Spring Forge CLT Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Spring Forge CLT meeting was held on Monday, December 17, 2012. The following people were in attendance: Devin Moyer, Karen Baer, Amy Bush, Mary Gladfelter, Jessica Moyer, Matthew Prebula, Kim Rosander and Angie Tully.

As part of the educational piece of the meeting, Mr. Moyer presented a short video titled “Kindness” to represent Character Education at SFI. The video consisted of one individual helping another which started a chain of kindness leading back to the individual who started the sequence of events. Many children thought that you have to do something nice to get something back in return but was explained that is not the case. The morale was acts of kindness without any expectations. For example, there are so many children in other countries that do not have enough to eat. We should be kind because it is the right thing to do. There are many programs at SFI to support this cause which include anti-bullying, canned food drive and Operation Help a Neighbor.

The November 2012 minutes were approved by Mary Gladfelter and seconded by Jessica Moyer. No changes were made by the attending committee members.

Mr. Prebula reported that the current total balance in the account is $18,443.17. At this time, all deposit transactions have been completed and there are no outstanding checks against the account. Since the last meeting, it was determined that the 5th grade Nixon field trip will be substantially lower than budgeted. At this time, Mr. Moyer is confident that we will have enough funds to pay for the field trips.

Event Committee Reports:

Valentine Fun “Thursday” – No Report

Book Fair – No Report

Bingo Night – Karen Baer will be chairing the event and Kim Rosander volunteered to co-chair the event. Bingo night will be held during the Spring Book Fair and the date that has been determined is Wednesday, March 6, 2013. This event is more break even than a fundraiser. It was suggested to ask parents to donate food items or possible buying pizza to sell during the event.

Fun Fest – Angie Tully reported that an initial meeting will be held at the beginning of March to discuss the activities. Need more ideas for craft items rather than activities.

Roller-Skating Night – Kim Rosander volunteered to chair this event. Kim will work with Mr. Moyer on possible dates and then arrange the date with Fountain Blue Skating Rink in Lewisberry.

Fundraiser and Other Committee Reports:

Spelling Bee – This is an academic competition with the funds going towards additional eBooks for the library. The goal is $5,000 and if a success, this would add 250 more titles to the e-library. Pledge forms were sent home last week with the students.

Wolfgang – The spring fundraiser for Easter will begin on January 25, 2013. As last year, for every $5.00 in sales, the student will get one entry to win a Kindle Fire. The number of kindles purchased and awarded will be determined by the level of sales. Amazon has come out with a Kindle HD so the price of a Kindle Fire has gone down in price so more should be awarded than last year. In addition, if a student exceeds $50.00 in sales, they will be awarded a book credit.

Sandwich Sale – No Report

School Store – No Report

TRACKS – No Report

Yearbook – Photographers are needed to take pictures during school events for the yearbook. If interested, please notify the school prior to the event. All pictures can be downloaded and sent to Mr. Moyer.

Box tops and Campbell’s – KEEP THEM COMING!!! Another order is being submitted for the month of December. It was mentioned that some parents / teachers are holding these items for prizes. This program was eliminated due to the expiration dates. Please send them in frequently.

Old Business:

No old business was discussed.

New Business:

With the tragic events in Connecticut, school safety was discussed. One parent concern was allowing parents / guardians into the school early for fundraising pickups. After a discussion, it was determined that this practice is safe for our students and will remain unchanged at this time.

Each home room and special teacher is responsible to run drills occasionally so the students know what is expected in the event of emergency. School wide drills are not done because it does cause fear on a large scale even though the students are told prior that it is only a drill.

Per Dr. Nace, all Northeastern schools will be business as usual and teachers are encouraged to answer student questions without going into much detail. The school district will rely on the parents to speak to their children as they know how much a student can handle.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Angie Tully