GPSA Finance Committee Minutes

Friday April 24th, 2015, 2:00 PM

SUB Spirit Room

Called to order at 2:04

Roll Call:

Brian Keoki Watkins, Maria Elena Coral, Matthew Barceleau, Hilary Wainwright, Bich-Hanh Thi Nguyen, Texanna Martin (Proxy in partial attendance for Rep. Coral), Joe Raborn (Proxy for Rep. Tomar).

Agenda was approved as is.

Motion to approve agenda as is by Rep Coral, Seconded by Rep Watkins, motion approved unanimously.

SPR_2015- 032Speech and Hearing Sciences Graduate Student Association(SHSGSA)

SHSGSA is requesting $3772 to fund anin-service training in Mexico City. Motion to approve request as is by Rep. Muniz, Seconded by Rep Raborn, Motion is approved by President Martin, Rep. Barceleau and Rep. Nguyen, with Rep. Watkins abstained for $2,386 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 033Foreign Languages and Literatures(FLLGC)

FLLGC is requesting $500 for advertising, travel and networking for a conference. Motion by Rep. Nguyen to approve advertisingas requested, reduce travel to zero, networkingis changed to Food category and approve as is, Seconded by President Martin, Motion passes unanimously for $200 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015-034Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association(P&A- 1)

P&A- 1 isrequesting $400 for an event in May. Motion by Rep. Nguyen to approve the request as is, Seconded by Rep. Watkins. Motion passes unanimously for $400 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015-035Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association(P&A- 2)

P&A- 2 isrequesting $400 for an event in July. Motion by Rep. Watkins to approve the request as is, Seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously for $400 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 036Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECE 1)

ECE 1 is requesting funding for students to attend IEEE Cloud 2015conference in the amount of $1,689.Motion by Rep. Barceleau to fund conference fees for $300, Seconded by Rep. Raborn. Motion passes unanimously. Motion by Rep. Raborn to approve travel and per diem as is and conference fees at $300, Seconded by Rep Barceleau. Motion is approved by Rep. Raborn, Rep. Barceleau and Rep. Watkins, with Rep. Nguyen abstained for $1,589 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 037Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECE 2)

ECE requests funds for students’ conference travel for Electrical Computer Engineering group. Motion by Rep. Barceleau to fund conference fees for $300, Seconded by Rep. Raborn, motion passed. Motion by Rep. Raborn to approve travel and per diem asrequested, Seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously. Request approved for $1,540 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 038Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)

SIGN is requesting funding for one lunch meeting left for this semester and funding to send an officer to our annual meeting. Motion by Rep. Barceleau to accept food funds as requested, reduce travel funds to $0. Motion is seconded by Rep. Raborn. Appropriation is approved unanimously for $200 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 039Persian Student Association(PSA)

PSA is requesting funding for Persian New Year's celebration in March. Motions by Rep. Corral to approve funding as requested, seconded by Rep. Barceleau.Motion is approved by Rep. Corral, Rep. Barceleau and Rep. Nguyen, with Rep. Watkins dissenting. Appropriation is approved for $311 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 040American Planning Association UNM Chapter(APA)

APA requests funding to attend American Planning Association National Conference in Seattle, WA,subsequence debrief at UNM, and to purchase APA UNM tee shirts for students. Motion by Rep. Corral to fund per diem for $525, travel for $622 ($311x2 students), change Educational Supplies to Professional Services category at $250, conference fees for $200 ($100 x 2 students), food and copying services as requested, Seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously for $1,897 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 041International Business Students Global (IBSG)

IBSG requests travel funds for two students to go to Brazil from August 2nd - 8th to participate in the Brazil Olympic Project. Motion by Rep. Watkins to approve the request as is, Seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously for $2,914 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 042AMA- NM Student Medical Society(AMA)

AMA is requesting travel funding for two officers from the AMA-NMSMS to represent the University of New Mexico, School of Medicine at the AMA national conference in Chicago, IL. Motion by Rep. Nguyen to change line item 1 (hotel accommodation) to Per Diem category, to approve the line item 3 as is, to approve travel for $954, seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously for $1,862 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 043GPSA General Government(GPSA)

GPSA makes this request to ensure the continued operation of our office and its services to our general graduate and professional student body over the Summer 2015. Motion by Rep. Nguyen to approve the request as is, Seconded by Rep. Watkins. Motion passes unanimously for $8,130 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 044GPSA Counsil(GPSA Council)

GPSA Council Chair requests to allocate the full $400 per semester stipend for the legislative chairs, as outlined in the Bylaws. GPSA Council Chair amends this appropriation request for additional $60 for supplies for the Inaugural Ceremony. Motion by Rep. Watkins to approve the request as is, seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously for $460 + Foundation Surcharge.

SPR_2015- 045Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF)

The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund requests $300 for general operating expenses for the 2015-2016 academic year. We would like $100 for food and refreshments for meetings, $100 for copying, and $100 for office supplies. Motion by Rep. Nguyen to approve the request as is, seconded by Rep. Barceleau. Motion passes unanimously for $300 + Foundation Surcharge.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm