Test Correction Protocol
Reason/Problem Improvement Strategy
1. Read the question wrong. Thought it was asking something else. / a. Read more slowly/carefullyb. Underline key words in the question
2. Careless error / c. Check over work (see a & b)
3. The material was in my notes, but I didn’t remember it. / d. study class notes for test
e. use color to highlight while studying notes.
f. rewrite notes to organize information better.
4. The material was in the text, but I didn’t remember it. / g. complete all reading assignments
h. take notes while reading
i. study text and chapter notes before the test. (also see e)
5. The material was discussed in class, but I didn’t remember it. / j. take notes during classroom discussion
k. ask questions during class to clarify information. (also see d, e &f)
6. I didn’t understand this material. / l. reread appropriate sections of the text
m. mark confusing sections of text while taking notes on reading assignments to ask questions during class.
n. come in for extra help (also see k)
7. I didn’t know one of the words. / o. study vocabulary/key word list before the test.
p. ask teacher for clarification during the test (if not a content-related word).
8. I had no idea that this information would be on the test. / q. Review chapter objectives before test.
9. The material was in my handouts, but I didn’t remember it. / r. review/study handouts for the test (also see e).
10. The material was covered in my lab work, but I didn’t remember it. / s. review lab work before a test
t. make sure you understand the purpose and the results of each lab and data table (also see j).
11. I thought I knew/understood this material, but drew a blank. / u. when studying, do not just reread; practice retrieving information by answering questions or explaining answers.
Question # / Correct Answer / Reason that this answer is correct.
Explain the science concept; identify the theory; define the vocabulary term; show the required calculation; describe the phenomenon / Reason I missed this question.
Use the Test Correction Protocol to identify why you missed questions on the test. Do NOT say, “I didn’t know.”
To improve my grade on the next test, I plan to: ______
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Borrowed with permission from Debra Ward.
John T. Hoggard HS, Wilmington