Greater Philadelphia

Date: Draft, July 1, 2015

Next revision date: July 1, 2020


  1. The name of this chapteris the Greater Philadelphia. The address of the Greater PhiladelphiaChapter is 1511 Pilgrim Lane, Quakertown, PA 18951 whichisthemailingaddressofthecurrent chapterTreasurer. The chapter number is Twenty-One(21)and the date of the chapter charter is October6,1965.
  2. These chapter by-laws are consistent with the national association by-laws and national association policies (and all revisions there-to), which are incorporated into this document by reference. In the case of any inconsistency between the NCMA by-laws and the chapter by-laws, the NCMA by-laws shall govern.
  3. The fiscal year of the chapter shall be the same as the national association, which is fromJuly 1 through June 30. The fiscal year and programyear shall be the same dates.


  1. The elected officers of the Greater PhiladelphiaChapter shall be: President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President – Programs, Vice President – Membership, Vice President – Communications, Vice President – Education, and Vice President – Technology.The elected chapter officers shall be called the “Chapter Executive Council”.
  2. Additionally,theofficersshallappointthefollowingcommitteechairs: Awards and Community Service.Thislistmaybeadjustedaccordingtothechapter's needsandoperations.
  3. Elected officers and committee chairs must be current members of NCMA. The duties ofthe chapter officers andcommittee chairs are asstated in NCMA’s policy and procedure documents.


a.PresidesatallChapterandExecutiveCouncilmeetingsand promulgatestheaims,purposes,mission,objectives,andCodeof EthicsoftheChapterandNCMA.

b.Assignsresponsibilitytoelectedandappointedofficerstofoster theaccomplishmentofChaptergoalsandobjectives.

c.MayestablishAdHocCommitteeswith theconcurrenceofa majorityoftheChapterExecutiveCouncil.

d.Makesappointmentsto filltemporaryvacanciesandcommittee chairs.

e.Exercisesgeneralsupervisoryresponsibilityovertheotherelected andappointedofficers.

f.MaintainsthecontinuityofChapteractivitiesandfunctionsby assuringtheelectionofsuccessorstoChapterOfficers.



a.Actsas alternateauthorityintheguidanceandsupervisory functionsofthePresident.

b.ActsintheabsenceorincapacityofthePresidentonatemporary oronapermanentbasis,if required,forthefullunexpiredtermof thePresident.

c.Exercisesgeneralsupervisoryresponsibilityoverthe Treasurer, Secretary, andotherappointedpositionsasmaybedelegatedby thePresident.

d.AssiststhePresidentandactsinthePresident'sbehalfasotherwise requiredintheextensionandsupportoftheChapter'sobjectives andpurposes.


a.RecordstheminutesandbusinessdecisionsoftheChapterand assurestheavailabilityoftheminutesforeachregularmeetingof theChapterorExecutiveCouncil.






c.Submitsamonthlytreasurer'sreporttotheChapterExecutive Council.

d.MaintainstheChapterbankaccountsanddrawschecksfor approvedChapterpurposes.

e.Ensuresappropriateadditionalsignatoryauthorityisestablishedto assure continuityoffinancialoperations.

f.ForwardspaymentsduetotheTreasureroftheNational Association.



5.ChapterVicePresident – Programs

a.ExercisesgeneralresponsibilityovertheplanningofChapter events,seminars,dinermeetings,andworkshopsandtheselection ofthespeakersfortheseevents.

b.WorkswiththeVice-PresidentsofEducation andotheradhocmembersappointedbythe Presidenttoidentifyspeakersformeetings,seminars,and workshopswithagoalofhavingseveralChaptereventsduringthe businessportion,normallySeptemberthroughJuneoftheProgram Year.

c.Responsibleforinviting,confirming,andthankingspeakersforall events,unlesscoordinatedwithandtakencareofbytheVice­ PresidentofEducation.


6.ChapterVicePresident – Membership

a.ExercisesgeneralsupervisoryresponsibilityovertheLongevity Awards,Membership,andothercommitteesasmaybecreatedor deemedappropriatetheExecutiveCouncilandassignedbythe President.


c.Assistsnewandprospectivemembersinprocessingtheir membershipregistrationforms.


e.Sends"Reminder"letterstochaptermemberswhosememberships areexpiring.


7.ChapterVicePresident – Communications


b.WorkswithVice President – Technology inpostinganddisseminating eventnotices.


8.ChapterVicePresident – Education

a.Oversees the preparation and coordination of Certification Study Groups.

b.IncoordinationwiththeVicePresident – Programs,exercisesgeneralresponsibilityoverthe planningandpresentationofChapterseminarsandsymposiums andtheselectionoftheirspeakers.


9.ChapterVicePresident – Technology

a.ExercisesgeneralsupervisoryresponsibilityovertheChapter website and social media sites.


D.Orderof Succession.IntheabsenceorincapacityofthePresidentona temporarybasis,oronapermanentbasisifrequired,theChapterofficerswill succeedthePresidentintheorderbelow.Permanentsuccessionshallbeforthe fullun-expiredtermof thePresident.

  1. President-Elect
  1. ExecutiveVicePresident
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer

E.The Greater PhiladelphiaChapter may have a Council of Advisors. The members ofthe Council of Advisors shall be nominated by the ChapterExecutive Council and meetingsshall be chaired by the chapter president. The chapter Council ofAdvisors shall have similar duties and responsibilities as listed in the NCMA policy on the “Executive Advisory Council.”


  1. The chair and members of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be responsible for filling the slate of officercandidates. The committee shall operate within the guidelines ofthe NCMApolicy on “Nominations and Elections Committee” and ensure that chapter elections are completed by May 1 of each programyear.
  2. Officer candidates shall be nominated fromthe general chapter membership and elected by an affirmative vote ofthemajority ofchapter members casting ballots.
  3. Chapter elections may be held at a chapter meeting or may be conducted by mail or electronic ballot. Association members in good standing, whose dues are paid in full and assigned to the Greater PhiladelphiaChapter, as of the date of the chapter election are entitled tocast a ballot in chapter elections.
  4. If possible, newly elected chapter officers should beinstalled at the last meeting of the programyear, but not later than the first meeting of the next program year,to ensure proper authority to act on behalf of the chapter and in planning actions for the next programyear.
  5. Chapter officers may be removed from office for cause in accordance with theNCMA by-laws.
  6. Vacancies in any elected chapter officer positioncaused during the programyear by resignation, succession or other reasons, shall be filled by a vote of the members of the Chapter Executive Council, and not the membership as described above. The chapter member elected tofill suchvacancy shall serve until the completion of the termof the vacated office.


  1. The Chapter Executive Council.The Chapter Executive Council shall convene on a regularly scheduled basis,usuallyonceamonth,and conduct the business of the chapter.
  2. The termof office for chapter officers shall be forone(1)year.Thereareno restrictionsontermsof officeoronconsecutivetermsofserviceforanyofficer, exceptthatoftheTreasurerwhoseterm,accordingtotheNationalAssociation, shouldbelimitedtonomorethanthree(3)consecutiveterms,unlesswaivedby theChapter's ExecutiveCouncil.
  3. The chapter president shall conduct the executive council meetings and will provide each council member with an agenda for the meeting.
  4. Each member of the executive council isresponsible for reporting on the activities in their area of responsibility.


  1. The chapter shall have regularly scheduled membership meetings. The chapter shall meet during the months of SeptemberthroughJuneof each programyear.
  2. The time, day and place of chapter meetings shall be established by the Chapter Executive Council and will be providedto the membership via thechapterwebsite ( other regular methods of chapter communication.


  1. The National Contract Management Association is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit associationcharteredinaccordancewith the Internal Revenue Service Code of1954 and the Articles ofIncorporationfiled under the Virginia Non-Stock Corporation Act.Therefore, it is imperative that the Greater PhiladelphiaChapter, andall ofthe Greater PhiladelphiaChapter officers adhere to the fiduciaryresponsibilityconferredonthem in the operation of the chapter. They shall ensure that the chapter assets areutilized in accordance with the NCMA Chapter Guidelines and Article II of the NCMA By-laws.
  2. Each chapter officer shall submit a budgettothechapter treasurer at the beginning ofthe program year in accordance with guidelines provided by the treasurer. The budget shall consist ofintended programyear expenditures and estimated income fromplanned chapter activities for their area of responsibility.
  3. The chapter treasurer shall prepare an overall chapter budget fromthe officer inputs and shall submit the programyearbudget to the ChapterExecutive Council. The Greater Philadelphia Executive Councilshall approve the chapter budgetat the beginning of the chapter programyear.
  4. The chapter treasurer shall prepare a monthly report of the financial balance sheet and income/expense sheet for review by the Chapter Executive Council. The financial report shall include the event attendance report from the Chapter Secretary, and any other sources of income.
  5. Specific guidance on disbursement of chapter funds will be developed and reviewed at the beginning of each chapter year and address at a minimum the use of checks and debit cards bychapter officers.
  6. An independent audit shall be initiated by the chapter treasurer and approved by the chapter president at the end of each program year. The independent audit shall be performed by an individual outside of chapter leadership; that is, the individual cannot be an officer, committee chair or serve in any other official volunteer capacity. A formal audit report shall be submitted to the NCMA Headquarters within 90 days of the end of the program year.
  7. In the event of charter revocation or chapter dissolutionin accordance with NCMA Policy 5-7, all residual chapter funds and tangible property acquired by the chapter shall be forwarded to the principal office of NCMA andthe chapter shall cease the use and display of the NCMA/chapter logo immediately following revocation.


  1. The chapter by-laws shall be revised when there are major changes to the NCMA by-laws or other sections of the NCMApolicy that create an inconsistency between that document and these by-laws, or every five years. Failure to revise the chapter by-laws shall not, however, render these by-laws invalid.
  2. Amendments to the chapter by-laws shallbe proposed in writing to the chapter president.
  3. TheChapterSecretaryorotherchapterdesigneebytheChapterPresidentshallbe instructedtotransmitaballotoftheproposedby-lawsorrevisionstotheby-laws totheChapter'sExecutiveCouncil.Approvalofchapterby-lawsandrevisionsto chapterby-lawsshallbesubjecttoanaffirmativevote of three-fourthsofthose memberspresentata scheduledmeetingoftheGreater Philadelphia Executive Council.
  4. Upon resolution adopted by the chapter voting members, the NCMA Governance Committee, or the individual/body granted the authority, shall be requested to approve the by-laws or the by-laws as amended, as specifiedinNCMA’spolicy.
  5. A copy of the Greater Philadelphia Executive CouncilChapter by-laws and amendments shall be kept in a book of recordwith the chapter secretary andpostedtothe Chapter'swebsite.


  1. The chapter strongly supports integrity and ethics in the government contracting profession. Therefore, the chapter will start each program year off with a reminder to its members of the importance of complying with the Contract Management Code of Ethicsby either pointing members to where it can be found on the NCMA website, handing out copies at the beginning of the program year or reading the Code of Ethics aloud at the first scheduled chaptermeeting.
  2. At the beginning of the program year all chapter officers, directors, and committee chairs shall be provided a written copy of the Code of Ethics with a signature block at the bottom of the page which they are required to sign and date. These signed copies will be retained by the chapter secretary along with the chapter by-laws in accordance with NCMA’s records retention policy.