

The 174th Meeting of the Hampshire Health, Safety & Environmental Group

14.00 hours 22nd April 2015

The Institute of Naval Medicine. Address, Alverstoke, Gosport, Hants. Postcode, PO12 2DL

1. Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the 174th meeting of the Hampshire Health, Safety and Environmental Group (HHSEG) and extended his thanks and gratitude to INM for allowing the hospitality and use of the facilities.

2. Welfare and Evacuation Procedures

Steve Moore explained the welfare and evacuation procedures to the group.

3.  Attendees

As per the signing in book.

4. Apologies

As per the signing in book.

5. New Members and Visitors.

Malcom Smith from MBHS Ltd

Susan Froggett from PTC Ltd

Matt McDonald from Apello

Patrick Palmer from HSS HCC

Amanda Lake from HSS AMS

6. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting, which took place on the 25TH March 2015, were confirmed as being a correct record.

7. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising

8. Main Meeting

8.1 Website Update – Peter Hewick told the committee that the executive had voted 10-4 to accept the contract with Northwood. PH will work with AS to oversee up to 12 free revision changes and tweak the logo until they are

happy with a finalised website. Paula Gilfillan has started up her environmental consultancy and a new web champion is required.

8.2 PETA CDM update – Cameron Jones explained about his experience at the CDM update such as the allowance for the old CDM-C to be changed to Principal Designer within 6 months.

8.3 Summer Workshop – Cameron Jones explained that they require speakers for the event being held on the 12th August at FASSET. There will be a charge of £5.00 to include admin and hospitality. The three talks are entitled

·  Environmental Nuisance.

·  Waste Management and Control.

·  Energy Efficiency and Cost Cutting for Business.

9 Correspondence and Notices

·  HSM magazine

·  HSW magazine

·  The Environmentalist

·  ROSPA Safety Express

·  ROSPA Occupational Health

10. Members Forum or Discussion Topic

10.1 Lesley Stewart mentioned that she is attending a Water UK event on the 23RD April where the HSE will talk on the CDM Regs. Lesley did not receive any questions from the group for her to ask. Malcom Smith suggested that from CDM meetings that he has attended, the larger companies appear to understand the new Regs less! Cyril Campbell suggested that the domestic client would be more likely and easier to be prosecuted. He also mentioned that the CIBT App can be used for the construction phase plan as it has been endorsed by the HSE.

11. Any Other Business

11.1 Cameron Jones questioned the requirement of Competence within the CDM Regs. It was agreed that it was a combination of skills, knowledge and experience.

The meeting ended at 14.45. An interesting presentation entitled Take Five, Stay Alive; Operational Asbestos by Rick Pomeroy followed the meeting.

The Chairperson extends an invitation to the 175TH HHSEG Meeting, taking place at Fasset Ltd, Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1SA at 14.00. A presentation called Healthy Workplaces, Managing Stress will follow.

Standing Agenda

1.  Welcome

2.  Welfare and Evacuation Procedures

3.  Attendees

4.  Apologies

5.  New Members and Visitors

6.  Minutes of the Last Meeting

7.  Matters Arising

8.  Main Meeting

9.  Correspondence and Notices

10.  Members Forum or Discussion Topic

11.  AOB

174th HHSEG Meeting 22nd April 2015

Minutes confirmed by the Chair April 2015 Page 3