Bob and Cay Bell

14114 46th Ave NW

Stanwood, WA 98292

Mike/Colleen Carlson

12928 182 Ave SE

Snohomish, WA 98290-8672

Paul and Joan Chaplik

12497 Patricia Lane

Burlington, WA 98233

Jack/Jeanne Fankhauser

18012 131st Place S.E.

Snohomish, WA 98290-6612

Jack and Vi Frisk

8446 Thompson Beach Road

Anacortes, WA 98221

Chuck and Marilyn Genovese

12454 Gwen Dr. #5

Burlington, WA 98223

Jack and Joyce Green

2022 West 9th Place

Kennewick, WA 99336

Dick and Nell Hollingsworth

31505 Village Green Court

Wilsonville, OR 97070

Don and Aileen Johnson

12353 Rainier Drive

Burlington, WA 98233

Rudy Johnson

48-638 Hepburn

Indio, CA 92201

Gene/Betty Maxim

18406 East Country Club Dr.

Arlington, WA 98223-5997

Mel and Lois Melville

11586 Coronado Drive

Anacortes, WA 98221

Howard and Aurelia Odell

109 South Quillen

Kennewick, WA 99336

Emmett Oliver

N. 301 Webster Lane

Lilliwaup, WA 98555

Dan Palmer

2105 Creedside Lane

Anacortes, WA 98221

Dick and Wanda Robinson

310 Packwood Lane

Ellensburg, WA 98926

Si and Fayth Simantel

31365 SW Village Green Court

Wilsonville, OR 97970

Bob and Celia Thompson

705 North Pine

Ellensburg, WA 98926

Bob and Bonnie Warnecke

1033 South 9th

Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Morris and Madeline Warnecke

14857 Tounament Drive

PO Box 296

Helendale, CA 92342

Don & Sally West

14931 218th Ave SE

Monroe, WA 98272

Pat and Altamae Whitehill

1636 Swallows Crest Loop

Clarkston, WA 99403

Matt and Betty Wright

1395 Beach Drive

Camano Island WA 98282

Profile List

Bell/Bob and Cay (360) 652-6661

14114 46th Ave NW Stanwood WA 98292

Carlson/Mike/Colleen (360) 794-5082 7945082C

12928 182 Ave SE Snohomish WA 98290-8672

Chaplik/Paul and Joan (360) 757-2023

12497 Patricia Lane Burlington WA 98233

Fankhauser/Jack/ (360) 794-7864 7947864F

18012 131st Place S.E. Snohomish WA 98290-6612

Frisk/Jack and Vi (360) 293-9881

8446 Thompson Beach Road Anacortes WA 98221

Genovese/Chuck and Marilyn (360) 757-4177

12454 Gwen Dr. #5 Burlington WA 98223

Green/Jack and Joyce (509) 582-5269

2022 West 9th Place Kennewick WA 99336

Hollingsworth/Dick and Nell (503) 694-5157

31505 Village Green Court Wilsonville OR 97070

Johnson/Don and Aileen (360) 757-8855

12353 Rainier Drive Burlington WA 98233

Johnson/Rudy (760) 725-6670

48-638 Hepburn Indio CA 92201

Maxim/Gene/Betty (360) 474-8496 4748496M

18406 East Country Club Dr. Arlington WA 98223-5997

Melville/Mel and Lois (360) 293-0495

11586 Coronado Drive Anacortes WA 98221

Odell/Howard and Aurelia 12506 L +1 (509) 783-3959

109 South Quillen Kennewick WA 99336

Oliver/Emmett 12507 L +1 (360) 877-5358

N. 301 Webster Lane Lilliwaup WA 98555

Palmer/Dan (360) 293-7470

2105 Creedside Lane Anacortes WA 98221

Robinson/Dick and Wanda (509) 925-1308

310 Packwood Lane Ellensburg WA 98926

Simantel/Si and Fayth (503) 694-2642

31365 SW Village Green Court Wilsonville OR 97970

Thompson/Bob and Celia (509) 925-3300

705 North Pine Ellensburg WA 98926

Warnecke/Bob and Bonnie (360) 336-3960

1033 South 9th Mount Vernon WA 98273

Warnecke/Morris and Madeline (760) 245-5460

14857 Tounament Drive PO Box 296 Helendale CA 92342

West/Don & Sally (360) 794-7162 7947162W

14931 218th Ave SE Monroe WA 98272

Whitehill/Pat and Altamae (509) 243-4920

1636 Swallows Crest Loop Clarkston WA 99403

Wright/Matt and Betty 360-

1395 Beach Drive Camano Island WA 98282