CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies

The CEEPUS Program aims to promote teacher and student mobility. Students can spend a study period abroad or teachers can undertake a teaching period at a partner university. These opportunities are designed to strengthen professional and personal relationships among Central European scholars empowering and developing Central Europe both in political and economical levels that way.

Member countries

Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and University of Prishtina in Kosovo


Student mobility takes place in the framework of networks. The network, as a project consortium, applies for the funding, which is designed to cover the studies and teaching activities of students, graduates and university teachers.

Our institution is the member of the AT-50 network coordinated by FH-Studiengänge Burgenland (Austria).

Freemover mobility

If you study at a university that does not participate in a CEEPUS network, you may join the programme as a freemover.


The CEEPUS partner countries provide the funding for the programme. Students receive their CEEPUS grant from the host country therefore the amount is tailored according to local standards.

The Hungarian scholarship-rates for academic year 2009/2010:

scholarship category / amount
students, PhD candidates(S) / 73 000
teachers (for minimum stay of 5-9 workingdays AND minimum 6 lessons to give is obligatory) (T) / 110 000

Accepting procedure

You can follow your application on the Central CEEPUS hompage after the host country (the decision maker) has accepted your application, you have one task left is to accept your application online.
(Freemover applicants cannot do it online, they have to send their undersigned Letter of Acceptance by e-mail,fax or mail to the host NCO!)

Application deadlines:

For the autumn semester: 15 June
For the spring semester - intra-network mobility: 31 October
For thespring semester - freemover mobility: 30 November

Institutional coordinator:


Tel: +36-36/520-427, +36-36/520-400/2038
Fax: +36-36/520-448
Postal address: Eszterházy Károly College, Centre for International Relations, 3300 Eger, Eszterházy square 1. HUNGARY

Network coordinator:

István VAS


Tel: 36/520-400/3080

postal address: Eszterházy Károly College, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences,Eger 3300, Egészségház str. 4.HUNGARY

More info about the National Offices and the scholarship rates:

The Hungarian CEEPUS Office is officially operating within the body of the Tempus Public Foundation.

Tempus Public Foundation

Lónyay 31, H-1093 Budapest
Postal address:
H-1438 Budapest 70., Pf. / POB: 508.
Phone: (+36 1) 237 1300, Fax: (+36 1) 239 1329

Programme coordinators: Gábor DOBOS, Erzsébet RÁCZor Dr. Mónika MÁDAI