OCTOBER 22, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.
Attendees: Jackie Dillemuth (President), Kim Howard (Vice President), Jane Freathy (Vice President), Wendy Valley, Suzanne Kessler, Jeremy Rodgers and Ann Trotter (Secretary).
Minutes from October 8th, 2012 meeting were approved as written. Ann Trotter will post to Klein Oak Boys Soccer facebook page. Wendy Valley will post to the website.
Spirit Wear – Jane Freathy: Received large upright banner. Backpacks arrived. Jane ordered pink and grey long sleeve shirts with safety green oval “O”. Total for items ordered: $1,516.45
KO Soccer End of Season Banquet – Kim Howard. Will be held Monday, April 15th and Gleannloch Pines has reserved the date for our banquet. Committee voted and approved April 15th date for the banquet.
Car Wash Fundraiser – October 27th, 9:00 am – 1:00pm at Lowe’s on Kuykendahl/2920. Need more volunteers. Suzanne will check availability for hoses and spray nozzles at Lowe’s. We may not need to use buckets and sponges if we can get enough power washer attendees. Team building party for the boys after carwash at Buffalo Wild Wings. Coach Rodgers will give the boys a list of what supplies they are to bring to car wash. At the carwash, there will be a list for the boys to check off the items they brought. $400 pre-sales turned in to date. Suzanne will provide McDonald smoothie tickets for $10 and over donations and will also provide baker’s dozen cookies to sell for $5. Boys should wear practice shirts to car wash. Suzanne will make flyers to distribute to McDonald’s customers on Thursday and Friday to announce the carwash. Wendy, Kim, Ann, Jane and Jackie will all bring supplies, including tables, tape, scissors, banner, tablecloths, cameras, buckets, and donation bucket. Coach Rodgers suggested we send Lowe’s a thank you card.
Coach’s Update: - Coach Rodgers: On Wednesday, he will find out what funds are approved for the budget. Tryouts start Monday, November 26. Information is on the website.
Next booster club meeting will be held on Monday, November 26 , 2012 at 6:30pm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Trotter