Effectiveness of leadership and management
Targets to bring about improvement / Actions required / By when? / Staff responsible for actions / Success Criteria / Staff responsible for monitoring success / Resources / Progress made?Administration for policy review and reporting to be split into the following reporting areas
- Teaching, learning, assessment and Tracking (GJ)
- Safeguarding (New)
- HR (ES)
- Leadership, management and effectiveness (GS)
- Boarding (JoS)
- Facility Management (LW)
- Admin, accounts and admissions (GS)
- BHS (Nurses)
- HHS (GS)
- Student Services (TB/GS)
To use the triangle review system. / 24/4 / SMT / A more suitable way of organising the operations of the school so that tasks are covered by more people than previously. Each division is held responsible for their own area of specialisation and ensure that records are held and standards are met. / GS and SMT
Post OFSTED To employ a compliance officer to oversee all OFSTED and other bodies criteria / To oversee all paper work and ensure that deadlines and criteria are met and that all standards are maintained.
The 3 sys system has been implemented to record all safeguarding training and documentation. / 24/4 / GS / Paper work is not my strong point – kids progress is – therefore an office manager has been employed to oversee paperwork and to follow up and to update through constant review and paper trails. / GS / Personal office
Training required / Employed
Post OFSTED Friday management meetings to be dedicated to HoDs reporting on Teaching, learning, assessment and Targets / Meeting to be set up and reporting mechanism to be implemented (the SMT triangle reporting system) / 24/4 / GJ / To ensure that we hit the required standard on pupil tracking. / GJ
Logistics and HM to meet every Friday. Logistics to report on week. Policy review, The Xchange outcomes / Meeting to be set up and reporting mechanism to be implemented (the SMT triangle reporting system)
To ensure policies are all interlinked with safeguarding and PEN / 24/4 / GS/TB / Ensuring that we meet the relevant standard so that pupils views are gathered and any action taken. / SMT
SMT to meet once a month to oversee the above and report on this / TB to arrange meetings and to take minutes. / 24/4 / GS
Start of term training / Safeguarding training to be given to all staff re at INSET from East Sussex child protection team / This is now an on policy. House staff will have a termly training session to increase their knowledge base of safeguarding and welfare
Re policies. Optimus and Albion have been engaged to help with standard policy writing / To ensure all policies are promoted to all staff and red by all / 24/4 / GS / A survey will be done to all staff / TB / Web site design
All policies to be published on a new web page on the school web site / 24/4 / GS / Done
A much stronger SMT reporting system to be implemented from outside experts. Trust was put in the hands of division experts but we did not hit required standards / As I am not an expert in many of the division areas I must look at getting external experts to monitor work being done by division heads so that standards can be met. / First half of summer term / GS/TB / End of term report on progress
Review and appraisals / These have been implemented for all staff so that reviews can take place and a hierarchy of monitoring from teachers to SA to HoD to SMT / June 2 / All staff / Outcomes will be self refection and with a view to development personal and professional.
Weekly – termly – annual reporting / A new file to combine all of the checklists that are done into one file so that there is a paper trail of checks and balances. These have been done but a clearer system has been implemented.
The trial and then implementation of the KEY system / This will allow us to keep up to date with all policies and changes in policies as the come on line. This will allow the safeguarding and compliance officer to ensure that all standards are met / May 3rd / Anne / Standards will all be met as the tracker will give us update and prompts which in turn can be forwarded to all staff.