sun
Film: A Raisin in the Sun / Weekly Skills and Work: Voice Lessons, weekly vocab., reading, annotating, discussions, and Socratic Seminar
Assessments: Formal Debate & quote driven test
Unit 5: Novel
Essential Vocabulary: motif, theme, symbolism, argument, annotate, implicit explicit, subplot, metaphor, simile, personification, irony, foreshadowing, tone, alliteration, onomatopoeia, setting, symbolism, imagery, theme, speaker, purpose, audience, diction, tone, connotation, denotation, abstract, perspective, context, and syntax / Texts: Huckleberry Finn
or As I Lay Dying / Weekly Skills and Work: Voice Lessons, weekly vocab., reading, annotating, discussions, and Socratic Seminar
Assessments: synthesis essay / alternate perspective essay & and quote-driven test, quote-driven test
Unit 6: The Narrative
Essential Vocabulary: stream of consciousness, juxtaposition, metaphor, simile, personification, irony, foreshadowing, tone, alliteration, onomatopoeia, setting, symbolism, imagery, theme, speaker, purpose, audience, diction, tone, connotation, denotation, abstract, perspective, context, and syntax / Texts: “Harrison Bergeron”, “To Build a Fire”, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, “Roman Fever”, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, and “Visit to the Dentist” The Yellow Wallpaper”, “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, “A Rose for Emily” and “The Devil and Tom Walker” / Weekly Skills and Work: Voice Lessons, weekly vocab., reading, annotating, discussions, and Socratic Seminar
Assessments: narrative transcription & quote-driven test
Review for Final Exam

Policies and Procedures

1)  Cheating in any way shape or form will not be tolerated. You will receive a zero on the assignment and written up.

2)  Late Work: 10% per day will be deducted from the grade.

3)  Absent Work: The amount of days missed is the amount of time you have to compete work.

4)  If you are absent, you need to see me before or after school or view my website for missed work.

5)  No portable phone or music devices allowed in class unless it is being used for educational purposes.

6)  Tardy to class: you have 3 tardies to class per semester.

7)  Class Discussion: Students must be respectful, kind, courteous, patient, and understanding to the views of others.

8)  Only water is permitted in class, no food or other drinks.


1)  Pens/pencils

2)  Paper

3)  Folder/organizer…whatever works for you

4)  Flash drive

5)  Novels:

·  Possible novel selections: The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Fight Club, The Color Purple, Slaughter House Five, The Things they Carried, The Dark Night Returns

·  One of the previously listed novels will be independent reading but will be discussed in class. Each student will have a choice regarding which book he/she will read. However, the following novels will not be provided by the school and will have to be purchased or checked out of a library: Fight Club, The Color Purple, The Things of they Carried, and The Dark Night Returns.

Wish List

1)  Facial tissues

2)  Hand sanitizer

3)  Old magazines

4)  Donated copies of any novels on the novel list