¡Itinerario de Viaje!
¡Itinerario de Viaje!
Due Date: March 26th
GOAL:Your goal is to create an itinerary for a week-long trip to a foreign country.
ROLE:You are the person within your group of friends who speaks most Spanish, and therefore you have been nominated to do the planning for this trip to a Spanish-speaking country.
AUDIENCE:Your target audience is your friends who speak basic Spanish.
SITUATION:You and a group of friends decided to travel to a Spanish-speaking city for a week over summer break.Because you know the most Spanish out of all of your friends, you have been nominated by your friends to create a weekly itinerary.
PRODUCT:Your final product will include two aspects:
  • Itinerary:Your itinerary should fit on a piece of 8 x11.5 computer paper or within a packet or booklet no bigger than 8 x 11.5 inches. (No posters will be accepted)Or, you may also create a Google presentation and share this
  • Presentation:You will present two days of your itinerary to the class.Before talking about the daily activities, you should introduce yourself and tell what country (and/ or city) you are visiting. You should practice pronunciation prior to presenting to the class.
Describe who is going (los viajeros)on this trip and the interests of those people.
You should plan at least one activity for each day of the week, based on the interests of the people who are traveling..
For each location, label the day you are going (lunes, martes, etc.)and the name of the place that you are going (El Parque de Buen Retiro, El Escorial, etc.)
oInclude a visual representation of this place (a picture, a drawing, magazine cut out, etc)
oWrite a caption in at least THREE complete Spanish sentences describing this location.
When and where are you going? (Name what day you’re going and the name of the place)
What is this place? (Is it a park, a restaurant, a mall, church, etc?)
What are you going to do there? (Go shopping, eat Spanish food, take photos, walk, etc)
Your final product should be:
oprinted out or written on a white piece of computer paper.
onot wrinkled, damaged or crumpled.
oorganized in a visually-pleasing manner.
oinclude colors beyond black and white.
owritten using your own skills and knowledge.Using a translator will result in a ZERO.
En inglés:
I will be traveling to ______(country).This country is located on the continent of ______(list continent).I will be traveling with my friends ______(list friends). I would describe my friends and me as ______(adjectives to describe interests).My friends’ and my interests include ______(friends’ interests).
En español:
Descripción de los viajeros:
¿Quiénes son los viajeros? (2 amigos al mínimo)______
¿Adónde van ustedes? (subject +ir+ a+ location) ______
¿Cómo son Ustedes? (2 adjetivos al mínimo)______
¿Qué les gusta hacer? (2 verbos al mínimo)______
Descripción del viaje:
Día / Lugar (¿Adónde van Ustedes?) / Actividad (¿Qué van a hacer allí?)
ejemplo: / Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio (Un parque/ una selva) / ver los animales/ nadar en la playa

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