Subject line: EventBank Tips: Event Calendar on WeChat to get more attendees
EventBank is dedicated to help you increase the engagement of your community with your organization. We would like to help you with some tips and best practices to enhance the impact of yourWechat WeChat communications on the attendance of your events.
[Title] Create Event Calendar on Wechat
We’d like to present two cases of our clients who have enabled a calendar modal on their WechatWeChat. This is not a function provided by EventBank. It and must be set up from WechatWeChat. Here’s how both of them clients have designed and set up their Wechat WeChat to connect with the EventBank event pages, and which what is the user experience provided:
[Title] Amcham China
We suggest you to start following Amcham China’s wechat WeChat here to understand which what is the user experience like [link / QR code] or search for the account Amcham AmCham China.
Step 1.Amcham AmCham China has enabled in their Wechat menu a button for Events (活动培训) in their WeChat menu, which they structured in 2 two sub-categories: “Professional trainings” (精彩培训)and “Popular events” (热门活动)
Step 2.After clicking on either of the 2 two options, upcoming events will appear in a post on theconversation -,arranged in a chronological order. They,including include a thumbnail image, which allowstheirWechat WeChat followersto scan throughAmCcham’s upcoming events at a glance.
Step 3.If interested by in an event, the user may clickon any of them. It. Then theWeChat pagethat will be loadedis hosted on Wechat withcontentis generatedprepared by the Amcham AmCham’s team. ------
How is EventBank’s registration connected?When scrolling till the end of the postScroll down till the end of the post and, click on “Read More”. This, it will load the event page or event registration for this event on EventBank’s platform.
What are the benefits?Increase the reach and impact of your events, and make By making them your events easily accessible on the most widely used social media in China, you will increase the reach and impact of your events and get more attendees in the result.
How to enable WecChat Calendar on your organization’s Wechat WeChat account, following Amcham’s AmCham’s model?
1)Wechat WeChat setup > create a menu for the events
2)Create page content on Wechat WeChat for each of your events
3)For each of your events, make sure to connect them with the URL on “read Read more” button
Step 1: Follow “AmCham China” wechat official account, then you will see upcoming event list.
Step 2: Open any post which you are interested and click on “Read more” at the bottom.
Step 3: View event details which AmCham China published through EventBank platform.
Step 4: Click “Menu” to get more event information.
[Title] Chao Hotel
To promote its their events, CHAO Hotel is as wellalso using WechatWeChat. We suggest you to follow their Wechat here toTo understand which is the user experience of for their audience, we suggest you to start following their WeChat account [link / QR code] or search for the account ILOVECHAO.
Step 1- On their Wechat WeChat account, you can see under the menu “Reservations” (预订), the tab"EVENTS" under the menu “Reservations” (预订).
Step 2 - After clicking on “EVENTS”, the CHAO Hotel's will load on a new page, in with2 two lists displayed: upcoming and past events(instead of appearing as a post on your conversation).
Step 3 - After you click on the event of your interest, a list of QR codes each corresponding each to a different event will appear. That This way, multiple events are simply linked in on a single Wechat WeChat page.
How is this connected to EventBank: Each QR code, links to a different EventBank event page from where the attendee can complete the registration. In order toToopen scan the QR code, press and hold onit the picture with QR code for few seconds and then click on the option “Extract (or Scan)the QR Code”.
How to enable Wechat Calendar on your organization’s Wechat account, following AmCcham’s model?[OL1]
1)Wechat WeChat setup > create a menu for the events
2)Create a page linking to your events
Step 1: Please follow the WeChat official account of CHAO Hotel. Please click on the "reservation" menu and select "EVENTS" - Submenu.
Step 2: After clicking "EVENTS”, you will see the CHAO Hotel’s events calendar. The events calendar includes a list of upcoming and past events.
Step 3: Click on the title of the event that you are interested in, and you will see the QR code of this specific event.
Step 4: Press the QR code, then select “Extract QR code”
Step 5: After last step, you can see the corresponding event of CHAO Hotel with EventBank platform.
[OL1]AmCham model? CHAO Hotel model, right?