June 2013
Unit code: / F923 / Unit title: / Mental-health issuesCandidate name: / Sophie
AO / Commentary
AO1 / The candidate demonstrates a sound understanding of three types of mental health illness, Alzheimer, depression and schizophrenia together with possible causes and resultant health needs (top of MB2). The descriptions of the symptoms and causes are detailed and there is reference made to the difficulty of isolating This shows a sound understanding (top of MB2).
The moderator disagrees with the assessment given by the centre (4/4).
Marks / Centre mark: / 9 / Moderator’s mark: / 8 / Difference: / -1
AO / Commentary
AO2 / The candidate provides a comprehensive explanation of effects of depression on the case study Kelly. Short and long term effects have been considered and evidence of accurately applying knowledge of the effects of the mental health illness to their chosen person is given.
There is reference to a wide range of specific and general effects, including reference to examples of these effects on the person who uses services, family and society could have been strengthened with more explicit evidence.
The moderator agrees with the assessment made by the centre (6/3)
Marks / Centre mark: / 9 / Moderator’s mark: / 9 / Difference: / 0
AO / Commentary
AO3 / The mark awarded for AO3 is considered to be slightly lenient by the moderator. A range of sources has been used with some referencing within the text. A bibliography is also included. There is a sound analysis of the roles of the community mental health nurse and the psychiatrist. There are links to the individual throughout.
The Mental Health Act has been applied to the case study, a sound analysis of the impact of the legislation on the case study is provided. (Top of MB2 - 4/5/4)
Marks / Centre mark: / 14 / Moderator’s mark: / 13 / Difference: / -1
AO / Commentary
AO4 / The candidate provides evidence of a wide range of sources used within the text, however the evaluation is considered to be sound (best fit mark awarded top of MB2) The candidate provides evidence of using a wide range of examples to discuss both positive and negative portrayals of mental health. The evidence is comprehensive and linked in detail to most of the examples given. Lower end of MB3 given.
The candidate provided realistic suggestions for improvement that showed evidence of reasoned judgements (MB3).
The moderator disagrees with the centres assessment decisions (4/7/3).
Marks / Centre mark: / 15 / Moderator’s mark: / 14 / Difference: / -1
Final mark: / Centre: 47 Moderator: 44