Pastor Mark Schwarzbauer
Family Worship Center 11-6-2016 Week 4
Financial Wisdom
Review Week One: Financial Foundationsand Practicing Wise Stewardship
Review Week Two: Margin Your Life
Review WeekThree: The Dangers of Debt
- Biblical Principle One: Owe No Man Anything.
- Biblical Principle Two: The One Who Borrows is Servant to the Lender
- Biblical Principle Three: Don’t Co-Sign for Loans.Proverbs 6:1-5, 11:15, 17:18, 22:26-27.
- Personal Responsibility.
- Enabling vs. Empowering.
Continuing with Week Four…
- Biblical Principle Four: Don’t go into debt for anything that doesn’t produce revenue. Proverbs 22:7.
- No unsecured loans period.
- Avoid loans on depreciating assets.
- Illustration of producing revenue - washer/dryer.
- Owning instead of Renting a House can build equity.
- Proverbs 24:27 “Don't build your house and establish a home until your fields are ready, and you are sure that you can earn a living.”
- Learn to save for your vehicles.
- Proverbs 4:5 “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”
- If you absolutely have to use debt for a vehicle, it is not a sin. But use and be sure NOT to overpay and pay the loan back early and keep paying into savings for the next one.
- Example of using KBB.
- Call of Proverbs is to seek and use wisdom.
- Credit cards ONLY if for asset protection, profit and if PAID completely every month.
- Asset protection.
- Requires self-control.
- Debt payback help ~ Destination #2
- Business loans – will it produce revenue without undue risk?
- Are you practicing these debt principles? Yes No I need to and will
VII. Biblical Principle Five: Save Regularly.
- Save regularly (follow the money map). Proverbs 6:6-8.
Are you saving regularly? Yes No I need to and will
- Seek wisdom ~ ask biblically grounded financially successful people for advice. In the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 15:22
Who will you ask wisdom from for your next big financial decision?______
Closing… Eph. 3:8 and how the unfathomable riches of Christ rescued us. Good Samaritan.
Did you learn? Will you practice?
Discussion Items and Questions for Home and Small Group-
Cover the questions in RED and share your answers. Pray for each other.