Kim et al. Page 1
Supplementary Figure S1. Loss of spineless Function Does Not Affect the Organization of the PNS or CNS.
(A) Wild-type embryo (18-20 hr AEL) stained with the monoclonal 22C10 antibody reveals the cell body positions and axons of all sensory neurons. (B) Homozygous ss134 mutant embryo stained with 22C10 exhibits no defects in cell number or cell or axonal migration. (C) Wild-type embryo (18-20 hr AEL) stained with the Fasciclin II (FasII) antibody reveals normal axon pathfinding in the ventral nerve cord (VNC). (D) Homozygous ss134 mutant embryo stained with FasII exhibits no obvious axon pathfinding defects in the VNC. Scale bar, 50 mm.
Supplementary Figure S2. Different Classes of da Neurons Exhibit Similar Dendrite Morphologies in ss Mutants.
(A-C) ssD115.7 MARCM clones of the class I neuron ddaD (A), the class II neuron ddaB (B), and the class III neuron ddaF (C) exhibit similar dendrite patterns. Arrowheads indicate axons. Scale bar, 50 mm.