*** on the terms make sure you put what or who it is and WHY it is important!
Sources of Stagnation
Know: Productivity, Inflation
1. Describe the economic problems faced by the United States in the 1970s.
Nixon "Vietnamizes" the War
Know: Vietnamization, Nixon Doctrine, Silent Majority, Spiro Agnew, My Lai
2. What was President Nixon’s plan for getting the US out of Vietnam?
Cambodianizing the Vietnam War
Know: Cambodia, Kent State University, Twenty-sixth Amendment, Pentagon Papers
3. What developments caused many people to become even more critical of the war in 1970 and 1971?
Nixon's Detente with Beijing (Peking) and Moscow
Know: Henry Kissinger, Détente, ABM Treaty, SALT Treaty, MIRVs, Chili
4. What was the “China Card,” and how did Nixon use it?
A New Team on the Supreme Bench
Know: Judicial Activism, Miranda Warning, Engel v. Vitale, Warren Berger, Roe v. Wade
5. Why was Nixon unhappy with the Supreme Court?
6. How much changed with the court after Nixon replaced 4 justices? Explain.
Nixon on the Home Front
Know: Aid the Families with Dependent Children, SSI, Philadelphia plan, Environmental Protection Agency, Earth Day, Occupational Health and Safety Administration
7. What was President Nixon’s southern strategy? Why did he adopt it?
The Nixon Landslide of 1972
Know: George McGovern
8. How did the situation in Vietnam help Nixon win a landslide in the 1972 election?
The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and the War Powers Act
Know: Pol Pot, War Powers Act
9. What did Cambodia have to do with the War Powers Act?
The Arab Oil Embargo and the Energy Crisis
Know: OPEC, energy crisis
10. Explain the cause and effects of the Arab Oil Embargo.
Watergate and the Unmaking of a President
Know: Watergate, CREEP, Enemies List, Plumbers, John Dean, Executive Privilege, Spiro Agnew, Saturday Night Massacre, smoking gun tape
11. Of what wrongdoing was the Nixon administration guilty?
The First Unelected President
Know: Gerald Ford, Helsinki Accords
12. Did President do the right thing when he pardoned Nixon? Explain.
Defeat in Vietnam
13. What was the cost (not in just money) of the Vietnam War?
Feminist Victories and Defeats
Know: Title IX, ERA, Roe v. Wade, Phyllis Schalfly
14. Why did the Equal Rights Amendment fail?
The Seventies in Black and White
Know: Desegregation, white flight, affirmative action, Allan Bake, United States v. Wheeler
15. Explain the significance of the Bakke case.
The Bicentennial Campaign and the Carter Victory
Know: Jimmy Carter
16. Why did Jimmy Carter win the presidency in 1976 and how did those same reasons he won effect his presidency?
Carter's Humanitarian Diplomacy
Know: Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, Camp David Accords, Panama Canal
17. Describe Carter's foreign policy achievements.
Economic and Energy Woes
Know: “oil shocks”, Shah of Iran, malaise speech
18. How did Carter react to the renewed energy crisis?
Foreign Affairs and the Iranian Imbroglio
Know: SALT II, Ayatollah Khomeini, Afghanistan, Hostage Crisis
19. What caused the Iran hostage crisis and how did Carter handle it?