Structures for Wildlife – American Kestrel

Conservation Practice 649 – Specification Sheet

Client: / Date:
Location: / County/SWCD:
Contract #: / Tract/Field:
Planner: / Acres:
Management Objective(s): Describe the management objective(s) for the targeted species.
Improve nesting habitat and population of the American kestrel to reduce cropland pests.
Purpose of the Structure(s): Describe why the structure is needed.
Nesting habitat is limited in the planning area due to the lack of natural cavities.
Structure Specifications
Type / # / Dimensions / Spacing / Location, Placement, Orientation
Kestrel Nest Box / X / See Below / >0.5 mile / On pole, tree, post or side of building, 15-20 feet high, face SE or away from road
Additional specifications: / Boxes may be constructed or purchased.
For the planning area it is recommended that a maximum of XX kestrel nest boxes be installed. Individual nesting pairs require an adequate territory in which to nest and forage, therefore, boxes should be at least ½ ac apart and surrounded by at least 1 ac of open space.
Boxes placed on wooden posts or trees should be equipped with a predator guard. Boxes mounted to metal poles or buildings do not require predator guard.
Placing boxes more than 50 yards from woodland edges and away from human habitations will reduce squirrel and starling competition and minimize disturbance.
See attached designs: / Kestrel Nest Box design and Predator Guard
Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring: At a minimum, structures will be inspected semi-annually and after major storms, and necessary maintenance, including removal of debris, shall be performed. Additional O&M:
Annual cleaning of boxes should be conducted when box is empty (Oct-Feb). 2 in of wood shavings can be placed in the bottom of the box for nesting material. If predators such as raccoons or snakes discover an occupied nest box, they likely will continue to return for eggs or nestlings in the future. If such predation becomes a problem, relocating troubled nest boxes after a few seasons may be beneficial.
Exotic Species Control – Exotic species, specifically the European starling, compete with American kestrels for nesting cavities. If starlings are found to be nesting in a box, remove and dispose of the nest and its contents. The actual trapping and elimination of the adult bird in the box is more effective than simply removing the nest. However, most species of birds are federally protected and it is illegal to destroy them, their nests, or their eggs. Therefore, be certain of the bird species nesting in a box before control measures are implemented.
Design Approval
Practice Code
NO. /
I / II / III / IV / V
649 /
Structures for Wildlife
/ Cost of Structure / $ / none / none / <1000 / 1000 – 10,000 / All
This practice is classified as Job Class (check one): / X

Design Approved by:/s/ Job title: Date:

client’s ACKNOWLEDGEMENT statement:

The Client acknowledges that:

a.They have received a copy of the specification and understand the contents and requirements.

  1. It shall be the responsibility of the client to obtain all necessary permits and/or rights, and to comply with all ordinances and laws pertaining to the application of this practice.

Accepted by:/s/ Date:


I have completed a review of the information provided by the client or have conducted a site visit and certify this practice has been applied according to NRCS standards and specifications.

Certified by:/s/ Job title: Date: