Carrie A. Maag
ED 417
Dr. Helms
October 5, 2001
The items below are suggested material to assist in the teaching of Social Studies for the primary grades. Each item is placed under a coordinating section, which includes is the price of each item.
Video Tapes
1. Understanding and Using Maps and Globes
Two videos that contain colorful graphics and easy to understand language. One video tape covers globes (23 minutes) and the other covers maps (19 minutes). Areas covered by each video are continents, oceans, scale, axial tilt, seasons, latitude and longitude, charts, distortion, types of maps, cardinal and intermediate directions, and key maps. $155.00
2. Africa: People and Places
Four journeys illuminated the geographical diversity of Africa, traditional tribes in Kenya and Gabon, the role of the Nile in Egypt, and the lure of the beauty of a leopard cub to a documentary filmmaker. $ 34.95
3. Industrialization and Urbanization
Rising of businesses, heavy industries, and mechanized farms, which rises corporate America. The building of the railroad. Development of the Homestead Act of 1862 and the cattle frontier. The extractive industries and finding of pollution. The birth of the conservation movement. With a look at migration, immigration, and the rise of industrial cities. $ 39.95
4. Navajo Moon
This film is based on the largest Navajo reservation, which is New Mexico. By focusing on the lives of three children the program show the richness of the Navajo culture and how diverse its people. The students will be able to observe day-to-day activities of children and adults and be able to learn about Navajo history, food, homes, clothing, recreation, and schooling. $49.95
Enriching Books
1. Our Community
This series of six books is by Marianne Johnston. Her books take the student to places seen in every community, explains why those places are important, and what is done at each place. The books also show how each place affects the community.
2. Kids in Our Community
The author of these six books is Stasia Ward Kehoe. She shows the lives of different young people living in six unique environments. The books explore the background of the areas, transportation, school, geography, homes, jobs in the community, shopping area, and unique places of each area. $74.70
Computer Programs
1. Neighborhood Map Machine
This program allows students to create their own maps of their communities. Or places they have imagined. The students can create their own highly pictorial maps by painting roads, trees, rivers, and buildings in color. The students can also design a search game to provide challenge to the class. $279.90
2. Sims City
This program allows children to create their own community. It allows children to create everything within the community including the community rules to the houses and people living in them. It allows children to see how everyone’s live interacts with the community around them.
Estimated Price$150.00
Games and Simulations
1. Create A Community
This hands-on activity lets the students and the teacher create their own community. The community can consist of businesses, government centers, and homes. All of the materials are listed with direction on how to assist in this delightful creation. $ 8.99
2. Kid Town
Create a mini-community with in the classroom. The teacher starts off as the major and places the students in groups to develop the community. The students choose a name for the town, jobs, and set up stores to go within the community. The students should take field trips throughout the local community to refer to and also have weekly Town Meeting and publications to aid in the experience. $ 50.00
Teaching and Learning Books1. A Changing American Cityscape
The students learn about the change a community goes through over periods of time by exploring the colorful prints. The prints include images of natural features, architecture, people, and activities. Seven years are covered and show the students how one place can change over each interval of time. $ 40.50
2. Young Geography Series: My Street and My Town
The author of this series of books is Rebecca Treays. These two books use maps with keys, foldouts, and cutaways to present a unique child’s-eye view of geography. All of the details are present to get the students wondering what their own community environment is like. $ 17.00
Learning Activities1. Our Town: A guide for Studying Any Community
The activities present are to go along with a wide variety of learning. It is ranged from simple cut and paste activities to a full day field trip. There are 38 reproductive activity sheets. Included in the activities are for the students to create their own community flag, interview a local worker, conduct a survey, make a population graph, and explore a vacant lot to decide how the land should be used.
$ 9.95
2. Thematic Units: Grades 1-3
These units follow the basic units of the primary grades. The students explore such countries as Kenya and France. Along with exploring those two countries the students will make a floor plan of a house, write a story about their community, and experiment with different object to discover what floats and what sinks. $ 38.00
3. Beginning Geography
This set of three books aids the students in how to use maps, understanding landforms and bodies of water, and exploring the position of the seven continents. The activities provided in the activity book helps students connect the school environment with the entire world in which they live. $ 17.85