Regular Meeting – March 09, 2015

Report No. 14-122



MEETING Regular Meeting – February 23, 2015

ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Groters, Mr. Pomorski, Mrs. Sellers, Mr. Skinner, Jr., Mrs. Tanis and Mrs. Ward

Also present: Samuel L. Wright, Superintendent

Employees and Visitors


President Pomorski called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.


The Board and Visitors recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


The next regularly scheduled board meetings will be held:

March 09, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center

March 23, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center

April 13, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center

April 27, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center


Special recognition was awarded to Coach Don Galster for his significant contributions in coaching for the Kelloggsville Rockets Varsity Football program for the last 25 of his 32 total years of coaching. It was noted that no Grand Rapids area coach has coached varsity high school football longer than he. Coach Galster thanked the Board of Education and Administrators for their support over the years. He also gave special thanks to his wife, Sue Galster, for her support both during and off season. He added that he works with some great assistant coaches and all are working hard to put a good team together for next year.



President Pomorski welcomed visitors.

Ø  Karen Rawdon -6th Grade Teacher; thanked the Board for their continued support of 6th grade camp. She also added that our students were complimented on a recent field trip to a local ice skating rink, adding that she is proud to teach at Kelloggsville.

Ø  Officer Ana Armstrong – KHS Police School Resource Office was introduced by Mr. Gunn, HS Principal. Officer Armstrong joined the district today as the new community recourse officer at KHS for the remainder of this school year and for the 2015-16 school year. She shared that her goal is to build relationships with the students so that they become aware that an officer’s presence can be good and not always for something bad, to be an extra set of eyes and ears, and to assist with safety policies and procedures.


Consent Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Ward, to approve Consent Agenda items 14-113, 14-114, 14-115 and 14-116.

Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED

Regular Meeting

February 23, 2015

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14-113 Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from 02/09/15

14-114 Approval of Personnel Report

14-115 Approval of Expenditure Report

General Fund: $357,323.31

Food Service: $64,039.23

Child Care: $0.00

Ms. Lori Martin reviewed the expenditures from the General Fund.

14-116 Approval of E-Rate Authorization


A. Approval of Schools of Choice Resolution

It was moved by Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Pomorski, to approve the Schools of Choice Plan as presented.

Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED

B. Approval of State Aid Note Resolution

It was moved by Mrs. Tanis, seconded by Mrs. Groters, to approve the State Aid Note as presented.

Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED


A. Proposal: Summer Exploration Program (G & T)

Mr. Wright shared that the district has had several student inquiries regarding financial assistance to attend summer programs at various colleges and universities. In the past, the district would contribute funds for students to attend programs as well as students paying a part of the fees. For the summer of 2014, the Board approved an allocation of $3,000. Moving forward, the Board will need to approve the continuation of the exploration program for the summer of 2015 as well as determine the maximum allocation amount. This item will be placed on the 03/09/15 agenda as an action item.


A. Report: Goals Committee #1

The Board established goal #1 as follows:

Board of Education Goal #1: Communicate to the community the need for maintaining district facilities through a bond.

Desired Results: Conduct a bond campaign resulting in a successful election on February 24, 2015.

Community Goal #1: Create a marketing plan designed to pass the upcoming bond election.

Desired Results: The millage will be approved by the voters in the community.

Operations Goal #1: Review and maintain district facility needs as identified by the Facilities Committee, architect and construction manager firms, including but not limited to those associated with the success of the February 2015 bond campaign.

Desired Results: The Facilities Committee will continue to work with the architect and construction manager firms to redefine building and facility needs to ensure that district facilities meet the needs of the Kelloggsville community.

Regular Meeting

February 23, 2015

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Mr. Wright shared that he could not report in depth as the vote is tomorrow but shared the activities and outreach that has taken place to community members to inform them of the details of the bond proposal. He added that the district has been fortunate to have excellent leadership with leading the proposal and is excited to see what transforms for the future of Kelloggsville Public Schools. He encouraged and reminded all community residents to get out and vote.

B. Report: Goals Committee #3

Goal Committee #3 presented an update on their goal:

Board of Education - Goal #2: Enhance community pride and develop a broad base of community member support by developing a Parent Advisory Committee.

Desired Results: Develop programs that will attract participation and build relationships through multiple channels with community members that will promote Rocket Pride!

Community – Goal #2: Create a plan of action to inform families of current students about the many positive aspects of Kelloggsville Public Schools

Desired Results: Provide for increased retention of current students.

Community – Goal #3: Develop increased parental involvement and education through a variety of activities.

Desired Results: Provide for improved school-parent relations.

Mr. Owen shared that the first Parent Advisory Committee Meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday evening. Several board members, administrators and a group of 12 parents, from all building levels, are invited to attend to assist with insight, direction, and educational information as this committee forms and develops a foundation for parents of the district.

As part of the committee’s second goal, positive aspects of Kelloggsville Public Schools continues to be communicated through social media sources in an effort to communicate the opportunities and programs provided to our student and their families. In addition, a three (3) month contract has been renewed with a local Hispanic radio station to allow Ms. Tummelson the opportunity to reach out to the Hispanic community and share the same information. Postcards to retain and attract new students are also in the works.

Lastly, he shared that all buildings are doing activities to develop an increase in parent involvement. One example he shared was the morning coffees that some of the schools are hosting which allows families the opportunity to come into the buildings in a welcoming atmosphere to foster improved school-parent relations.


Mr. Wright extended an invitation to staff and community members to join the Bond Committee at Tommy Brann’s as results come in on the bond proposal election.


- Mrs. Tanis – congratulated both the boy’s and girl’s bowling teams on their successful all-conference matches;

Regular Meeting

February 23, 2015

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- Mrs. Groters – reminder to vote;

- Mr. Anderson – also reminder to get out and vote;

- Mrs. Sellers – reminder to vote;

- Mr. Skinner – also congratulated the bowling teams on their success. He also enjoyed alumni band members joining the pep band as they recently performed during a basketball game;

- Mrs. Ward – also enjoyed the basketball game on Friday and referenced the GR Press article. She also attended a Grassroots county-wide meeting that shared information on the upcoming proposal that voters will decide in May regarding road funding. She stated that this proposal could significantly change funding for schools but has lots of moving bits and pieces to it, making it very difficult to sell but could greatly impact schools if it does not pass. She also encouraged voters to get out and vote at tomorrow’s bond election;

- Mr. Pomorski – reminder to get out and vote;


It was moved by Mrs. Tanis, seconded by Mrs. Groters, to go into closed session at 7:45 p.m. for personnel updates.

Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED


President Pomorski adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

David Skinner, Jr., Secretary Beth A. Postma

Kelloggsville Board of Education Recorder

VISITORS: Jim Alston, Eric Alcorn, Kim Stevens, Lori Martin, Tammy Savage, Jeff Owen, Kevin Joffe, Kyle Letas, Don & Sue Galster, Benjamin Tuinstra, Karen Rawdon, Kelly Farkas, Eric Schilthuis, Terri Ricketson, Jim Lafler, Tim Reeves, and Paula Dykstra.