Alcoholics Anonymous - District 45: Monthly NewsLetter

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If there is a need to post old NewsLetters online in an “Archive Section”, then yes, the name will need to be modified to match the date. File name for dated documents should be:
district45news_2011-0319.doc (for March 19, 2011)

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Nullam ligula diam, feugiat auctor rhoncus eu, venenatis a urna. Nullam eu est mattis sapien porta ornare. Fusce condimentum quam ut leo ultrices adipiscing. Quisque at ante sit amet urna vulputate sodales nec id justo. Sed ultricies ullamcorper enim, in elementum augue semper eget. Etiam erat nisi, congue id vestibulum eu, ultricies at purus. Vivamus lacus quam, lacinia ac consectetur sed, iaculis congue leo. In eu ipsum sit amet lorem euismod consectetur a ut sem. Mauris sed elit ut nisl euismod lobortis. Vivamus quis nulla in nisi sagittis dapibus. Integer ultrices elit vel orci ullamcorper eleifend. Pellentesque velit tellus, auctor in sodales vitae, congue et magna. Proin in scelerisque velit.

North Carolina AA District 45 – Cabarrus | Stanly | Montgomery Counties