Meeting called by: LCDR Sheila Weagle, Chair / Secretary: LT Chica (filled-in)
Executive Committee Attendance: (In Order of Committee Roster)
LT Angelica Chica
LT Suzanne Redmon (ABSENT Excused)
LT Cynthia Chennault
LCDR Jennifer Curtis
LCDR Tammy Thomason (ABSENT Excused)
LT Emily Warnstadt (ABSENT Excused)
CDR Mylene Santulan
LCDR Stephanie Lovell
LCDR Juanita Simpson
CDR Kelly Hughey (ABSENT Excused)
LCDR Kari Pinsonneault
LCDR Stacy Harper
LCDR Nikki Landgenderfer
CAPT Lori Goodman (ABSENT Excused)
LCDR Sylvester Smith
LCDR Torrey Darkenwald
LCDR Kelli Shaffer
Non-voting Members:
LCDR Weagle will send out a survey to non-voting members via the DHPAG listserv with a code: 0412, and have participants put down their: rank, first name, last, name, agency, and any comments or questions regarding the bi-monthly call.
Non-voting Members Attendance:
LCDR Dorinda Ball
LT Andrew Felix
LT Ruth Williams / Quorum: yes
Special Speaker(s): None
Tentative / Completed
Welcome / · Reminder that COA 2016 will be May 15-20. There is a RAM deployment event in Durant, OK the weekend prior to COA (May 13-15); RDF4 and ReDog sent out a survey gauge participation in the event. LT Chica will be attending the deployment (she is part of RDF 4) and the whole COA conference. LCDR Weagle will also be attending part of COA. Anyone attending please e-mail LT Chica. / LCDR Sheila Weagle
Action on previous meeting minutes / Motion to pass Minutes to be approved next meeting?
1st: LT Cynthia Shennault
2nd: LCDR Kari Pinsonneault / 2nd meeting of 2016
Agenda Items:
Chair Report / · HSPAC has gone to a new .gov website and some of the content under our PAG is not correct. They are still trying to update the information, we are limited on the content we can have on our PAG section of the website (which is basically now combined with HSPAC)---we can put our newsletters in our section of the website. The updates are taking place, please be patient as they continue to migrate and update.
Committee Reports
(LT Cynthia Chennault) / · Results for the awards have been calculated: Candace M. Jones award= LCDR Amy Strain and the Jr. Dental Hygienists of the Year to LT Sean McMahan
· Plaques are being ordered and will be presented during COA 2016
· The committee will be meeting to do an after action report/discussion to see how to improve award process in the future / Awards Subcommittee
Career Development
(LCDR Jennifer Curtis) / · LCDR Jennifer Curtis sat in on the PAC call and stated that everyone is trying to filter out what projects would be best to provide this year. The committee has a survey regarding projects in DHPAG Career Development Committee ready to disseminate to our listserv / Career Development Subcommittee / Next Call to report progress
(LCDR Tammy Thomason) / · LT Shafer newsletter will be put out soon. Please try to provide information on what you are doing in your Agency/career/community involvement---at least a little blurb so that we can include this information in the newsletter. / Communications Subcommittee / Next Call to report progress
(LCDR Stephanie Lovell) / · They will be sending out the welcome letters to the members as part of our outreach program to get more RDHs involved on the calls, with DHPAG, and to volunteer (OPEN, Close out date 1MAY2016) / Mentoring Subcommittee / Next Call to report progress
Policy and Legislation
(LT Emily Warnstadt) / · LCDR Simpson spoke for the Committee—she stated that LT Warnstadt is sitting on a policy committee meeting and time lines for policy updates will be forthcoming / Juanita Simpson
Readiness/ Recruitment/ Retention
(CDR Mylene Santulan) / · If anyone is interested in participating in this Committee please e-mail the Committee (CDR Santulan).
· Please look at the HSO website to look at the different PAC subcommittees
· Mission for this Committee is to support 2016 PAC retention survey—Spring 2016 we will develop a recruitment questionnaire specific for Dental Hygiene that will be incorporated in the PAC survey
· Health Service Assignment Assistance Program (HSAP)-if you are interested they need Dental Hygiene volunteer liaisons to assist on calls for CAD, assisting officers to procure an assignment, existing officers (might not necessary be a RDH, could be another category)—
· Webinar April 27, 2016 on Retention and Resiliency
· Welcome packet for our PAC has been finalized and should be coming out soon.
· For those interested in obtaining CMS vacancies, email containing the text “SUBSCRIBE JOINCMS” in the body of the message.eOPF Fax line is still down / Readiness/Recruitment/Retention Subcommittee / Next Call to report progress
Old Business / · None
Be sure you are all updated for promotion!! Don’t get passed by because your medical exam expires.
Check out your DHPAG website!
New Business / · We will be tracking attendance of non-voting members via survey monkey
· LCDR Weagle has received the annual objectives to keep track and report whether or not we meet these objectives. These objectives and goal accomplishment will be posted on the newsletter and at the end of the year meeting (CLOSED).
· LCDR Juanita Simpson—National Oral Health Counsel provided by IHS; she has been the representative for this counsel and is seeking a replacement that will be able to replace her after her 5 year tenure. She will be sending the information via the newsletter regarding the details for the position.
Next Meeting / June 28, 2016, Tuesday, 1400-1500 EST
An email will go out.
Adjournment / Motion for Adjournment:
1st LT Cynthia Chennault
2nd LCDR Nikki Landgenderfer / Time Meeting Adjourned:
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