Osceola Campus Faculty and Staff Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2009

Attendees:Eva Alipieva, Aryan Ashkani, Remy Ansiello, Anthony Beninati, Michael Bosley, Marie Brady, Diane Brown, Paul Chapman, Ron Colburn, Oscar Cuan, Steve Cunningham, Akos Delneky, Magdala Emmanuel, Ray Enger, Betty Fenner, Stephanie Freuler, Tami Gitto- Kania, Al Groccia, Sandra Guevara, Mark Guillette, Peggy Gunnell, Mary Hardaway, Christina Hardin, Donna Haskins, Jenny Hu, Shari Koopman, Pierre Lubold, Yesenia Marichal, John McFarland, Cynthia Miller, Kevin Mulholland, Teresa Nater, Carole Nevels, Elizabeth Park, Connie Parrish, Melissa Pedone, Christie Pickeral, Shawn Pollgreen, Stanton G. Reed, Todd Ribardo, Elisa Rivera-Boyles, Lila Rogers, Denise Ross, Deanne Rothman, Nelson Sepulveda, Sue Skambis, Jorge Soto, Jackie Starren, Angie Trutie, Ron Von Behren, Chris Weidman, Silvia Zapico.

Call to Order/Welcome:

-Dr. Silvia Zapico called the meeting to order.

-Announced that Osceola has reached 123% enrollment for the fall termwith an enrollment over 9,700 students.

-College night was a huge success! Transition Staff did an outstanding job with planning and organizing of this event, and it was heavily attended by students and parents. In fact, over 1,000 students signed in at registration and this does not include the parents and friends who came with them, which could have easily brought the attendance to 2,500 to 3,000.

-Dr. Zapico expressed appreciation for all of the fourteen years that she has shared with the Osceola Campus and the support and encouragement that everyone has given her from the campus.

Faculty Association:

-Interviews and campus forums for the Provost, Osceola Campus position were held yesterday at the campus.

- CDs of the forums are available in the Provost Office for viewing. In addition, the forums should be available on line for viewing and feedback by tomorrow.

Guest, Jamie Domres, Bookmark Buddies Program Manager, Education Foundation Osceola County:

-Jamie Domres gave a short presentation on the Bookmark Buddies Program with the Education Foundation Osceola County.

-This program is where third grade students improve reading and writing skills by mentoring with a tutor once a week for 30 minutes at one of Osceola County elementary schools.

-For more information [1] or contact Jamie Domres at


-The carpet in 12 classrooms (bldg. 1 classrooms and 2-219B) was installed over the weekend.

-Replacement of the roof on bldg. 1 is going well and a little ahead of schedule. Projected completion date was December 14, and has now been moved up to the end of November, if weather continues to stay dry. A temporary fence is located by bldg. A, and this is for short-term storage of roofing materials.

-Portable hand sanitizers- will be dispersed at the entrance of each building this week.

Academic Departments:

-Development Education Initiative (DEI - Gates Grant) Meeting will be Friday, October 16th from 1:00 – 4:00 pm West Campus: Bldg 11, Room 106.

- Al Groccia and Mia Pierre from Osceola Campus are working on the DEI.

-The class schedule for Spring 2010 is available on line for early registration of students beginning October 26th.


-Akos Delneky announced that New Testing Center Specialist – Daisy Hidalgo, started in the Fall 2009 semester and she works evenings and weekends.

-Library tutorials accessible at

1.)Get started with my research?

2.)Find a book using the online catalog?

3.)Find research articles using online databases?

-Library research databases

-Databases are found by going to the Osceola campus library homepage located at and clicking on the Databases button found in the Make A Connection section of the web page. A log in is required to access the library databases. Once you clicked on the Databases button on the home page, click on Login to Begin Research, select Valencia Community College from the drop down menu, and enter in your Borrower ID and PIN. Your Borrower ID is on the back of your Valencia ID card and the PIN is the last 4 digits of your VID.

-Career Insider (Vault) – contains career guides, company profiles and rankings, latest industry trends and issues

-Coin Career Library – includes several assessment tools to help students with -careers, provides occupational information, and videos about occupations.

-FMG on Demand (Films Media Group) – This database provides educational videos and video clips on numerous topics. It is a fully searchable by subject category, keyword, most recently added videos, and most viewed videos.

-New Acquisition of Library Titles Lists – The library changed the format of the new acquisition of library titles list by creating several lists that are grouped by subject category. The lists have a new look as they are now created in Microsoft Publisher.

Student Services:

-Career Advisors and an Academic Advisor are now available on a walk in basis for students to meet with Monday – Thursday from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Student Development:

-This semester the Osceola Student Development team decided to recognize our Student Leaders who consistently go above and beyond their assigned tasks. An idea for a Student Leader of the Month was created and I am proud to announce October’s Student Leader of the Month was awarded to Victor Miranda, a Welcome Team member, for his dedication to Student Development and initiative in working with Intramural Sports. Please congratulate Victor when you see him.

-This Thursday, October 15th come be a rock star at Matador Day! From 10am-2pm, behind Bldg 1, enjoy entertainment, music, prizes and food.

The MARS Club will be sponsoring the Monster Bash on Friday, October 23, 2009.

-The Osceola Platform Theatre Players will be performing the Dark Side of the Moon December 10 – 13, 2009.

Kurt Ewen, Director of Institutional Assessment:

-Kurt Ewen gave a presentation on the New Student Definition. The powerpoint presentation is attached.
