JULY 14, 2015


IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Gary Iverson, Councilpersons Mike Tobin, Lorri Housel and Dale Diegel and Tim Tharp, and employees Linda Burley and Phil Iverson.

Also in attendance: John McDonald , Toole County Commissioner Allan Underdahl

ABSENT: none

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

Lorri moved the minutes be approved as amended. Mike seconded and the minutes were approved 4-0.


Allan Underdahl: Commissioner Underdahl updated the council on plans by the BLM to remediate the problem of blowing alkali from the alkali lakebed. We have been lucky that the lakebed has been wet most of this year. BLM did an environmental assessment. They believe the most cost effective, realistic solution is to make a natural or manmade wind break. They are leaning toward placing large straw bales in several rows on the lakebed. It might require the use of a helicopter to place the bales. It has been suggested that they place the bales during the winter, when the lakebed is frozen. This will be an experiment as this is such a unique problem there is no data on the success of various possible solutions. Council feels the bale wind break is the most viable option and would support this natural material over something manmade. Several comments were made not wanting orange plastic fencing or other unattractive materials. Allen will relay to the BLM the council’s support of this windbreak. Allen asked if we could email him a copy of the minutes from tonight’s meeting.

John McDonald: Pat’s crew has submitted a work plan to the DEQ for a drinking water sampling. The DEQ required they do this. They are also doing a sampling of homes to look at how Swayze water differs, if at all, from the city residential water. The sampling will begin as soon as the DEQ approves the work plan.

They are also creating a work plan for the area where the Swayze line was replaced. Pat’s crew will be here all of next week. Monitoring wells are being installed south of Nancy Linnell’s house and to the west of the road, north of the church.

Chevron is still working on making the former Dangerfield/Suta property on Main Street into a community garden.


RESOLUTION 511-2014-2015 BUDGET AMENDMENT: Mike moved to adopt Resolution 511, thus amending the budget. Tim seconded the motion and it carried 4-0.

WINDOW REPLACEMENT ESTIMATE: Shelby Glass submitted a quote of $3500 to replace the windows in City Hall. Council asked Linda to get some more quotes. They asked that calls be made to other local glass shops, as well as TC Glass in Great Falls.


MOSQUITO & POOL SPECIAL MILL LEVIES: Council would like to have a special mill levy election for the mosquito control and the pool. The mosquito district is already in place, but in order to include everyone in the school district in the pool levy, a pool district would have to be set up. Linda was asked to see if this is possible. Mike moved we have a vote for a mill levy put on the ballot for $5,000 for mosquito control, to be assessed for 5 years. Lorri seconded and the motion carried.

Mike moved we levy $30,000 for the pool, to be voted on, contingent upon the whole school district being included. Tim seconded and motion passed unanimously.

CAMPER DUMPED ON CITY PROPERTY: The camper that was dumped by the lagoon by Tom Seymour has not been removed. Council discussed options to eliminate the dumping of items there. Scott Bye gave Phil permission to install a gate and lock access to the road.

POOL : The pool has a new roof. The Sunburst Pool Fund paid for it.

EMPLOYEE REPORTS: Phil reported that the gate going out to the lagoons is ready to install. The hard water well is working. He is planning on installing fencing around the water well as cows are doing damage to the wells.

VENDOR REPORTS: Claims list and payroll were reviewed. Mike moved to approve the vendor list for July 2015, Claims 2145-2192, Warrants 9839-9872 and electronic warrants -99646 through -99654. Lorri seconded and it passed 4-0.

Hearing no objections, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Iverson.

There will be a preliminary budget meeting on August 10th at 6:00 pm. The next regular meeting will be held on August 11th, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

______Gary Iverson, Mayor



Linda Burley, Clerk