Kingston CEPN CPPD Application Process
Kingston CEPN has delegated authority from Kingston CCG to manage both Direct and Indirect CPPD funding allocations from HESL. The Direct allocation is an annual cash allocation, the Indirect allocation is an indicative sum which has been given direct to education providers and against which we can call on training from lists of courses they offer. More detail below.
Both allocations have been significantly reduced in 16/17 compared with 15/16 which will increase pressure on the available funds. As a result the CEPN believes that a more rigorous and transparent process is required to manage the use of these funds.
This document identifies a process, which the Kingston CEPN will adopt to manage both direct and indirect funding to ensure prioritisation, approval and fair allocation of funds towards continuing personal and professional development (CPPD) of Kingston primary care staff.
Kingston CEPN supports theco-ordinationand allocation of CPPD funds, which are intended as a contribution towards furthering personal and professional development within Primary Care, andshould be in conjunction withemployercontribution to CPPD. Many courses have been funded by Health Education England south London team and are free to attend.
The Workforce Development/CPPD funding stream should be used to fund education and training across ALL non-medical primary care staff within eligible organisations. This includes (but is not restricted to):
- Nursing (including Support Workers)
- Managerial
- Administrative
- Other new rolessuch asCare co-ordinators/navigators.
2.CPPD Budgets
Health Education England SL provides 2 types of funding, depending on availability.
Indirect Funding – This is training money given to local universities for us to access for the most commonly used courses. The money is available from the start of the university year, so September 1st. We have to estimate now how many places we will need on each course, and submit this to HEESL on their ‘portal’IT system.
Our indirect allocation for 16/17 is £19k, and has been used to secure places on courses for:
- HCA Essential Skills and Knowledge
- Dementia Care for Healthcare Assistants
- Dementia Care: Improving Practice
- Mentorship for Practice (NMC Stage 2)
- Fertility and Sexual Health for Practice Nurses
- Developing Practice in Diabetes for Practice Nurses
- Imms and Vacs Refresher for HCAs and PNs
- Imms Foundation with Anaphylaxis for Practice Nurses
- Asthma Update for Practice Nurses
- COPD Update for Practice Nurses
- Mentor Update for Practice Nurses
- Diabetes in Primary Care
- Clinical Leadership - Postgrad Diploma
- Paediatric Update – Nurse Practitioner
- Advanced Assessment Skills for Clinical Practice
- Clinical Reasoning in Advanced Practice
- Graduate Certificate in Non-medical Prescribing
This has exhausted our small indicative allocation, so further courses will need to come out of our ‘Direct Funding’ budget.
Direct Funding– This is training money given directly to us to be used on non-mandatory training (i.e. can’t be spent on Basic Life Support/Infection Control, Safeguarding, etc).
For 2016/17 both our direct and in-direct CPD budgets have been cut by 40%. We have therefore been looking at more economical ways to provide the much needed training for our Primary Care teams.
The Kingston CEPN has received £19k for each of the direct and indirect allocations for 2016/17.
We are using the 16/17 Direct Allocation to commissioned a number of courses in addition to the above, on an adhoc basis according to individual practice needs. For practices that have any particular training or development needs which are not being covered elsewhere then please do get in touch with us and we will do our best to help.
3.Exclusions, Restrictions and Advisory Information
CPPD Contract Funding may not be used to fund backfill for staff to attend education and training.
CPPD Contract Funding may not be used to fund hotels, catering, travel or any other costs outside the delivery of education and training.
CPPD Contract Funding may only be used for salary costs if the individual in question spends a minimum of 70% of their time in education and training delivery, and if that education and training does not fall within the exclusions set out in section 3 or 4.
CPPD Contract Funding may not be used to fund facilities, infrastructure, catering and venue hire
Organisations should look to make maximum use of any alternative funding streams before using Indirect or Direct CPPD funding and be aware of funding opportunities for initiatives taking place at Pathway, LETB or National Level
3.1If CPPD Direct or Indirect Contract Funding is spent in such a way as to contradict any of the Exclusions and Restrictions listed in this document, HEE SL reserves the right to reclaim such funding or deduct it from future allocations in subsequent years.
3.2HEESL will consider very exceptional circumstances where there are clear value for money rationale to fund activities that contravene the Exclusions and Restrictions within this document. Eligible organisations must contact HEE SL in advance if they feel this is the case.
4.The Education Plan
4.1In order to remain aligned to both local and national priorities, the CEPN will undertake an annual Training Needs Analysis (TNA) across Kingston GP surgeries. This will provide us with information relating to the current workforce, and educational priorities. Outcomes of the TNA will inform an Education Plan, which will be developed by the CEPN project team. Once the education plan has been set for the year, the day to day administration of the plan will be managed by the Project Manager and Nurse Lead.
4.2The TNA is vital to help us identify and prioritise requirements for future funding allocations, and we believe this to be a fair and transparent process, which allows our Practice colleagues to apply for funding using our direct allocation. Whilst the CEPNendeavours to honour all TNA requests, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be successful.
4.3The Kingston CEPN will request an evaluation from each training and development opportunity that is funded. This information will enableus to track the benefits achieved from the funding investment. (This information will be stored within the existing training database that we inherited from Kingston CCG and will inform decisions about future commissions). The CEPN Board will be provided with this feedback in order to continuously assess and improve the quality of the education delivered to the Kingston primary care workforce.
5.Making a Training Request
5.1Going forward, an annual TNA will be undertaken in the month prior to us having to submit our commissions through the NMET Portal in order than we can ensure we’re allocating funds to the most appropriate training. Within this, we will request that practices identify a small number of priority areas of training. Direct and Indirect Allocations will be focussed in the first instance on training needs identified by practices in their contributions to the TNA.
5.2Outside of thisTNA we will consider adhoc requests on a case-by-case basis, according to individual/practice requirements, as well as educational priorities of the CCG/HEE.
5.3For advice and guidance and/or innovative training, requests should be made directly to the CEPN project manager.
5.4In circumstances where there may be a dispute or lack of certainty about a request, these will be brought to the CEPN Education Committee (a sub-committee of the Board) for discussion. This process will also be adopted for cases where training requests exceed £1000 (see Appendix A).
5.5All applications for training provided by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will need to be submitted using the appropriate application forms, from the respective websites. These should then be emailed to the CEPN for approval. Requests submitted directly to the training providers will be sent back to the CEPN for authorisation, which could cause delays in being assigned course placements, so we ask applicants to refrain from doing this. Having sight of all applications will also allow the CEPN to monitor and track requests, which means that we can liaise/chase/follow up with the training providers if there are any issues.
5.6Please note, although we would like to approve all funding requests, training budgets are being reduced year on year and we cannot therefore guarantee that all requests will be granted. However, they will be at least considered and rejected applications will be returned with feedback as to why they have not been successful.
Draft India Peach and Julia Billington V1.011 Oct 2016
Training Agreement
To be completed for all training requests for funding of £1000 and over
I undertake:
-to attend the full course of study and take the relevant exams at the end of the course (if applicable);
-that if I leave Kingston whilst taking the course, or within the two years of obtaining the qualification then I understand that I will be responsible for repayment of all or part (at the discretion of the CEPN) of my training expenses.
Name: / Signature:Course title: / Course Provider:
Cost: / CEPN Lead signature:
Identified learning needs: / Additional value to your role within Your Healthcare:
Draft India Peach and Julia Billington V1.011 Oct 2016