Danish Disability Fund
The status report should not exceed 6 pages excluding the cover page and the list of attachments. In addition to the report your updated Performance Framework (LFA), is the cornerstone of the status report.
An annual status report must be submitted once a year on 20th March. Projects granted in the fourth quarter of the previous year are exempted as they are likely to still be in a preliminary phase, and should only begin the reporting the following year.
The status report is the Danish organisation's reporting to the Disability Fund. Your reflections are important for both documentation and learning. At the same time, the status report is an element of the Danish organisation's track record and will be included in future assessments of applications with the same or other partners, as outlined in the Disability Fund Guidelines, which can be found at
In each section there are a number of questions and for each question a guiding text or sub-question(s) written on a light green background. This text highlighted in greenserves as guidance and should be removed before submitting the application.
NOTE: Please delete the instructions above before submitting.
Cover page
Disability Fund ref. no.Date of report submission
Applicant organisation
(financially responsible)
Contact person for the project / Name:
Other Danish partner(s)
(if relevant)
South partner(s)
Project title
Period / Project period: / Reporting period:
Budget / Amount granted: / Amount spent thus far:
Status regarding compliance with expected outputs / Behind schedule / Partly behind schedule / As expected / Partly ahead of schedule / Ahead of schedule
A. Reporting (indicative length: max 6 pages)
[If this is your first status report, you should only answer question 1.a. For long-term projects where one or more status reports have been submitted, you only need to answer question 1.b.]
1.a Good advice from the Grant Committee
- Did the grant note contain any“good advice” which you were asked to address?
Yes / No
- If yes, please list the‘good advice as pullet points below. For each point, briefly explain what action has been taken. If there issome of the“good advice” you have chosen not to address, briefly explain why.
[If you have already described this in a previous status report, please refer to that report.]
1.b Issues of concern in last year's status reporting
- Did last year’s response to the Status Report mention any issuesof concern to pay special attention to?
Yes / No
- If yes, which initiatives have been taken as a result?
2.a Status of logical framework
[Please attach an updated version of your logical framework (LFA) with an added status column showing how far the project has progressed up till now, especially at output level and, as to the extent possible at this point in time, also at the outcome level. The purpose is to provide a clear overview of the project's achievement to date.
In case of outputs being delayed, challenges in reaching the target group, or activities not leading to the results you expected, please add your reflections on why this is the case, whether you anticipate any implications for the project, and whether there is a need to adjust the activities or the approach. You can either reflect onthis within in the updated results matrix next to the relevant outputs / outcomesand/or write an overall explanation here.]
2.b Adjustment oflogical framework
- Has there been a need to adjust any objectives (outputs of outcomes), indicators or targets in the logical framework during this reporting period?
Yes / No
- If yes, briefly explain why.
[With minor changes you can simply type the changes into the logical framework, please do soinred font, track changes or similar. If there are considerable changes or repeated downscaling of ambitions please also add a brief explanation and possibly attach a revised logical framework(if the red font / track change-solution becomes too messy).]
3.a Challenges
- Please describe the most important challenges related to project implementation since your last report.
[For example it could be challenges in relation to the time schedule, reaching the target group, issues in the partnership, changes in the context, changes in the assumptions on which the project is based, or changes in the potential risks described in the application.]
3.b Changes or modification of strategy
- Please describe any changes or adjustments you may have made to the project's activities, strategy or in your cooperation as a result of the challenges?
3.c Follow-up on risk analysis
[It is a requirement on the major projects that you and your partner(s) update your risk analysis at least once in the project process - typically midway.]
- When do you expect to update your risk analysis? If you have already done so, please state when it was shared with DPOD.
- When updating your risk analysis please attach an updated risk matrix.
[Insert an additional status column that shows what actions have been taken to address risks in the first half of the project. Please also indicate (in red font track changes or similar)any adjustments made to the actual risk assessment (have new risks been added or others become less relevant) as well possible adjustments on how to address the risks.In case of major changes, insert brief explanation here and consider attaching a revised risk matrix if the red font / track change solution becomes too messy.]
4.a Monitoring activities
- Which monitoring activities has the Danish organisation undertaken since the last status report?
4.b Future reviews or evaluations
- Are you planning to undertake a review or an evaluation in the coming reporting period and if so approximately when?
4.c Learning points
- What are the most important observations or learning points you have made since your last report?
4.d Any changes
- How will you make use of that learning in the remaining project period (or future projects)?
5.a Adjustment of the budget
- Have there been any budget adjustments or transferring of funds from budget margin which did not require DPOD’s approval?
Yes / No
- If yes, please briefly explain the background for the adjustments and attach the budget you are now operating with.
[This is for our information only. Remember that budget revisions that require approval from DPOD can be submitted at any time. Application form is available at international.handicap.dk.]
5.b Revision of partner accounts
- When was your partner’s financial statement lastaudited by a chartered accountant?
- Has the latest financialaudit given rise to any critical remarks?
Yes / No
- If yes, please explain what the critical remarks were and how you will follow-up.
5. Financial supervision
- Has the Danish organisation conducted a financial monitoring visit of the partner during the project period?
Yes / No
- If yes:Please describe when you completed the financial monitoring, how it was proceeded (state in keyword what you covered and with whom) and what it showed.
- If no: When do you plan on conducting a financial monitoring visit and if not, why not?
6. Information sharing
[In order to increase interest in, knowledge of, and support for the international work, you are strongly encouraged to share information about the project within your own organisation (and possibly beyond). This applies whether you have applied for funding for project related communication or not.
- Please shortly describe what yourcommunicationinitiatives you may have undertaken during this reporting period.
[Please attach or insert links to your products: For example, articles in your members magazine, orstories or campaigns on social media etc..Please also attach three good pictures from the project with a brief explanation ofwhat each picture shows.]
B. Annexes and key documents
1.a Attachments
Make a list of enclosed attachments below:
- Updated (possibly revised) LFA with completed status column.
- (if relevant) Updated (possibly revised) risk matrix with completed status column.
- Any key documents produced in the current reporting period.(M&E plan, learning materials etc.)
- Any stories or other kinds of communication made by the Danish organisation during the current project period.
- Any other relevant documentation.
Status report – B3: Major Development Project – Danish Disability Fund (Jan. 2018)