November 4, 2008
The meeting convened at 1:30 a.m. The following were in attendance:
Karen OlsonChair
Denis McCarthyNorwalk Fire
Sue ProsiSWRPA
Mark DeCaprioDEP
Mark ScerraDEMHS
Wayne SandfordDEMHS
Jeff MorrissetteCT Fire Academy
Bob HammersleyTSB
Dan ScaceCRCOG
Jim StrillacciWest Hartford PD
Ed RichardsEnfield FD
Joe PerrelliCOGCNV
Bob KennedyConnDOT
Robert RamirezFHWA
Frank SawickiCT State Police
Gordon HarrisDEMHS
Chair Karen Olson called the meeting to order and asked everyone to introduce themselves.
Chair’s Comments: Ms. Olson stated that the SIMTF has seen many of its priority projects completed or well underway and that she was looking forward to a new effort at determining the future direction of the Task Force.
Minutes: Denis McCarthy made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2008 meeting as written. Jim Strillacci seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Old Business:
- Update on IM Projects: Bob Kennedyreviewed the status report on incident management projects. The written report was distributed just prior to the meeting. Items of note included:
- #5 “As-built” plans (GPS-based maps) for highway drainage systems are being distributed to municipalities as they are developed;
- #7 “511 Plan” CMAQ funds are proposed to be used for this project; a question was raised as to how these funds are distributed (on a project by project basis) and how other States fund their 511 projects;
- #9 video camera system: SWRPA conditionally approved this project since the list was developed;
- #11saddle tank recovery program: suggestion that ConnDOT, DEP and CSP meet to determine how or if this program should be expanded.
- Update on URM training program: Ms. Olson reported that the URM was accepted by the Transportation Strategy Board at its July meeting and that the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security had accepted it for maintenance and the development of a training program. Deputy Director Wayne Sandford stated that the project had been assigned to Bob Christ and that he expected a draft presentation to be ready by the end of November. The fact that training funds will be required at some point was also discussed.
New Business:
- Discussion: What’s Next?: The members of the task force discussed the issue of the continuing direction of the group. Bob Hammersley stated that the TSB was developing Working Groups based on transportation modes and that the Highway Working Group could be a good liaison to the TSB for the Task Force. He will keep us informed of the development of this Group.
The development of the URM training program was identified as a particular important area for the Task Force to continue its involvement. The SIMTF (or the URM sub-committee) willcontinue as the stakeholders group to help guide the development of the training program by DEMHS staff. The SIMTF can also help identify funding sources for items such as a large exercise that will augment the training program, tabletop exercises to help spread awareness of the URM throughout the various DEMHS regions, reproduction of training materials, and making the training program available through the internet.
Chief Denis McCarthy suggested that the SIMTF develop a new incident management strategic plan, with the assistance of additional responders and other interested parties. Some of these additional parties could include: CHAMP drivers, AAA representative, AARP representative, motor transport association and others. Deputy Director Sandford offered a DEMHS staff person skilled at facilitating such an effort. It was further suggested that representatives from another State or States could be invited to provide information about successful programs in other areas.
Sue Prosi suggested that a subcommittee be established to follow incident management projects. This proposal was discussed and approved with the understanding that this would not be another level of approval for State projects, but would allow a forum for receiving information about the project, commenting on the project, and investigating opportunities for helping to move the project along.
Ms. Prosi also mentioned the fact that the State is accepting bids on the operation of service plazas in the State and that emergency responders might be interested in the contract parameters. She promised to send information about the project along to the membership through the chair.
Ms. Olson stated that she would like to hold SIMTF meetings on a quarterly basis, unless pressing work requires the group to meet more often. The next meeting will be scheduled for February/March 2009. In the meantime, smaller groups will work on the URM training program and the strategic planning effort, with everyone kept up to speed electronically.
- Sub-committee assignments: This discussion was postponed for the time being.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.